Chapter 5 - The Conversation That Opened Doors

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Returning home shortly before dawn, Amber ascended the stairs to her bedroom, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her.

Excitement and a sense of adventure coursed through her veins as she lay on her bed, gazing up at the ceiling. "All the stories are real," she mused to herself, the gravity of her new knowledge settling in. It felt surreal to be among the select few who knew without a doubt that vampires existed. With a new sense of purpose, she closed her eyes and surrendered to a deep sleep.

Hours later, she stirred, feeling the cool embrace of moonlight and the gentle glow of stars bathing her room. "It must be late," she thought, opening her eyes to the ethereal scene.

Glancing at the alarm clock on her bedside table, she noted the time: 19:47. A chuckle escaped her lips as she realized she had slept for a solid twelve hours.

She lay there for a moment, her mind swirling with thoughts of the profound changes that had occurred since becoming tethered to four men, each of them vampires. They had explained that such a bond was a natural occurrence among closely-knit vampire covens, serving to quell internal discord and envy.

Determined to make the most of the remaining hours, she slipped into a set of comfortable red underwear and bra, followed by a large, oversized T-shirt that cascaded off her left shoulder. With a swift motion, she gathered her unruly hair and secured it messily with a clip, ensuring it stayed out of her face as she moved about the house.

As she was getting into the groove of dismantling the dining room table, the faint roar of bike engines pierced through the sounds of Bon Jovi blaring on vinyl. Amber's grin widened, her movements infused with the infectious energy of the music Paul had declared as one of his favourites. With a burst of excitement, she set down her tools, danced her way to the front door.

David's strong knocks reverberated through the hallway as she approached, catching sight of the other boys laughing behind him. Opening the door, she feigned innocence, saying, "Hello, can I help you?" as if she had no inkling of who they were. The boys' faces momentarily registered surprise before breaking into laughter as they realized she was teasing.

Amidst the laughter, Dwayne leaned casually against the door frame. "Well, are you going to invite us in, Darling?" he inquired with a playful smile. "What do I get if I did?" Amber teased back, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"You can have just about anything you desire," Paul whistled appreciatively, his gaze lingering on her form.

"Yeah, you look hot!" Marko chimed in enthusiastically.

A flush of embarrassment tinged her cheeks as she realized she might appear dishevelled, causing her to blush a deep shade of red. "You look perfect," David reassured her, his words instantly putting her at ease.

"Very well, you may come in," Amber smiled graciously, welcoming them into her home.

Stepping inside, David began, "Wow, this place is—"

"A mess," She interjected with a self-deprecating chuckle. David joined in, "Maybe a little. Is this your house?"

"Well, yes, but I'm only getting it ready to sell. It was my mother's, but she passed away," Amber explained, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and resignation.

The boys exchanged looks of sympathy, their expressions conveying their condolences. "Sorry to hear that," Dwayne offered, leaning against the brick wall of the fireplace.

"It's okay," Amber replied softly. "We hadn't spoken in four years."

"Bad mother?" Paul queried, idly flipping through the stack of vinyl records.

"Yeah, drug addiction," She responded quietly, her admission hanging heavy in the air, surprising the boys with its raw honesty.

Sensing the mood had dipped, Marko decided to inject some levity into the moment. With a playful grin, he walked over to her, scooping her up over his shoulder. "Well, you have us now!" he exclaimed cheerfully, twirling her around. "Marko, put me down!" She laughed, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks as she realized her red panties were on display.

"We're certainly enjoying the view," David chuckled, joined by the others in teasing camaraderie.

Marko finally set her down on the couch, and Amber hastily pulled down her oversized shirt to cover herself, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

Breaking the moment, Dwayne settled in behind her, pulling her close. "So, are you not going to stay after you sell the house?" he asked, a hint of worry in his tone, before gently releasing her hair and running his fingers through it.

Amber let out a weary sigh. "Well, I couldn't afford this place on my own. I was only supposed to stay until it sold," she explained, a sense of uncertainty tingeing her words.

