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~~~Ice Palace, Gullfoss, Iceland~~~


Bella looked over the edge of the waterfall, "So, how do we get down there?" Carlisle shook his head, "Only I will go down. No one else was supposed to know about this place.."

Edward frowned, "Carlisle, I do not even hear someone down there. No thoughts, either."

"Just stay up here. And when I bring her, do not be rude, please." They all nodded.

"Can I come? If she sees me, she'll probably be more compelled to help," Ness said. Bella shook her head, "It's too dangerous for you down there."

"Bella, I assure you, the water won't touch us. Nessie should come." Edward nodded. Carlisle picked Ness up and jumped down.

Ness giggled as she saw the gleaming icicles that reached down like columns. There were ice sculptures of Gods from Norse mythology. Then, the palace.

Carlisle took one step onto the path, immediately knowing she was near.

"My dearest friend, I have come to you in need of help."

There was a gust of frozen wind. Carlisle put Ness down, then saw the giant ice door open. She walked out, and Carlisle smiled, "Loki."


They embraced, and then she saw Ness. "A hybrid child. The mother is anxious above." Carlisle grinned, "As always, all-seeing, my dearest friend." She scoffed, "And you wish for me to fight with you against the Volturi?" She said, her voice rising.

Ness winced at how loud her voice was.

Then, the old vampire grinned like the Cheshire cat, "Oh, I would love to! You do think of me, even in my old age, don't you, my companion?"

"Who else takes up my thoughts all of the time?" She giggled, "Darling, I have a present for you." Ness perked up, "What?"

"Look!" The snow shaped around and made a snowman, but it was a sculpture of Nessie.

"Wow! That's amazing!" She reached out to touch it, but it whooshed away. Ness smiled. It was an illusion.

"So, when do we see our dear Volturi friends? When the snow sticks to the ground, I believe," Loki said, winking.

"Yes, but how do we leave here?" Carlisle asked, looking up with his brows furrowed and a frown on his face. 

"I'm disappointed in you." Loki simply moved her hand to a flourish and all the water stopped flowing. It made a spiral staircase going up. They sped up, and the water returned to its normal flow.

Bella let out a breath of relief when she saw her daughter alive and well.

"So, this is your coven," Loki said. She looked over the members. "Ah, and your mate! Hmm. She is pretty. And smart, I'll bet. Good job, my friend," Loki said approvingly.

Esme smiled, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Esme. You must be—"

"Trixie," Loki said. Esme frowned. Carlisle shot her a look, and then Esme nodded. 

Carlisle knew that Loki wouldn't tolerate anyone other than her closest friends calling her by her true name. So, Trixie. It was short for Trickster.

"But isn't your real name—"

"I love your eyes," Alice said abruptly, interrupting Bella's trail of thought, which was about to end in her demise.

Untimely, of course.

The Trickster- Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now