History Won't Repeat(1)

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This short story is after the 20 year leap. This is how I imagine the first meet should go according to the current track.

Let's just skip to the mandap, scene in the promo where Prachi sees the face of Tashu's groom.

Prachi couldn't believe what she had just seen. Ranbir was alive, her Baklu was alive, right infront of her. But, he was the groom, marrying someone else. Prachi's emotions were a rollercoaster ride. In one moment she was happy, confused, sad, hurt. She had never imagined she would see her baklu again and definitely not like this.

Before she could understand and process anything, overwhelmed with everything Prachi collapsed.

Ranbir and Tashu rushed towards her but before them Ashok Tondon was by her side. Enraged with the situation staring right at Ranbir he spoke with greeted teeth, "stay the hell away from my daughter". Poorvi and Khushi came to their grandfather to help lift their mother and lay her on a couch near by. Khushi looked at her unconscious mother and then towards her father. All this time she considered her mother responsible for her father's death but her father was alive and is getting married with someone else.

Few minutes later after sprinkling  some water Prachi came back to her conscious. Seeing Ranbir again she recollected everything witnessed minutes ago came back. She looked at Ranbir and then at Tashu. She remembered all things Tashu mentioning about her "husband". She looked back at Ranbir this time with anger and disappointment in her eyes, she got up and walked straight towards him, caught his collar and questioned "why? Why did you do all this? If you had to leave me alone again, why did you comeback in my life? Why did you make all those promises of staying by my side? Why did you marry me again?

We were not together, if you wanted you could straight away go and be with her", Prachi said pointing towards Tashu. "If you already loved someone else, wanted to be with her why did you comeback in my life? Why did you cheat on me"?

"Ask these questions to yourself Prachi not me", said Ranbir. "It was not I who cheated but you. You loved Akshay and still you married me".

"What" questioned Prachi, she was hell confused to understand from where all this was coming from.

"Don't act as if you don't know anything Prachi. I saw you. How shattered you were at Akshay's 1 month death anniversary. Even one aunt said that he was your husband and you didn't try to correct her".

The missing piece of the puzzle was found and the whole picture was clear to everyone present.

"Wow. You will never learn anything from your mistakes, right Ranbir? First Siddhart now Akshay. Wow Ranbir just wow", spoke Prachi giving slow claps. "This is your love which you claimed is sacred and your life. Love without trust? If I loved Akshay, I would have never gotten married to you. And I was shattered for Akshay? Yes I was sad by his death, he was a good friend of mine. But with that you were also in jail and I couldn't do anything. There was news of the police van which you were in met with an accident and you were not to be found. How was I suppose to be? Happy? Dancing like I have won a lottery? I was pregnant Ranbir and I couldn't even celebrate Poorvi's coming. Because of your accident news. Because I won't see you again. Because you will never be there with me, with Khushi and Poorvi. I, alone had to not just handle my grief but be strong for our daughters. With such events how did you expect me to be Mr. Ranbir Kohli"? Asked Prachi is frustration.

Misunderstandings were getting cleared. Ranbir looked at Poorvi and then at Prachi with guilt and spoke "you were not in love with Akshay? You didn't cheat"? To which Prachi rolled her eyes with irritation. "I, I thought..."

"I don't care what you thought", yelled Prachi in frustration. "What you thought doesn't matter anymore to me or to anyone present here. You easily could  come to me and talk about it face to face but no as always you thought of drawing a wrong conclusion about me, then come crying with sorrys', tell me you will not repeat your mistakes, make me believe in all your words and then back to square point, you blame me again. Rhea said I am cheating on you with Sid you believed it, apologized, told me you will trust me but no, Sid said I was pregnant with his child you believed him and forced me to get married to him. Truth came out, again you apologized, again I forgave, again you made a promise to trust me and here we are. Now I am cheating on you with Akshay. What is the proof? I was sad during his DEATH anniversary and SOMEONE, I don't know who, said I was Akshay's wife".

Prachi sighed, raising her hands she calmly continued "but enough is enough now. I am breaking this cycle. You don't trust me fine. You don't love me anymore fine. You love someone else, you are happy with your wife good for you. But, I. DON'T. CARE. I don't care what you thought, what you saw or what someone told you. I just don't care. I have suffered enough but now, now I am free. I am free from all sadness, free from all the pain and free from all your memories".

Prachi turned towards Tashu and said "I apologize to you for the inconvenience caused on your wedding day because of me. I am really sorry. But the auspicious time is not gone yet. You can get married". Looking at Ranbir she continued "congratulations to you too Ranbir, sorry, Mr. Krishna Kakkar. I am happy for you both. Wish you both a happy married life", stating this she was leaving but Ranbir came out of his shock state and called out to her and said, "Prachi, please don't say all... I'm sorry... I didn't... Please".

"That's enough", spoke Ashok. "Didn't you hear what Prachi said? Didn't you hear what I told you? STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER. And, yes thank you for the invite. Now finally Prachi can move on and live happily instead of crying remembering you", saying this he pulled Prachi out of the venue followed by the two daughters and the rest of the family leaving behind a dejected Ranbir, unable to move ams speak in his defense.

How could he defend himself this time? He too knew, he messed up really bad and in the worst way possible.

Hello everyone!! Sorry for not updating for a very long time.

Just saw the recent promo and got some info on the current track, which put in a shock.

What are your thoughts on current track and about Ranbir, Prachi or Pranbir?

How do you think Khushi and Poorvi should react to Ranbir?

I'll update the part 2 of this chapter the soonest.

And about piece by piece story, as it has been a long gap I need to go through the previous chapters and I acn do this only during the next month as currently I have my exams. Very sorry to all the readers. But ill try to complete the whole story in the next month itself.

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