Chapter 9: Need help?

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I silently mutter curses at my sister and her careless behaviour, how could she do something so reckless which could affect another person? Let alone affect her family!

I stop the car and pull out my keys, my eyes narrowing at the many firemen standing outside my once beautiful house. Oh my fucking god.

I slam the door open, my steps telling a story of anger as I storm to the brunette holding my dog. Before I could even get to the stupid bitch Ron, my large Doberman, turned his head, his tail immediately wagging when he saw me.

I stop in my tracks, feeling my face soften at the sight of my big baby. If something had happened to him tonight I don't know what I would have done. I sighed, slowly walking over while keeping my head down.

"Caroline..? Caroline, tut mir so leid! bitte, Schwester, es tut mir so leid... Du kannst bei mir übernachten! AJ stört das nicht-"

Caroline, I'm so sorry! Please sis I'm so sorry... You can stay over at mine! AJ doesn't mind

I ignore my sister as she speaks to me in a panicked tone, nudging her husband AJ like he's meant to help. I glance up at them and cross my arms as my sister begs for forgiveness and her husband stands there awkwardly with a hand behind his neck.

"Amelia, shut the fuck up! Look what you did! Do you even remember how long it took me to get that house? Do you not remember my happiness when I came to you 4 months ago to tell you I got this house?" I yell, prodding my finger against her chest harshly before her husband pulls her closer to him. I narrow my eyes as my sister goes full-on silence mode.

"Enough, it was an accident, we will get you a new house and pay you back," AJ said calmly, almost as if he didn't burn my house down to a crisp because they left the stupid fucking oven on.

"Fine," I mumble as I pull Ron closer to me. "Don't expect me to come with you, I don't want to see either of you until I can own another house.." I mutter as I quickly walk off, opening the back of my door and letting Ron happily jump in the back as if he's going on a walk.

I let out a long sigh, trying to stay calm as I sat in the front seat of my car.

What am I going to do now...?


I sit in the front seat, Ron sleeping comfortably in the back. I look out at the dark streets, slightly anxious at those who roam at this time, normally I couldn't care less but something about this entire situation put me on edge.

A sudden bright light illuminated from inside my bag, causing me to slowly reach out towards it and grab ahold of my phone. A message, from Issac?

Strange for him to message me outside of work hours, especially at this time...


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