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her father knows what he's doing by deciding such nonsense. Me and Amy, her and Kai. It's beyond my darkest thoughts. I don't care but it bothers me in delusional ways.

I think about what I'll do when she comes back to our manor, how I'll make sure she's mine. There's things disrupting us, people disrupting us. Her father being the main problem.

Kill kai. It bellows in my thoughts as I drive more alcohol down my throat, plotting my victory.
Kai has had it coming for a while.

Amy snaps her fingers in my face as she enters my room, grabbing the bottle from my hand, "this is so bad for you draco!" My jaw clenches, eyes rolling in annoyance, "talk to me about what you're thinking," She attempts to straddle me in the chair, but my hands push her off. I'm glaring at her as she looks up at me in shock, "you're gonna have to start talking soon, Voldemort has plans for us draco."

I scan her up and down, disgusted. As if I'd marry her. I shake my head, sickened, "I'm not going to pretend to like something I don't."

she angrily steps closer, trying to take the bottle from me, "you're just drunk, you don't mean any of that."

My body swerves her, rounding her as I stalk towards the exit of my bedroom, never wanting to see her horrific face again.


She's screaming in my arms, trying to fight out of my grasp. I sigh, "there's no point in doing that," she wails in my arms, "you won't even feel it you'll be fine."

Eve opens her bedroom door as I make it upstairs, watching me drag this woman into my bedroom. I flash her a smirk. My eyes can't help but take a swipe up and down at her, "you wanna feed?" I ask, my feet stopping in my tracks. The woman in my arms tries to fight my grasp, but I hold her in place.

I know she wants to say no, but I know how much she wants it deep down. The ring doesn't stop all desires, they just take them down a few notches.
She steps out her room, and I take her hand in mine, my other arm strangling the woman in front of me.

We get in my bedroom and the woman attempts to slip from me again, but I pull her back against me, "stop it," my nose is touching her cheek as her scent fills my senses, "you're going to taste perfect for me aren't you?" She looks up at me in fear, which only makes my desires grow even more intensely.
Fear is another thing I thrive off.

I turn around and grabs eves wrist, pulling her over to the woman lying on the bed. She's watching her, her eyes slowly turning red, "go on." I urge, hands on her hips as she leans down to her neck. rapidly she's sinking her teeth into the innocence of her neck. I scoop her hair back, watching as her blood drips and drips. She takes a breath, pulling away from her neck, blood making its way down her neck as it pools down her body.

I stare, almost amazed. My hands pull her hair gently my way, wanting her eyes on mine. She looks up at me, on her knees with blood all over her being. Perfection.

My hand closes around her jaw as I kiss her lips, tasting the blood while it streams through my mouth. I groan as i pull away, her innocent eyes beaming up at me. I feel like tearing her apart in my hands. forcing her head back, I begin to get every last bit of the woman's blood that had dripped from her lips from eves neck.

I groan at the taste, blood now all over my mouth. The woman beside us moves, and I instantly latch onto her neck, sucking her dry within seconds.

2 days later


𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃 : 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now