The Power of Time(1)

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This is after Ranbir decides to run away with Khushi to another city.

What would happen if Ranbir was successful in doing so? How would Prachi handle all of this?

Normal day in Delhi with busy roads, cars honking, people shouting so as to reach their workplace. Seeing someone other side of the road the little girl screamed in excitement "Parvati" and ran towards her without seeing the vehicles.

Hearing the shouts Prachi looked up her phone, frightened that the girl might meet with an accident she went too her and helped her cross safely. "Are you fine? Why were you running on the road? Where are your parents"? Questioned Prachi with worry and slight anger.

But before the little girl could answer her family was next to her checking if she's hurt and hugged her once they were sure she was fine.

"If y'all cannot look after a child why have one"? They looked up to the voice in a slight shock. "Atleast y'all could teach her how to cross the roads and even if that was not possible keep her at home, that would be easy", she continued.

"sorry", the little girl said in a soft innocent voice. "It was not their fault. I was just too happy seeing you".

"Prachi ma'am" said the driver cutting of the child's words. She turned to him and he continued "ma'am the car is fixed". Prachi just gave a nod and was about to walk away but was stopped by the little girl.

She caught her hand and questioned "are you angry at me for running on the road"?
Prachi knelt infront of her and said, "no child, I'm not angry at you. But next time be safe. Don't cross the road alone".

"Then Parvati, why didn't you'...
"Parvati? Oh that's why you came running but child you might be mistaken I'm not Parvati. My name is Prachi", Khushi looked at her confused hearing it.

Prachi stood up, looked at Ranbir and Pallavi and continued "And you too, she might have mistaken me, she's little but you two should be careful".

"We didn't leave her on purpose but I understand why you are so worried. Next time we'll be more careful", pallavi replied. "Thank you so much for saving Khushi".

"You're welcome".
Pallavi stepped forward to give Prachi a hug but without noticing the gesture, Prachi walked away towards her car and drow away, leaving behind shocked and confused Pallavi, Ranbir and Khushi.

"Parvati is angry at me", cried Khushi. Hearing her sobs the Ranbir tried to console her, "no Khushi, your Parvati is not angry at you. She just said right, next time be careful", but in vain.

"No she is angry at me. For the past two month I never called her neither told her where I was going. She neither said bye to me nor gave me a hug", she stated.

Was Prachi really angry or has she given up on Khushi and moved on, Ranbir wondered. His thoughts were broken hearing Khushi's demand.

"I want to say sorry to her".
"Not now Khushi, next time. Now we'll go home".
"NO! I want to go now"!
"Fine we'll go now. Mom you head home, don't worry, I'll handle everything".

Ranbir and Khushi reached Prachi's office. They went to the receptionist to tell what they came for. "We want to meet Prachi", said Ranbir.

"Yes sir but you'll have to wait for an hour, Prachi ma'am is in the meeting", replied the receptionist.

Khushi felt more sad as she'll have to wait one hour long to apologize. Looking at that sad face Ranbir spoke, "Please we need to meet her, we'll take only 10 minutes. Tell her that Khushi wants to meet her".

"sorry sir, I can't do that. Ma'am is at a really important meeting. I cannot disturbe her".

Ranbir:-"but what if there was an emergency, wouldn't you tell her"?
Receptionist:-"if it was about the office then I would go to Akshay sir and if it's about her family only then I would disturb ma'am".
Ranbir:-"good then. We are her family, and this is an emergency so you can call her".
Receptionist:-"sorry sir, under her family there is only her grandmother and sister".
That hurt Ranbir a bit. But he was trying to persuade her but the receptionist spoke, "sir, I'm sorry. I can't help you. I am just an intern here and need to follow the rules. You can wait for one hour or take an appointment for tomorrow".

"we'll wait", said Khushi. "Papa, I'll wait for one hour. I don't want to wait till tomorrow". With a small smile Ranbir gave a nod and they sat on the bench".

After the long one hour wait, the receptionist told Ranbir they could meet Prachi. During this one hour Ranbir was pacing back and forth wondering how Prachi is going to react, what step she is going to take. Khushi was preparing how to apologize to Prachi.

Hearing that they could meet Prachi, they took a long breath and moved towards her cabin.

"Come in", said Prachi when she heard the knocks on the door.
Ranbir and Khushi walked in, Prachi looked up her laptop, with a slight confused expression she says, "you both? Please seat. What brought you two here"?

Khushi immediately spoke, "to apologize. I am really sorry Parvati", that made Prachi even more confused.
Ranbir interfered and said, "Prachi it's not Khushi's fault, it's all my fault, please don't be angry at her. I am the adult, I should have known".

Prachi's confusion was cleared, she realized for what they were apologizing, "of course it's your fault. I wouldn't be angry at your daughter, she's little. You should have been careful. But it's fine, just be careful next time".

Now it was Ranbir's turn to be confused, that's it, it's fine, be careful next time, is all she has to say he thought.

"There was no need for y'all to come all the way here to apologize and wait for so long", she continued.

Just then Akshay entered in haste, "Prachi, please come to dad's cabin, it's urgent, he wants to discuss something on the new project".
"yes I'll come first let me complete this work", replied Prachi pointing towards Ranbir and Khushi. That's when Akshay noticed them.

"Why are they here? I mean what work do you have with them"?
"They came to apologize. Actually earlier this morning, Khushi ran across the roads, and I happened to be little angry at their carelessness".

Ranbir's confusion was cleared. She misunderstood the reason. Khushi to tried to speak and clear things, but Akshay spoke before she could.

Akshay:-"Prachi I know it's not a small thing but it's neither that big too. Forgive them and please come to dad's cabin".
Prachi:-"I already did. Infact there was no need for them to come here, I wasn't that angry".
Akshay:-"good so now come with me now".
Prachi:-"I'll come, but let me finish with this meeting properly, why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden"?
Akshay:-"me? In a hurry? No, no. I'm just saying to be quick cause it's urgent. You know how dad is, everything should be on perfect time, nothing late. That's why".
Prachi:-"okay, fine. I'm coming. Just a minute though".

"Sorry, I'll have to leave, it's an urgent meeting. And yes, I'm not angry on anyone, just be little more careful next time", said Prachi and removed to chocolates from her drawer and gave it to Khushi and was leaving. Ranbir looked at her strangely.

"you go, I'll see them off", Akshay said while Prachi left.

Akshay:-"so you two can leave now".
Khushi:-"but uncle I want to say sorry, Parvati misunderstood us. We came to say sorry because of..."
Cutting her off Akshay smiling sweetly said "I know. But you don't need to Khushi. Prachi is not angry at anything", then looking straight at Ranbir he continued "everything is handled, and now everything is completely fine".

The second part of the story will be posted soon😄.

Let me know what y'all think is the reason behind Prachi's different behavior.

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