Chapter 3 - The journey that Started

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As Amber strolled along the boardwalk, the evening air was alive with the hum of activity and the pulsating rhythm of the city. The boardwalk, adorned with a myriad of lights, created a kaleidoscope of colours that danced around her, casting an enchanting aura.

In the distance, she spotted Paul and Markos, their silhouettes outlined against the vibrant backdrop. Markos, with his boundless energy and mischievous grin, seemed to embody the spirit of spontaneity, while Paul exuded an air of rugged charm, as if every moment was a scene from a rebellious rock anthem.

Nearby, Dwayne stood sentinel-like against the railing, his demeanour stoic yet observant. His piercing gaze seemed to dissect the crowd, a silent guardian amidst the bustling night. Beside him, David lounged with effortless cool, his cigarette trailing tendrils of smoke into the night air. David's presence commanded respect, a magnetism that drew others to him like moths to a flame.

As Dwayne's eyes met hers, Amber felt a jolt of electricity course through her veins, a silent exchange that spoke volumes. With a subtle nod, Dwayne alerted the others, a silent signal that sent a ripple of awareness through the group. In that moment, amidst the cacophony of the boardwalk, Amber felt a connection, a thread that bound them together in an unspoken understanding.

Their collective gaze swept over her, each expression mirroring a mixture of surprise and intrigue, creating a symphony of emotions that resonated like a smooth jazz melody in her ears.
Despite the initial shock, Amber couldn't suppress a smile, which seemed to relax the tension among them. The corners of their lips curled into smirks, except for Dwayne, whose faint smile barely touched his lips.
With silent communication passing between them, David extended his finger, curling it in a beckoning gesture, inviting her to join them.

With a surge of determination, Amber sauntered over, attempting to exude casual confidence as she halted just in front of David's bike.

" Amber" she introduced herself with a smile, though her nerves danced beneath her skin, tingling with anticipation.

"A beautiful name, pet," David remarked with a smirk, his voice dripping with charm.

"Quite unique," Paul added approvingly from a few feet away, his tone resonating with admiration.

As she surveyed their faces and confident demeanours, Amber couldn't help but return their smiles, feeling a newfound sense of ease settling over her.

"I think I prefer sweetheart," Marko quipped playfully as he closed the distance between them.

"You can call me whatever you like," She responded, her own surprise evident in the confident lilt of her voice.

The boys chuckled at her bold remark, their laughter mingling with the ambient sounds of the boardwalk.

"I'm guessing you have a lot of questions for us," David remarked, his body language betraying his role as the de facto leader among the group.

"That's an understatement," Amber retorted, a whirlwind of unanswered questions swirling within her mind, desperate for resolution.

"Don't worry, we'll answer everything," Marko assured with a grin, wrapping his arms around Amber 's shoulders in a gesture of reassurance that caught her by surprise, yet felt strangely comforting.

"But we can't talk here," David interjected firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Come with us," he continued warmly, extending his hand in invitation for her to join him on his bike.

Amber hesitated for a fleeting moment, a surge of uncertainty coursing through her as she contemplated the idea of riding off into the night with these strangers. Yet, the gentle grip of Marko's hands on her shoulders instilled an unexpected sense of trust in her.

"Fuck it," she declared, casting aside her doubts as she climbed onto David's bike, wrapping her arms securely around his waist.

"Alright, boys!" David exclaimed with a cheer as they accelerated away from the boardwalk, the roar of the engine drowned out by the crashing waves as they sped off into the darkness along the beach.

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