I Give Up (1)

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When Ranbir yet again doesn't trust Prachi and with his family decides to marry her off to Siddhart, Prachi decides to prove her innocence one last time.

Heartbroken hearing the decision taken and not having a say she quietly more like a dead corpse walked too her room. The only person who trusted her completely and new her fully Shahana her sister, her family and her everything followed her, this time without wasting time and words on Kohli's.

"you told me right that he said he loved me, he trusts me? Every is the trust? Where is the love"? Questioned Prachi in a broken voice.

"Prachi, he loves you....
"stop it Shahana. Atleast you don't lie to me. I've seen how much he loves me and how much trust he has on me. But enough now, no more. This time I'm going to clear everything ones and for all".
"what are you going to do? Everyones against you".

Before Prachi could give any reply her phone rang, on answering the call the person on the other side was quick to notice the pain in her voice. On being questioned by the worried voiced, she broke down and let out everything. It was in awhile who recognized her pain apart from her sister.

Preparations had begun. It was too early for anyone to work, but it was Rhea overexcited as finally the stone in her way towards her happy life would be thrown aside. She looked into every detail anyone who saw her work would consider her to be the perfect sister. Anyone seeing the preparation and decoration would assume there to be some massive celebration taking place in the house, yes it was a celebration for some, others confused, still figuring what was happening. And Prachi, marriage against your will only make one feel broken but she had no pain. It's rightly said after a point pain becomes habit, a part of life and that's what happened. She was not at all bothered with the things going around her.

The days passed by. Every ritual took place. Somewhere deep down Prachi only hoped some miracle too take place which will make Ranbir trust her, regret his acts and stop the wedding. But no. Ranbir showed his anger and envy towards Siddhart, for all the wishes and compliments given by the guest but not a slightest trust could be seen.

The wedding day arrived. The groom and the bride were seated at the altar, one had a helpless reaction and other, well, no one could decipher her feelings.

Siddhart:-"Prachi, I'm sorr..."
Prachi sternly cutting him of said, "don't be. This marriage is not going to be completed".
Siddhart was about to question her how will the said thing happen but before it could ask her a girl called out to him, he looked at the door from where the sound came. There were mixed emotions in him, happy, delighted, emotional and sad seeing his sister infront of him safe yet with several wounds.

Without wasting a single second he stood up and ran towards his little sister. He hugged her and kissed her head.

"how are you? These wounds, are they hurting too much? I, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to save you from all this"...
"it's hurting little bit but I'm fine. You don't have to be sorry".
"how come you are hear"?

He looked at the inspector, his friend Mahesh, and thanked him. But he had not filed any complaint nor shared his turmoil with anyone, so he questioned him, "how did you come to know about this"?
Mahesh:-"it's all because of Prachi, it's only because of her we could save your sister".

He turned to Prachi and thanked her, he remembered what she had just said, "This marriage is not going to be completed" and realization was drawn in him, she new everything but how? And why didn't she tell him? There were only questions in his mind.

Prachi understood the questions forming in his brain, of course, she was expecting all the reactions and this time was fully prepared for everything and anything coming in her way.

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