Chapter 10 - The Birthday That Bled

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Mid-shower, the realization struck: her birthday had arrived. With each droplet cascading down her skin, the urgency intensified, her hunger gnawing relentlessly and the pain pulsating with every beat of her heart. Despite Star's penchant for slumber, she couldn't fathom how her friend resisted the primal urge to succumb to the transformation.

Amber emerged from the shower, her hair enveloped in a towel, another draped around her as she strode towards the dresser. The sound of commotion caught her attention, and she turned to find the boys gathered at the door, eyes wide.

With a chuckle, she remarked, "I suppose you've had your fill of me these past few days." As she dressed in flowing purple pants and a white vest, the boys' disappointment was evident. David stepped forward, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Turn around, pet," he instructed, and she complied, allowing him to blindfold her. "Kinky" she quipped, eliciting laughter from the room. "Follow me," David said, leading her by the hand, with Dwayne trailing behind, as they made their way to the living room.

As the blindfold was removed, "Okay take it off" Stars sweet voice echoed.
To her astonishment, the room was adorned with vibrant purple and red flowers, cheerful banners, and a sign that whimsically read "happy birthday," with "birthday" crossed out to read "death day." Overwhelmed with joy, she laughed, feeling incredibly touched by the thoughtful surprise. Her favourite drinks and foods were laid out, a testament to the care and attention of her friends. In that moment, Amber felt truly seen and loved her heart brimming with happiness.

After a few hours of revelry and dancing, with drinks flowing and laughter filling the air, it was time for Laddie to retire for the night, guided by Star's playful hand. Meanwhile, Amber brimmed with anticipation, having eagerly awaited this moment for weeks—the completion of her transformation into a full-fledged vampire.

With resolve in their hearts, they embarked on their journey, riding out towards the Boardwalk, ready to embrace the next chapter of their immortal lives.
With unwavering determination, they embarked on their journey, Amber clinging to David as they raced toward the Boardwalk on his motorcycle, poised to embrace the next chapter of their immortal existence.
"You ready to join us, Pet?" David's voice resonated with anticipation.
"Of course, I love you," she murmured into his ear during the ride, though her hesitation was evident.

Paul accelerated to match her speed, offering encouragement, "I was nervous my first time too, but you've got this. Think of it as a game."
"I don't think that's helping," Dwayne interjected. "Consider it an offering; they're sacrificing their brief lives for your eternal companionship."
"Yeah, it becomes easier as you age," Marko added.

Though still uncertain, Amber found solace in their words. She knew this was her destiny—to become a vampire, forever bound to her companions.

As they strolled along the boardwalk, Amber, Dwayne, and Paul exuded contagious laughter and excitement. Arm in arm with Dwayne, Amber skipped lightly, relishing the joyous atmosphere as they made their way through the crowd.

Meanwhile, Marko's mischievous streak surfaced, prompting him to dart into a nearby comic shop, much to the amusement of the others. "He just can't resist messing with them," Paul chuckled.

Curiosity piqued, Amber followed Marko into the shop, only to find him playfully teasing a couple of younger boys. Sensing their discomfort, she intervened, gently pulling Marko away. "Come on, let's leave them be. They're just kids," she urged, casting a reassuring glance at the boys.

Unfazed, Marko teased, "I just wanted a little taste," in his characteristic intimidating manner, before sauntering off. Turning her attention back to the boys, Amber inquired if they were alright, only to be met with defiance. "We don't talk to vampires," one of them retorted.

Amber, undeterred by their bravado, couldn't help but tease back, noting their impressive knowledge of vampires. "Well, you seem to know quite a bit. Are you the Frog Brothers?" she quipped, amused by their apparent expertise. With a dismissive wave, the taller boy asserted, "Yeah, we know everything. Now leave. "The boys had mentioned they were wan be vampire hunters. Taking the hint, Amber bid them farewell, impressed by their confidence but unswayed by their bravado.

Amidst laughter and carefree banter, David impulsively leaped onto the carousel, pulling Amber up behind him. Her laughter echoed through the air as they wove through the crowd, their mere presence both intimidating and captivating to onlookers.

As they strolled around the merry-go-round, a sinister figure abruptly seized Amber's face, his words dripping with malice. "I can show you a good time," the grimy surfer sneered. Before anyone could react, Dwayne intervened, shoving the man away. Chaos erupted as the surfer's companions joined the fray, instigating a violent confrontation with the boys.

In the heat of the moment, she lashed out, her fist connecting with the assailant who dared to lay hands on her. The man stumbled, inadvertently colliding with the rotating carousel. Suddenly, a baton snaked around Amber's neck, tightening with alarming force as a hulking security guard loomed over her, his grip unyielding.

The skirmish ground to an abrupt halt as the boys bristled with fury, their eyes ablaze with a primal urge for retribution, poised to unleash their wrath upon anyone who dared to harm their own.

"That's hardly chivalrous behaviour," Amber remarked, her struggles ceasing as she reluctantly raised her hands in surrender.

As the man restrained her, Amber felt a surge of intense anger boiling within her. She could sense the pulsating rhythm of his blood coursing through his veins, tempting her primal instincts. Despite her inner struggle, she fought to resist the urge to give in to her instincts.

"I told you to stay off the Boardwalk" the security guard reprimanded sternly.

"Fine, let's go, boys," She declared with a smug grin as the guard released her grip. With purposeful strides, they vanished into the night, knowing they had found their mark.

As the night descended into an eerie darkness, the once vibrant boardwalk lay eerily silent, its neon signs extinguished one by one. A palpable sense of dread hung heavy in the air, punctuated only by the haunting echo of the security guard's solitary footsteps, his path leading him towards the desolate car park.

Suddenly, the stillness was shattered by the chilling sound of menacing laughter emanating from the shadowy figures lurking nearby. Panic gripped the guard as he quickened his pace towards his vehicle, the ominous laughter drawing closer with each passing moment.

Just as he reached for the safety of his car door, a powerful force seized him, wrenching him away with terrifying strength as the metal door was torn from its hinges, sending him hurtling through the air. Trembling with fear, the guard found himself face to face with Amber, a sinister figure looming over him, flanked by her menacing entourage.

With bated breath, the guard quaked in terror, realizing he was at the mercy of these malevolent beings, his fate hanging precariously in the balance as he awaited their judgment with mounting dread.

Amber's voice pierced the silence as she leaned over the quivering form of the security guard. "Your sacrifice is appreciated," she murmured with sincerity before her fangs descended, sinking into his vulnerable flesh.

One by one, her companions followed suit, their hungry jaws tearing into the guard's neck as they mercilessly drained the life from his trembling form. The air was thick with the sickening scent of blood and fear as the guard's life force ebbed away, leaving behind nothing but a hollow shell, a mere vessel for the insatiable thirst of the vampires who had claimed him as their prey.

Returning home, she was engulfed by a fleeting wave of remorse for the grisly act she had committed. Yet, the remorse swiftly dissipated amidst the jubilant cacophony of the boys' revelry echoing through the halls.

As if sensing her inner turmoil, Star approached, enfolding Amber in a reassuring embrace. "You're one of them now, you can be with them forever." Star whispered, casting a meaningful glance toward the boisterous gathering before them.

With those words, her doubts melted away, replaced by a profound sense of acceptance, and belonging. Embracing her newfound vampire nature, she joined the festivities with renewed vigour, revelling in the eternal bond she now shared with her companions.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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