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"Not long now," narcissa strokes pansies bump, a slight smile pulling at her lips. She looks as if she's reminiscing, "my bump was huge, you're barely even showing."

Blaise looks at Draco, erupting into laughter, already drunk, "Draco was a fat baby." He falls against the manor wall, laughter still cascading. Pansy looks at him, laughing at him because he's laughing at something not even funny.

"Big brained." Draco says, I look up at him and wonder if he was being serious or not. Something I'm still unable to tell.

There's random people here I've never seen before, some people my age, some people older. They're fathers friends, all evil in some sinister way.

I lock eyes with a girl staring Draco down, her eyes never leaving his. I noticed her a while ago actually, and she's still at it.

Kai walks up to me, taking my hand in his as he inspects my finger, "keep that ring on or you'll want to rip into everyone In here," i Look down at my red ring and thank the lords for it. It controls all my vampire desires. He raises his brows, following my eyes as I stare at the girl, "you got a crush on Amy?"

Draco sneaks his hand on my lower back as he continues his conversation with the people around him. Kai looks at his hand placement and sharpens his eyes.

Amy doesn't even care that I'm glaring at her, she's so focused on Draco, "she's got a thing for Draco I guess," I say, tone casual, "hasn't looked from him once."

Kai smirks, "she's ginger," he sighs as he grabs a glass from a walking butler, "you'll be okay."

Just as he says that, she walks up to us, her hooked nose nervously sniffing as she greets herself to everyone. Kai gives her a glare, ignoring her as she extends her hand out to him. They seem as though they've met. Awkward energy.

Pansy throws me a look, I throw her one back as we exchange a smirk.

Amy throws herself on Draco, arms around him smiling wide, "pleasure to meet you."

He practically throws her off, brushing down his suit as he lends her a disgusted look. I cringe for her.

father places his hands on my shoulders, smiling as he looks at everyone, "meet Amy," he smiles at her, holding my shoulders gently in comfort. "Draco, she's here for you."

I admit, my brows furrow a little. Confusion eating at me. I allow it, moving my grasp from Draco's hand. He looks down at me, jaw clenched.
He didn't like that.

"Why don't you and Kai mingle?" Father says, patting my shoulders once more before leaving, "leave Draco and Amy to get to know one another."

Amy smiles up at Draco, her gummy smile seeming as though she's ready to devour him. Narcissa gives Amy a second hand embarrassment look, as if she's cringing for her.

Kai takes my hand, pulling me through the room of people. We stop at an empty corner of the room, another glass in his hand ready for me as we get there. I swig it, occasionally looking over at Amy and draco.

Kai speaks up, "she's a vampire too, look at her ring," I look down at her yellow ring, rather ugly, "her blood group is yellow, she's one of the weaker groups of vampires. I'm Surprised she's even here."

"Why does father want them to speak though?" I look back at kai, he leans his head on the wall, drinking away from his glass.

He shoves a hand in his pocket, throwing his other arm around my shoulders, "he wants them to get married," he smirks down at me, my face straight, "thinks they're a perfect match. For some reason your father thinks he's Cupid. You should hear his plans for you."

I'm watching Amy throw herself on Draco. He's practically stone, stood there unmoving as he sticks his nose up at her. She's trying her best to get his attention, but nothing seems to be working.

"What are his plans for me?" I furrow my brows, looking at Kai, head buried against his side.

"Me and you," he stares ahead as he throws daggers Amie's way too, "he wants me and you to get married."

I hear the seriousness in his tone and realise how real things are becoming. Father is in control now, and everything is going to change.

"I know that's not what you want," he places his hands in the grasp of my hair, gently massaging my head as he looks down at me, "but I turned you. Whether you like it or not, you're going to feel something for me."

I see Amy and Draco leaving the hall, seeming like they're headed somewhere. I suck in a breath and keep calm.

Kai lowers himself in my ear, his tattooed hands holding my face as his words practically enchant my ears, "kill her," he smirks, looking me dead in the eye. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, "you're stronger than her, there's nothing stopping you," he kisses my forehead and flashes his eyes red. I Flash Mine back, his smirk growing wider, "I'll help you."

"How do you know her?" I ask the question that's been heavy on my mind.

"Fucked her a while ago," he runs his hand down my side, swigging his drink as he holds me against him, "must have been on heavy drugs that night."

I take back more drink and finish my 3rd glass. I wonder what they're doing wherever they are.

"I'll do it for you," Kai places his glass on a table, walking back over to me, "haven't killed someone in a while."

"Leave it," I say, sighing, "you kill her, it will just cause a scene."


the glass in my hand is far more interesting over her endless blabbing. I feel as though my face is going to drop of from being expressionless for so long.

"He thinks we'd be perfect together though," she smiles up at me, her mouth wide, "he's got plans for all of us."

That means he's got plans for eve too. I ignore her again and drink more. She holds my bicep, her smile evident, "you don't talk much," she leans her head on me, "why is that?"

I pull her from my arm, face saying more than my mouth is, "don't touch me."

"I saw eves ring," Amy says, eyes angry, "her blood group is red, she's powerful. I'm guessing Kai turned her to get that?"

I furrow my brows, why is she talking about her?
"Why is she any of your business?"

She rolls her eyes, "because I saw you with her earlier," she steps closer to me, "you're mine now draco, not hers, if Voldemort finds out he won't be happy."

"You're ridiculous." I smirk, sipping from my drink as I stride away from her disgusting presence.
I feel sickened to my stomach that she has the audacity to touch what's not hers. Her hands don't belong anywhere near me.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃 : 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now