Chapter 6: Agnese

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Chapter's song: Miss Independent


I looked down at a child who stood by my desk, clearly full of energy, her appearance immediately rang a bell.

Was this the one and only sister I've heard very little about?

She carried the same appearance as Issac, her eyes a deep brown and her hair black, however, she wore no glasses. Guess she didn't get the bad eyesight gene?

"Hello young one," I started with a smile, "I'm Caroline your brother's new assistant! You can call me Carol if you want?" I said in a low calm voice, trying not to perhaps scare the young one as I crouched down to her height.

"Okay, Miss... My name is Agnese, can you play with me...?" The young child asked in a petite voice which officially melted my heart. This girl was adorable!

I smile softly, my hand ruffling her hair gently to make her feel more comfortable.

"Of course! As long as we stay here, okay?" I say, having no idea of what I can do or where I can go without getting in trouble. Who knows, maybe this dude is a sensitive prick who doesn't trust his sister out the office?

"Okay!" The young girl said in an innocent voice, my brow raised as I saw her crawl under the new desk assigned to me. I look at her awkwardly.

The young girl's eyes scan the room, searching for people before speaking.

"Come on! This is our secret base!" She says, her voice quiet as if she's telling a mild-blowing secret. I can't help but smile at the innocence of the child, she seems so content and happy, a thing I never had the chance to have until I was 9.

I let out a low chuckle, pushing down my skirt slightly as I took a seat.

"Ooo~ very secret!" I shout-whispered to her which caused her to smile happily.


Me and Agnese have been 'playing' secret agent for what seems like hours now, constant laughter coming from the child as she makes up wild scenarios. Yes, I may have died and been brought back to life in around 5 of them but who cares?

I was halfway through speaking to her before I felt a presence behind me, an oddly intimidating presence which caused shivers down my spine.

"Miss Wren? Feeling comfortable on the floor there?" I hear a condescending voice say as I turn my head to see Issac. Issac fucking Luton with his smug as fuck expression. 

"Seems it is, sir," I muttered, trying to sound less irritated than I was as I gave him a polite smile and stood.

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