Chapter 4 - The Hotel that Fell

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After driving for a while, they emerged from the woods and parked their bikes on a dark, moonlit cliff.

"There were easier places to kill me," Amber joked lightly as she released her grip on David, joining the others as they dismounted their bikes.

"Not someone as gorgeous as you," Paul quipped, his hand enveloping hers as he guided her toward a set of weathered wooden stairs descending down the cliffside, their safety questionable at best.

As David and Dwayne led the way into the cave, Amber watched their silhouettes disappear into the darkness ahead. Paul kept a firm hold of her hand, guiding her down the precarious stairs, while Marko lingered behind, his arm wrapping protectively around her waist as they entered the cave.

  Within the cavern's depths, a hidden world of enchantment unfolded before Amber's eyes, as if she had stumbled upon a secret lair straight out of a fantasy novel. The cavern's rugged walls formed a natural fortress, embracing the makeshift haven nestled within.

Amber's breath caught in her throat as she took in the scene. Beds and furniture, carefully placed amidst the rocky terrain, lent an air of comfort to the otherwise wild surroundings. Like relics from another time, they whispered tales of opulence lost to the ages.

At the heart of the cavern, a majestic fountain stood sentinel, its once-grand facade now weathered and worn by the passage of time. Yet, in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the cavern's ceiling, it retained a regal allure, a testament to resilience in the face of adversity. The flickering flames of scattered barrels added to the mystique, casting dancing shadows upon the walls.

Punk posters adorned the rocky surfaces, their vibrant colours a stark contrast to the muted tones of the cave. Tattered and torn, they spoke of rebellion and defiance, a reminder that even in the depths of darkness, creativity thrived.

Colourful curtains, though frayed and weather-beaten, added a touch of whimsy to the space, their threads weaving tales of far-off lands and daring adventures. Guitars lay strewn about like forgotten treasures, their melodies waiting to be unleashed upon the world.

And amidst it all, the strains of chill rock music filled the air, emanating from a larger-than-life boombox that served as the cave's heartbeat. In this hidden sanctuary, where echoes of the past mingled with the promise of the future, Amber felt a sense of wonder wash over her. It was a place where imagination knew no bounds, and every corner held the promise of discovery.

Several tunnels branched off from the central chamber, each beckoning with the promise of mystery and adventure. Paul guided her towards what resembled a living room, where large, worn-out couches and chairs offered a semblance of comfort amidst the ruggedness of the cave.

In the heart of the room, David sat regally on what appeared to be an old wheelchair, though he managed to exude an aura of authority, turning it into a makeshift throne with effortless grace.

Paul playfully pulled Amber away from Marko's grasp, his teasing tug guiding her to settle beside him on one of the couches facing David. Marko settled onto another couch to the left, with Dwayne perched casually on the armrest.

Their curious, almost lustful gazes focused on her as David gestured grandly, as if he were a ringmaster presenting his domain. "How do you like our home?" he inquired, his arms outstretched in a gesture of invitation.

"It's incredible," Amber replied, her words laced with genuine awe as she nestled into the tall man beside her. It was a sensation she had never quite experienced before. Did she dare entertain the notion of belonging?

"Now, I don't want to make your head spin any more than it probably already is," David chuckled, "but I know that you have a pull towards us Am I correct" his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made Amber's heart flutter.

"Yes, it's so strong, I feel like I could touch it," She admitted, her voice tinged with anticipation, eager for answers.

"That's because you are our mate, it's a bond known as Bloodbound" David said softly, his words carrying a weight of truth that resonated deep within her.

"Mate?" Amber laughed nervously, uncertain how to process the revelation. "Like that bond in fantasy books?" she remarked, her scepticism palpable. Yet, despite her doubts, the sincerity in David's tone left her with an inexplicable sense of certainty.

"Exactly like that," Paul affirmed, his touch gentle as he brushed a stray strand of hair from her face.

"These more, you see bloodbound is only something that can happen when at least one member is a supernatural being," David explained, his words carrying a weight of solemnity and wisdom.

"So, what are you?" Amber inquired eagerly, sitting up attentively, hanging on his every word, the air thick with anticipation and curiosity.

A pause hung in the air, as if the very fabric of time had halted its relentless march forward. "Are you sure you want to know?" David's voice broke the silence, laden with a weighty significance.

"Yes," She replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze unwavering as she perched on the edge of her seat, bracing herself for the revelation.

