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The morning after Pansy left feels empty. I can already feel the difference with her not here and it's not even been a full 24 hours. I flip my body onto my other side and stand up from my bed, readying myself for the long day ahead. For once I'm awake early. Well, early enough to attend at least a few of my classes.

Luna speaks from beside me, she's dressed, showered and ready, "wow!" Her breath is airy, reminding me of a feather, "never seen you up this early. You did miss your first class, but im impressed."

"Always so kind Luna," i stifle back my giggle, "even when im doing things wrong."

"Can we head of to potions together today?" She requests, "I need to talk to you about something that's been on my mind."

I smile at her, "of course."


I stir the strange substance in front of me, and look up at kai, "we've done this wrong, it's supposed to be red not brown."

He shakes his head, "whatever," he looks at Luna, who's stood on the opposite side of our table. She's shy, taking subtle glances at kai, "you're smart, come and fix this for us."

On the way down to potions she told me about how Kai used her for one night of 'fun'. she was one of his careless fucks, and now she has all of these feelings for him. I felt bad for her the minute she told me that, knowing he's never going to be nice to her or acknowledge her ever again.
Kai's not one for feelings.

Kai and I move to one side and watch as Luna Widnes her eyes. Kai smirks, "what if I sprinkled some of my cocaine into it, would that make it more lively?" Luna looks up at him, mortified. Fighting back a smile, I shake my head.

I turn my head and see Draco and blaise working on theirs, and it's coming along nicely, "they've done it," I nudge Kai, "get them to do it for us."

Kai removes his eyes from Luna attempting to fix our lousy potion. His eyes creep back down to me, "or we could just leave?"

luna interjects, "she's not leaving," Kai snaps his head to her, as if to say, how dare you. "This is the first time she's been here in this class, she needs to catch up."

Kai sniggers, "since when where you her mother?"
Luna shakes her head, like a disappointed parent. I smile at her demeanour. She's so calm and collected.

Suddenly blaise is at my side, a large laughter erupting from his throat, "my fucking god," he shakes his head, "can tell you've been skipping class."

"Shut up, yours is only good because Draco did it for you," I laugh, it is pretty shit. "You probably skip class more than me."

Blaise shakes his head, "impossible," he's still smiling, but then suddenly stops as a thought springs to his brain, "oh wait, forgot to ask, you seen pansy around? Haven't seen her all morning."


"She told me she's not feeling good and wants some space, so I'm not going to bother her for now," hes gullible enough to believe me, his shoulders less tense, "probably best if you did the same."

He nods, "yeah I will, was just worried about her that's all."

I feel like the worst human to walk the earth, lying to him is going to eat me alive.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃 : 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝟏𝟖+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