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Pansy, luna and I are stood in the grand hall awaiting snape to give his speech to all the people in our year. People are whispering insane conspiracies to as why people are dropping like flies and it's all becoming so real.

Kai, blaise and Draco walk into the hall in a line, headed our way. Kai raises his brows, his lips curling into a smirk, "this should be fun shouldn't it?" His sarcasm makes luna smile. He closes a hand on my shoulder, pulling me against his side.

My arms are folded, my whole body tense with worry. Who's killing all these students and why?

Draco has his hands buried in the depth of his pockets, his eyes sharpening on Kai's hand around my shoulder. They both exchange a look, Kai smirks at him as he begins to move his hand up and down my arm.

The door swings open, everyone's head twisting snapes way as he swooshes dramatically between students. Kai and I always joked about how dramatic snape was with his swooshing movements. we exchange a smile, as i look up to him, holding back our laughter.

"Students," he snaps, eyeing every single one of us with a deep dark stare on his face, "you're all to make no fuss. The greengrass sisters are dead, and it's up to me to keep you all safe," he looks at us all as if he's disgusted by our presence, "we're investigating who this could be, this is no wizard," everyone begins whisper, Kai pulls me closer, "biting, blood, murders. Do i even need to say what this creature is?" He rolls his eyes, annoyed at his own question, "there's a vampire on the school grounds. None of you are to leave your dormitory's past 7. failure to do this will lead to serious consequences."

He swooshes out, his cape swaying behind him.

Blaise kisses pansies cheek, "I'm taking daphnes place in your dorm, she's dead so it's not up for debate." Pansy instantly nods, seeming mortified.

"Oh my," Luna looks around the room, dazed, "vampires, this is so strange."

Kai nods, "it really is," Draco glares at him, biting down on his jaw, "so bizarre."

Draco sucks in a breath, they're giving each other a duel through their eyeballs. I flick my eyes between them, feeling like I'm on the outside looking in.

Cedric strides over to Luna hugging her from behind, "you can room with me," he kisses her cheek, smiling, "I'm not comfortable with you being on your own."

Lunas pale features turn bright pink, she's blushing.
i smile at Cedric as he looks at me, "is that okay eve?"

"That's okay." I nod, giving him the green light.

"That means you'll be on your own," Kai says, standing in front of me now, a hand slowly moving onto my face, "I'll room with you if you want?"

I look at Draco behind Kai, he tilts his head to the side, giving me a long stare. Kai turns his head, following my gaze. smirking as he looks at Draco, then to me, "ignore him," his hand travels down my side, "I'll be in your dorm tonight then yeah?" I nod my head, not even hesitating to say no. he kisses my forehead, turns around and exchanges a look with draco as he slithers out the hall.

As draco advances his way towards me, I can't say I'm not surprised. There's some weird tension between him and Kai, like they're knowing of something nobody else is.

"You're not staying with him," he keeps his hands in the wholes of his pockets, my arms stubbornly crossed, "my bed is big enough for the whole of Slytherin to stay in it, don't let him anywhere near your dorm."

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃 : 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now