"We are vampires," David finally disclosed, his eyes studying her reaction intently, gauging her response to this monumental revelation.

Amber 's eyes remained fixed on the wall behind him, her mind racing as she attempted to piece together a new reality where supernatural beings existed, the implications of such a revelation swirling in her thoughts like a tempestuous storm.

"Oh god, we broke her," Marko quipped from across the room, eliciting a light slap from Dwayne to the back of his head.

Her mind swirled with a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions cascading through her like a torrential downpour. "I..." she began, her voice faltering as she rose from her seat and made her way over to the fountain.

Dwayne followed closely behind her, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the storm raging within her. With a gentle touch, he lifted her chin, his intense gaze locking with hers. "Are you okay, Darling?" his voice rumbled softly, his warm breath brushing against her face as he spoke.

Amber found herself almost at a loss for words as she gazed into the depths of his captivating eyes, her heart fluttering in her chest. "Show me," she managed to whisper, her voice barely above a breath, her eyes pleading for understanding and acceptance.

"Really?" A surprised yelp escaped both Paul and Marko, who were now seated together on the other side of the room, their expressions a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

Dwayne analysed Amber cautiously, his gaze searching hers for any hint of uncertainty. "Are you sure?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with concern. "It can be a little scary," he warned, waiting for her confirmation before proceeding.

"Yes, definitely," She affirmed with unwavering confidence, her resolve firm as she met Dwayne's gaze head-on, her determination shining through despite the uncertainty swirling within her.

In the flickering light of the fire dancing behind her and the ethereal glow of the moon filtering down from above, She watched in awe as Dwayne's features contorted, morphing into a visage that resembled a beast. Piercing gold and red eyes emerged, accompanied by sharp, protruding fangs that seemed to materialize out of thin air.

A gasp escaped her lips as she recoiled in surprise, but before she could fully process what she was witnessing, Dwayne's face returned to its usual human form. David and the others watched on, bracing themselves for her inevitable reaction, expecting her to flee in terror like so many others would have done.

But instead, they were met with a shock of a different kind as Amber reached out, her hand gently cupping Dwayne's face as she drew closer, her eyes scanning his features with intense scrutiny. With a boldness that took them by surprise, she pulled open his jaw, her fingers delicately exploring, searching for any trace of where the fangs had come from.

Dwayne chuckled softly, a rare expression crossing his face as he found himself not accustomed to being handled in such a manner.

"That was incredible!" Amber exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder and amazement, before she glanced up at Dwayne, suddenly aware of how close they were.

A nervous laugh escaped her lips as she quickly took his hand, using it as an anchor as she walked back to join the others. With a sense of newfound camaraderie, she slid onto the couch between Marko and Paul, her eyes darting between them as she took in their features.

"And all of you are vampires?" she asked, her curiosity piqued as she sought confirmation of this extraordinary revelation.

"Yep" Paul drew her close, the scent of his blunt lingering in the air as he enveloped her in his embrace. Marko's grin mirrored his agreement, his touch gentle as he interlaced his fingers with hers, tracing soothing circles on her palm.

"Incredible," she purred, as David extended a bottle of beer from the crate on the table. Accepting it with a smile, she met his amused gaze. "You're surprisingly composed," David remarked, prompting a chuckle from Amber. "Oh, believe me, I'm totally freaking out inside," she quipped. Laughter filled the room, resonating with the comforting solidity of Paul's chest against her back.

"So, how does one become a vampire?" Amber inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, it's not as simple as just drinking blood," David replied, his tone tinged with a hint of mystery. "First, you must partake of the blood of a vampire, and then, you must feed upon a human."

Amber paused, mulling over David's words. The gravity of his explanation sank in, and she found herself grappling with a moral dilemma. Could she truly entertain the idea of taking another's life?

The night passed in a blur of laughter and shared anecdotes, with Amber peppering them with questions about vampires and the supernatural. As the realization dawned that dawn itself was imminent, a faint sombreness crept over her knowing their time together was fleeting.

"I should probably head home," she murmured softly, interrupting the jovial atmosphere. Marko whined playfully, drawing her closer.

"You know, we could prolong the night if you didn't have to leave," Paul teased with a smirk.

"I really shouldn't," Amber replied, rising unsteadily to her feet. "I'll drive you home," Dwayne interjected gallantly before anyone else could offer.

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