Chapter 1: A Favour [edited]

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Chapters song: 'My Alcoholic Friends'


I let out a small sigh, my glass of Jägermeister resting snuggly in my hand, I can't remember having a good break from the organization for maybe a year. There have been a lot of troubles this year, which of course isn't a surprise with society growing more complex the more we advance. It's quite scary if you think about it, back in my day my friends and I weren't even allowed to use any technology. Now you see drooling toddlers holding a tablet mindlessly while their parents walk in the street. Can't they entertain their kids with something healthier?

I grimace slightly at the thought of kids, God they're annoying as fuck and so disgusting. I can't help but feel bile reach my throat at their boogie and spit-covered chubby hands.


Within a second my head snaps around, my eyes darting... entrance. Nobody.

I turn my head over to the bathrooms; a large window should be there; it is large enough to jump through if an accident were to happen. Nobody.

I shrugged the feeling of alert off my shoulders, it was somebody passing by surely. I take a small swig of my drink, a soft burning feeling running down my throat.

That's when I heard an almost teasing 'tut' behind me... The voice behind it sounded very familiar.

"Caroline, es ist erst ein Tag her und du bist aus dem Spiel?"          Caroline, it's only been a day and you're off your game?

Something in my mind clicked instinctively as I heard the smooth and smug voice of my boss behind me. I internally cringe as I clear my throat and turn to look over at her, a small smile plastered on my face as I see her. She's wearing a suit like always and takes a seat next to me.

I let out a soft chuckle, not only was she my boss but also my family... (Well not biologically but that's not what is important)

"Ah sister, what a pleasure to meet you!" I say with a smile, my usual cold and feared expression melting away. Her large sapphire eyes look down at me, so bright and innocent it's sort of shocking she can run such a scary business.

"So..." She gives me a small cheeky smile.

I don't give her time to carry on as I interrupt without a second thought. "Oh god, what has happened this time?"

I watch for a good minute as she stumbles over her words, I raise an eyebrow and hover my index finger over her lips for her to be silent. She has had this problem since we were young, and it only happens when she's nervous.

Something is happening and it's not good.

"Speak slowly," I recommended calmly and softly, watching as she slowly sank into the bar stool next to me.

There's a long pause, the tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a butter knife...

Ameilia, my boss and sister, takes a deep breath, her eyes avoiding direct contact with mine.

"...I need a favour..." I hear her mumble lower than I thought was possible.

Huh, guess this is the end of my little holiday?

"Of course, sister," I say with a soft and encouraging smile, she may be the oldest but to me, she's more like the little baby of the family.

I watch as her eyes dart down at me nervously, god I haven't seen her this nervous since she got pregnant 2 years ago- wait...

"Are you pregnant again girl? You horny little-"

"NO! God never again, me and AJ didn't have good sleep for months," she said with a chuckle, there you go. A smile. Hopefully, that loosened her up a bit.

I see her smile slowly fade as our quiet laughs die down, her eyes speaking words.

I sighed.

"I do any job; you already know that right?"

"I know Cal... It's just..." I raise an eyebrow, giving her a subtle nod.

"Someone hacked into our computers...this rich CEO cunt got a shit ton of our information, Cal we need the best of the best..."

She looks up at me, her anxious presence suddenly making so much sense now.

"We don't know how much of a threat he is right now," Amelia mumbled as she re-adjusted her small tie. "We don't know who he works for but if he works for..." She takes a long pause, "Well... you know... we think he may have associations with the Italian mafia... if he is and shares our information..." She paused again.

"Our entire organization could be destroyed, everything we worked for will be gone..."

I hear her last words slowly fade as tears gloss over her eyes.

I look up at her, my hand going to her cheek as my thumb wipes over her tear.

"I'll do it, sis, don't you worry your little head about it," I said with a small laugh, her sensitive side showing probably way more than she would have liked.

I wonder how this will go.

Meaning of their names:

Caroline: free man

Amelia: work, industrious

AJ: Powerful; Complete 

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