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my senses are heightened, as are all of my emotions. Everything is times a hundred. Draco doesn't want me wandering corridors in fear I'll blow my cover, but I can't hibernate from everyone forever.

Varied Groups of girls and boys are gawking at me, as if to ask the question, shouldn't you be dead?

news travels fast in Hogwarts, it's like spitfire.

Draco guides me through the crowds of gossiping, nosy students. multiple people question what happened, why are you here if you've been blood-sucked to death?

"You can't say bye to pansy or Luna," Draco spits, his hand gripped around my wrist, "you're not speaking to anybody before we leave."

"Luna," It lightly empties from my mouth, remembering where Kai last had her, "what happened to her? Is she with Cedric?"

Draco watches me beneath him, his eyes breaking contact with mine as he says it, "he obliviated her," I swallow the thick lump in my throat, his tone so casual for such a saddening sentence, "she probably doesn't even remember her first name."

I jerk my hand from his grasp, my eyes pelting through his, "you was there," his teeth begin to grit at my argumentative tone, "why didn't you stop him?"

"You where unconscious on the floor," he's trying to keep his cool, a terrible attempt at a calm temper, "she was awake, alive. you looked dead."

He's staring at me, a glaze across his eyes. He sighs, mentally telling himself to calm down. He grabs my throat, smashing a harsh kiss against my lips, "my uncle is waiting for us," is all he says as he pulls away, his eyes tracking my lips, "he'll be pissed if we show late."

Supposedly his uncle has a large cottage in the middle of a dark forest, hidden from all the rowdy students of Hogwarts. I'm not stable to be around people yet without having the violent urge to rip into their skin and steal all of their blood.

Draco is in danger even standing by me.

Draco Apparates us, my cheek flat against his chest as he holds his hands in my hair. his lips kiss the top of my head,  I can smell is his blood, I can practically hear it flowing through his veins, and it's driving me crazy.

As my eyes open, I feel the cool breeze thick against my skin. my eyes flicker around my view; Not a single tree, not a single cottage, not a single flower. 

"Draco?" The door flings open. The door is large, like the manor before my eyes. A tired looking man opens the door, his hair the same shade as Draco's, just lengths longer, "you're late."

I've been tricked.

"I know father," Draco takes my shoulders in his hands, guiding me inside the door of his manor, "but I got what he asked for."

His father eyes me as I enter the manor. I now know who Draco gets his nasty glares from.

my eyes catch sight of Kai's, his head propped around the doorframe of a large dark room. He wickedly grins across to me, Draco's grip on my shoulder loosening as his father walks ahead of where I'm stood.

I turn to him, "what's going on Draco?" My voice is flat, no room for sincerity.

"His orders," he takes my jaw in his hand, thumb pulling on my bottom lip, "I had to. We'd be dead if I didn't lie to you."

Kai chuckles a few feet behind us, hands in his pockets as i twist my head his way. He tuts to himself, shaking his head, "you trusted one of us, how stupid of you," he takes a hand from his pocket, the cold touch of it resting around my shoulder. He shoves Draco's chest in a playful motion, "right cousin?" He lowers himself to my ear, "we're learning the whole family tree today aren't we?"

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃 : 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now