Meanwhile, David occupied the other end of the couch, lifting Amber's legs onto his lap. "So, where will you go?" he inquired softly.

"Now, I'm not so sure. It's weird, but I don't think I could ever leave you guys," she admitted, her eyes fluttering closed as David's nails trailed lightly up her shins.

"You could come live with us?" Marko's voice floated across from the other couch. He was comfortably nestled between Paul's legs, leaning back against him. Amber couldn't help but notice the ease with which they occupied that space, a silent understanding evident as Paul absentmindedly twirled a lock of Marko's hair.

Caught off guard by the offer, she hesitated, unsure how to respond. "Well, you could. There are a few rooms suitable for humans, complete with heating, beds, and a bathroom," David chimed in, his voice reassuring.

"Yeah, we installed them not long ago when Laddie and Star started living with us," Dwayne added, providing further context.

"Laddie and Star?" Amber queried, her curiosity piqued.

"Laddie is Star's kid brother. He's ten," Dwayne explained, "and Star is pretty cool. We took her in a while back after they lost their parents."

"I'm sure you'll get along just fine," Paul reassured with a supportive nod.

"It'll be a relief not to be the only girl around," Amber remarked, her voice carrying a hint of anticipation. "So, are they vampires as well?"

"No, they're half-vampires," David clarified. "Yeah, Laddie accidentally drank from a bottle of vampire blood while the rest of us were sleeping," Dwayne added, a touch of sorrow colouring his tone.

"That's terrible. Will he never grow up without having to, you know, kill people at just ten years old?" Amber expressed her concern, her brows furrowed with worry.

"Not as long as we can keep him as a half-vampire," David reassured, his tone gentle. "He'll still grow up normally as long as we prevent him from feeding and completing his transition."

"The only issue now is that Star is adamant about finding a cure and turning herself and Laddie back," Paul remarked, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"She's only looking out for her brother," Amber said with a firm tone.

"Sorry," Paul mumbled, chastened, his gaze dropping to the floor.

David couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange. "Looks like you could help get Paul to do as he's told," he teased, earning laughter from the group.

"Well, I guess I have my answer," she said, a smile playing on her lips. "I'll pick out my room tomorrow night."

"We can help you with the house," Dwayne offered. "Looks like it's mostly cleared out and ready to sell."

The rest of the boys readily agreed to help, and Dwayne and Marko wasted no time in getting up and starting to dismantle the table. With their supernatural strength, the task proved effortless.

Meanwhile, Paul tried to lend a hand, but his efforts only added to the chaos as he cranked up the music and danced around them, his moves injecting a playful frenzy into the scene.
"This is one of my all-time favourite albums!" Paul shouted over to her.
"I remember! That's why I insisted on playing it!" she laughed, watching his impromptu dance party amidst the dismantling of furniture.

Amber laughed heartily from her perch next to David, his arm draped casually around her shoulder, her legs still resting on his lap.

Paul stops dancing as "Raise Your Hands" by Bon Jovi comes on the record player. "I love this song!" he exclaims, spinning to the intro and launching into a dramatic air guitar solo, singing, "Well now that we are together, show me what you can doooo!" He moves over to Amber, pulling her up to dance as he sings, "Out on the run, under the gun," with the other boys joining in, making her laugh. "Raise your hands!" he shouts, spinning her around as Marko comes over headbanging, and Dwayne smirks, grooving along. All of them sing along, "Under the gun," as she jumps and sings with them. David sits on the sofa, shouting the line, "All right, let's go," watching and laughing.

On the riff, Amber spins into Paul before pulling him into an energetic kiss. He's surprised but kisses back as the others cheer and clap. As he starts dancing again, he spins her, and Dwayne grabs her, lifting her up so she can raise her arms higher with the lyrics. The song ends, and Dwayne kisses her gently as he puts her down.

"I could definitely get used to this," she says, flashing a warm smile up at David. His response is a gentle smile as he pulls her back onto his lap, kissing her firmly, a sense of relaxation evident in his aura, one she hadn't seen before. "So could I," he smiles.

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