truth or dare (guro reiten)

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the girls were having a team bonding night at sammy k's, millie's, and guro's house and they had sent a text on the group.



Sammy: hey girlsss team bonding at
mine, mills and guros tonight come around at anytime you want/can, see you then 🙉

Niamhy: will be there 😙

defo going 😉: Y/N

guro liked your message 🩷

Mills: guro why are we liking y/n's messages? 😏

fuck off millie 🥰:Y/N

replying to Millie's message:
Guro 💞: Jesus Christ it's not that
big of a deal millie.

Mills: you didn't answer my
question though did you?

replying to y/n's message:
Jessie: watch your language missy

sorry mum :Y/N


end of messages.

after texting the girls i went and got myself ready. I straightened my hair but I am literally so bad at choosing what to wear so I called my England teammate alessia to help me choose.

on the call with alessia:

Y/N:hey less

ALESSIA: hey everything okay?

Y/N: yeah I just need help with choosing what to wear and there is someone I want to kind of impress but it's just going to their house so nothing fancy.

ALESSIA: oooo who is this lucky person?

Y/N: it's my Chelsea teammate - guro reiten.

ALESSIA: omg, okay. Show me the options.

shows less the options.

ALESSIA: defo the second option, like it's cute and simple but not too simple and not too fancy.

Y/N: okay! Thank you so much less you're a life saver!

ALESSIA: of course, let me know if you need anything else and tel me how it goes with gurooooo.

Y/N: I will! Bye, love you.

ALESSIA: bye, love you too.

the call with alessia ends and y/n gets changed into the outfit.


I'm on my car almost at the girls' house but I cannot get guro off my mind.

I've just pulled up to their house and parked I approach their house and knock three times on the wooden door.

I'm met with the door being opened by Sam.

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