Chapter 5: My First Day

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I sit there. All alone. Tears escape through my eyes as constant snowflakes fall from the cruel sky. Instinctively I curl up, savouring my warmth as I hug my knees to my chest. I won't die like this... I had worked so hard to get away, to live a normal life. But now... It may be over.

I stay still for what seems like forever, my eyes dull and face stained from tears as I sit motionless under a street bench. I hear distant chattering. I see the shadows of a mother and daughter. I smell freshly made food from the restaurant approximately 30 seconds away.

The shadows get closer. And closer.

Until they stop.

I look up, my body shaking violently from the cold before soft hands pull me out from under the bench, soft blue eyes looking into my green ones.

"Oh, such a poor thing.." I hear the mother say quietly, a frown heard even in her voice before she turned her head to the young child next to her. The child seemed around 12, older than me.

My vision slightly blurs as a language foreign to me is spoken.

"Amelia, könntest du bitte den Mantel aus Mamas Tasche holen?

"Amelia, could you please get the coat from Mama's bag?"


I wake up in a cold sweat, my eyes wide as I try to shake off the memory of that day. It could be considered the best day of my life but in dream form, it was just an endless nightmare and reminder of the years before that day.

My hand finds my hair, slicking my golden hair out of my face as I stand. This is the second day in a row I had to wake up to that shit dream and I'm already fed up. Doesn't help I start today working for that asshole, 'Issac', like really?

With hesitation I stand from my bed, taking a large stretch before making my way to the bathroom and hopping into the shower. I let out a sigh as hot water sprays on my skin. This is the best feeling in the existence of the world, you cannot tell me otherwise...

After around 15 minutes of bliss, I get out, put a towel around me and brush my teeth.

I have quite a simple in the morning; Shower, brush my teeth, get changed, do makeup and then leave. I've been trying to lose some weight for the last few months though, so I've not been having breakfast or lunch which is fine for me. As long as I have dinner because I normally make some really good shit which I can make healthy. I know it's not healthy but nobody's going to stop me, are they?


I was halfway through putting on my mascara when Ron, my dog, came in. I couldn't help but grin.

"Come here, my big boy!" I say with a chuckle as he runs to me, his tail wagging. He just woke up; I'll get my sister to take him on his morning walks now I won't be able to now until the pressable future.

I smile as I look into the mirror to continue the finishing touches of my appearance, Ron gently places his large Doberman head on my thigh as I continue.

My hand softly pats the strangely placed fluff on his head as I look myself over. I look down at the brown eyes of my dog. Huh...kinda reminds me of Issac's eyes... but weirdly Issac's eyes were much more complicated than that. His eyes told a story... A story which is secret yet just within arms reach. 

I brush off the thought, giving my dog a small pat before lifting his head and standing up. He gets up, tail wagging as he runs to the kitchen. I sigh, rolling my eyes as I grab my bag and follow my dog who sits near his food bowl eagerly.

"I swear you only use me for food you big baby," I said with a quiet giggle, putting his dog food in the bowl as he stared at it like a god.

"Go on," I said, permitting him to eat as I walked to the front door. I hear his tail wagging from here still which made me smile. He's such a good boy...

And as I open the door, I take a deep breath in for preparation, this is going to be one boring day.


Opening the door to Issac's office I see he is already there, the sounds of a keyboard sounding my ears. He glances up at me, his eyes lingering before lowering down to his work.

"Your office is outside; I'll send an email if I wish for you to schedule meetings." He grumbled. Now that I think about it... I'm starting to hear a slither of an Italian accent perhaps? Or maybe I'm just imagining things.

I close the door quietly to not disturb him and look over at the desk which was situated by the large window. As I sat I couldn't help but look over the beautiful view of London. I could never get used to a view like this if only it didn't cover the truth about this city and all its flaws and shady areas. Then again, all cities have their bad parts do they not?

I clear my throat quietly, I doubt anything could go wrong with such a simple job like this.

I pull my hair back ever so slightly as I adjust the items in my bag, pulling my Heckler & Koch VP9 to the bottom in my bag just in case some nosy bitch peeks over and screams 'Oh my god it's a gun!!!'

I close my bag and look over to the computer which stands proudly on my circular desk. The computer seemed very modern and was truly a beauty if I don't say so myself.

My hands softly hover over the keys, this computer must be amazing to hack into!

Before I could continue my little fan girl session the sound of a small voice caught my attention.

"...Are you brother's new assistant..?" 

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