Promises (2)

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Pallavi was welcoming the guest, the overexcited aunt-niece duo were doing the last touch up of the decoration.

Ranbir was at the bar ordering his first drink. Aryan on seeing him went to stop him from drinking.
Aryan:-"stop drinking this before you turn into an alcoholic".
Ranbir:-"what you want me to do, enjoy this wedding, sing and dance for the bride and groom of the day? Prachi is getting married to that Sid".
Aryan:-"stop playing the victim card. This all is happening because of your actions. You instigated her to take this decision".

Ranbir:-"what did I do"?
Aryan:-"weren't you the one to question her character yet again? She was trying to prove you innocent. Yes, she was with Sid but Sahana too was with them. Why in the world they would take Sahana along with them if they wanted to spend some quality time. They might have gone to get some other proofs, or for some other reason".

Realisations drew in. He messed up again, "I shouldn't have listen to Rhea. God what have I done", his thoughts came out of his mouth.
"Rhea? Where did she come from"? Questioned Aryan

"she was the one to tell me that Prachi went out with Sid".
"and you believed her"?
"no. I didn't. But I did see them leaving together, and what happened months ago flashed infront of my eyes. I, I was just scared of the past repeating itself".

Aryan unbelievably:-"that was a misunderstanding and you had apologized for it right, so why". Taking a deep breathe he continued, "at this point Ranbir, instead of questioning Prachi, you should question yourself whether you love her or not".
Ranbir:-"you know that I love her and only her".
Aryan:-"then where is the trust? You are believing someone else over Prachi repeatedly".
Ranbir:-"scold me later on, just help me stop all this. Prachi took this decision in anger, she's going to regret this once she calms down".

Before Aryan could say anything they heard screams. Screams of a girl asking for help. They both ran towards the direction where the voice came from. They were shocked to see Mihika in a wounded and scared state.

Ranbir hugged her to calm her down, "it's okay, we all are here. Calmed down and tell what happened, who did this to you". Mihika didn't utter anything. She only repeated her brother's name. Ranbir called out to Siddhart, on hearing his shouts Aliya and Rhea reached the hall. They were stressed out seeing Mihika there, they were not at all prepared for this. Soon, Siddhart to once seeing Mihika was by her side.

Pallavi:-"Rhea what is all this? Mihika was your responsibility! How did all this happen"?
Aliya:-"how is Rhea suppose to know Pallavi, she was here the whole time".

Mihika:-"shut up! Just shut up! This is all because of her and you too are responsible. Both of you are evil, you never cared about your own blood, and why would you, you both do not even have humanity".

Siddhart scared of what Aliya might do tried to stop Mihika in blunting out the truth but she wasn't listening. She was letting out all her frustration and pain, telling them how bad they are. Only on Ranbir insistance she calm down and when asked she revealed everything, from she getting kidnapped, Siddhart being blackmailed to lie, Prachi secretly helping them, everything was out.

Every person standing there was shocked, pallavi walked towards Rhea and slapped her, hard enough for every guest to hear.

Pallavi:-"How could you do all this?
Rhea:-"mom, I did this for Ranbir and our baby".
Pallavi:-"you are not pregnant"!

Aliya and Rhea looked at each, they were sure that Pallavi is unaware of that and so thought it to be words said in anger.

Rhea continued her drama:-"I'm pregnant, how can you say that"?
Pallavi:-"stop it. No mother would do anything whatever you did to another mother and to her unborn child. Don't speak anymore lies, just speak the truth or I'm calling the cops, let them deal with you in their own ways".

Scared to go to prison she confessed everything, she begged for forgiveness, more like another opportunity to stay back to continue her evil games. She turned to Ranbir giving him explanations but he was least interested. Ignoring her, he sprinted towards Prachi's room, knocking on the door he called out to her, "Prachi, please open the door, please, I'm not forcing you to get married but please just open the door, I need to talk to you. If you don't open the door, I'll break it".

Prachi neither opened the door nor spoke anything. In those few seconds his mind created number of stories. He broke the door and saw no one. The wedding dress and jewelry were on the bed but Prachi no where in the room.

He looked for her on the terrace and other rooms but she was nowhere. He came back to the hall and question sahana and siddhart but they too had no clue.

Aryan tried to calm him down but in vain. Ranbir tried to phone Prachi but she didn't pick. He decided to go look out for her but before he left, he turned to Sid and said "call the cops and arrest these two no matter what anyone says. If you leave them Mihika might be in danger again".

Parking lot
His phone rang as he reached the car, it was Prachi's.
"Prachi! Where are you? I know you are really angry at me but please come back home"...
"Sir, it's not Prachi. Are you Ranbir"?
"yes, but who are you and where's Prachi? Give her the phone".
"sir, actually she has had a major accident and is admitted in Galaxy hospital".

Outside the OT Ranbir was pacing back and forth. The family asked him to sit but he didn't pay heed.

As the doctor came out the family questioned the doctor about Prachi condition, he took a deep breath and replied "it was a major accident, she has lost a lot of blood, it is a head injury so we can't tell anything as of now. Her reports will arrive soon, well let you know then".

"and what about the baby? Is it fine"? Questioned Sahana.
Doctor:-"you all are aware that the first 3 months of pregnancy are sensitive, and as I said this was a major accident, we are sorry to inform you but Mrs. Kohli has had a miscarriage".

Just that one line and all hopes of receiving forgiveness was disappeared. She had a complicated pregnancy, she was blamed, forced into a marriage and now her only happiness too was no more.

They were going through guilt handling their own grief and also thinking of how would they tell this to Prachi.

After some more time the doctor came out too speak to Ranbir and rest of the people standing there.

"Mrs.Kohli is fine", hearing these three words all present were happy, they thanked God for giving them a chance to rectify their mistakes but soon their happiness turned into confusion when the doctor continued and said, "make sure when she wakes up and yall talk to her, that you all are very careful in what you speak infront of her".

Ranbir:-"ofcourse doctor, we will not say anything to her that will make her sad".
Doctor:-"that's there but what I meant was don't say anything for which Mr.s Kohli has to put pressure on her brain to remember things".
Ranbir:-"what are you exactly trying to say"?
Doctor:-"due to the head injury she has had a memory loss. So I suggest to give her own time to recollect memories, do not force her".

Ranbir stood in the room, near the window looking at a sleeping Prachi, thinking about how wrong he was, how he let everyone insult Prachi and their child and the indirect taunts he himself gave. It brought tears to his eyes to even think how much torture Prachi suffered alone during these few months in her pregnancy. And now she lost the child and the memories of them.

Aryan entered and he kept his hand on Ranbir's shoulder and said "with time everything will be fine".

"How"? Cried Ranbir. "I have been dreaming to be a father and I lost my child, infact I too believed that child was not mine. And Prachi, I don't even know when she wakes up will she even remember me or what we had. And when she gets her memories back how am I going to tell her about the miscarriage? Even after recovery she'll face another trauma. I, I couldn't keep any promises".

Ranbir hugged Aryan and cried. Aryan just consoled him as he too didn't know what to say.

This update was after a very long time😅.

Hope y'all like it💖

The next short story I'll post it tomorrow.

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