Bonus Chapter~

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This is an extra chapter noting the reactions and afterlife of those lost throughout the story.

Eremin, slight Springles


Armin gasped, his blue eyes widening. "They did it! They did it!" he cried.

Mikasa whirled to face him. She gasped, rushing over. Tears filled her eyes. "They really did! Oh my God!"

The others gathered around, cheering as they caught on. Connie hugged Sasha tight; Sasha buried her face in the crook of his neck. A grin crossed Jean's face as he stared at Eren. "He really did it. Eren, you maniacal genius bastard," he muttered fondly.

Armin sobbed heavily. Pride glowed in Mikasa's eyes as she reached out to comfort Armin. Hange was poking around, then gasped. "Guys! We can go through!" they called. Then they slipped down the hole they found.

Armin followed, then Mikasa, then Connie and Sasha, then Jean. The others stayed behind.

Wincing as his feet hit solid ground, Armin looked around. he spotted Eren on the ground and rushed over. He put his hand on Eren's back. Eren jolted, his eyes widening as he looked up and saw Armin.

"H- How are..?" Eren stammered. "How are you here..?"

Armin shushed him softly. "Never you mind that," he murmured. "I'm here now."

The words were barely out before Eren tugged his dead lover into a tight hug. Armin hummed softly, kissing Eren's head gently. "Shh... It's okay, Eren... It's okay... I'm right here," he soothed.

Eren only continued to sob. "I missed you so much," he cried. Mikasa came up behind them and rubbed Eren's back. "It's alright, Eren. We're so, so proud of you."

Armin's heart shattered; Eren was inconsolable. I knew he cared a lot about us... but I didn't know he cared that much... Armin thought.

Jean's voice startled him out of his thoughts. "I never thought I would say this," Jean began, "but good job, Eren. I'm proud of you."

"We all are," Connie added. Sasha nodded vigorously. "You're really amazing," she agreed.

Eren looked up at them, his eyes shining. "Thank you," he murmured. "I... I didn't want to let you all down..."

"You didn't let anybody down," Mikasa assured him. "Actually, your genius saved the entire world. Everyone is so proud of you."

Eren sniffled, wiping his eyes. "I'm-- thank you," he whispered. "I'm glad I made you all proud..."

After a moment, Armin hugged Eren again. Mikasa joined the hug right after; Sasha and Connie joined next, and Jean joined a bit more hesitantly.

Heartbeats later, Historia and Ymir joined them. Then, much to everyone's surprise, Hange, Erwin, and even Levi joined in.

They sat like that until they all fell asleep, when the ghosts faded away, and the living were left sleeping on the ground.



thank you all for sticking around! im sorry this story took so long to fully publish. i hope you all enjoyed this ^^

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