Chapter 1 - The house that broke

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The salty ocean breeze caressed Amber's face as she navigated the familiar roads leading to the beach town, she once called home. A sombre veil hung over the day as she made her way back to the house where she spent her childhood. At 21, she had long left behind her drug-addicted mother at 17, yet the news of her passing weighed heavily on her heart. Now, tasked with the painful duty of clearing out her childhood home and selling it, Amber couldn't help but feel a mixture of grief and nostalgia wash over her.

As Amber drove past the sign marking the entrance to Santa Carla, the words "Murder Capital of the World" scrawled defiantly across it, she couldn't help but emit a short chuckle. Santa Carla had never truly felt like home to her; there was always an elusive sense of something missing. It was a transient place, where travellers passed through and the troubled found refuge. As she glanced over the boardwalk, it almost appeared normal at first glance. But upon closer inspection, the haunting presence of countless missing posters revealed the town's darker reality.

Slowly, she ascended the short driveway, halting her car to gaze up at the aging structure she once called home. Pausing for a moment to collect herself, she reached for the keys nestled in the glove compartment beside her. Stepping out, she traversed the cracked wooden steps leading to the porch, where painted handprints bore witness to a bygone era of joy and warmth.

Taking a deep breath, Amber entered the weathered house. Dust had settled upon most surfaces, yet the overall cleanliness surprised her. Given her mother's struggles when she left, she had braced herself for a scene resembling more of a drug den.

As she wandered through the silent, forgotten memories flooded back, each one a painful reminder of a fractured past. The faint imprint of a flat iron on the sofa brought back the warmth of learning to curl hair together, while the pictures lining the walls portrayed a facade of happiness, starkly contrasting the harsh truth of their fractured family.

As the day wore on, Amber busied herself with moving empty boxes from the car into the house. Her old bedroom remained almost untouched, prompting her to launder the sheets before deciding to spend the night there.

In the passing days, she had made significant progress in clearing out the house, donating much of its contents to local charity shops or discarding them altogether. She was amidst sorting through the pantry when a knock interrupted her task.

Opening the door, she was met by her old neighbour Kate, whose warm embrace and genuine delight at seeing her again brought a smile to Amber 's lips.

"Kate!" She exclaimed, returning the hug with affection.

Over the years, Kate had been a steadfast source of support during Amber 's tumultuous upbringing, offering refuge during times of upheaval.

Inviting Kate inside, they settled in for a heartfelt conversation, reminiscing about old times and sharing stories of both joy and sorrow.

"I'm truly sorry about your mother," Kate offered, her eyes brimming with genuine empathy.

"It's been a shock," Amber admitted softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "But being back here does stir up some fond memories amidst the difficult ones."

Kate nodded in understanding. "I see the town's reputation as the murder capital of the world is still intact." Amber said

Kate sighed, her expression weary. "Yes, it seems like another person goes missing every week." There was a sense of shared understanding between them, a connection forged through empathy in the face of tragedy.

As their conversation wound down, Kate departed with a reassuring smile and a reminder of her proximity, offering her support whenever needed.

Feeling a renewed sense of warmth and gratitude after reconnecting with Kate, Amber's spirits lifted, her steps a bit lighter as she continued her journey of closure and renewal.

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