' Nobody Else... '

13 1 10

Still Alive:












[I should've cleared this up a lot sooner, but I think at certain points in this book, Hange's pronouns have changed from 'they' to 'she'. So let me explain, even if nobody asked: In my personal headcanon, Hange uses she/they pronouns, so either goes.]

[Also, I'm purposely keeping Eren's personality as a mix of his s3 and s4 personalities so that he's still serious, but not evil/insane.]

[Gentle Levi this chapter for you simps. (I'm one of them)]


"Eren, you crazy bastard..." Hange breathed. "Oh, the irony," Eren scoffed lightly. Hange chuckled. "Really, how'd you do it?" they asked.

"I looked for brain infection remedies. From there, I tweaked it a little, and I think I got it," Eren answered. "I just need a test subject."

"I'll do it," Erwin offered. All eyes snapped towards him. "Commander Erwin... Are you sure?" Eren asked. "It might not work. You could lose control," he pointed out.

Erwin nodded once, looking serious. "If I lose control, shoot me. Do not hesitate. That has been the deal since I rejoined you all."

"No, Commander. It's not  happening. I will not test it on you," Eren said firmly. Erwin sighed; Hange stood up. "I'll round up some of those mindless creatures for you."

"Be careful. We've had too many close calls already," Levi warned her. "I know. I'll be extra careful," Hange promised. Levi bit his tongue. "Forget it. I'm going with you." He stood up and grabbed his gun.

Erwin stared at him, then rose to his feet. "I'm going, too," he declared. Levi hesitated, then sighed. There was no stopping Erwin when he was determined.

As the three headed out of the door. Eren turned to return to his little room. He paused as a mocking voice came behind him. "Running away again? What are you, a soldier, or a coward?" Porco teased.

Eren whipped around. "Repeat that?" he growled. Then he froze. Growled? What was he, a zombie?

He'd find that answer soon enough. Annie and Gabi shrieked at once, rushing to hug each other. Porco was staring at Eren, horror evident in his eyes. "You- You're a zombie..!" he gasped.

Eren stiffened. What was he talking about? But as he looked down at his hands, Eren realized Porco was right. His hands were pale; black veins showed faintly through the pale flesh.

Eren found himself shaking. He ran off, locking himself in the room he'd been in earlier. There, he sat on the floor, shaking. Trying not to cry. Not that he managed that.

Before he knew it, his vision blurred, and hot tears began to stream down his face. He felt like he must've sat there for hours, sobbing quietly to himself. He hated crying. It made him feel stupid. Vulnerable. Weak.

Soon, a soft knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. "Oi, Eren. Are you in there?"

Levi's voice, gentle, full of concern, startled Eren. He unlocked the door and scooted over to the wall. Levi cracked open the door, then slipped inside the room and closed the door behind him. He knelt in front of Eren and pulled the younger's hands away from his face gently.

"You're crying blood. Why?" Levi's voice was soft. Eren blinked. "I am?"

Levi nodded. "Yeah, you are," he confirmed. "What happened? Porco said you... turned?" The captain looked Eren up and down. "You look human to me."

"I... I did turn... But I'm... human... again..?" Eren's voice shook. Levi blinked, then his eyes widened. "I'll be damned. They really do exist."

"What are you talking about, Heichou?" Eren blinked, raising one hand to wipe his face. His eyes widened as he realized he really had been crying blood.

"There's been rumors," Levi explained, "that there is a special type of person. One so evolved their genetics allow them to switch between being humans and being zombies." He paused. "I believe you, Eren, are one of them."

Eren blinked in confusion. Then it clicked; why he hadn't turned even after getting bitten. It wasn't because Reiner had saved him; it was because Eren simply hadn't wanted to be a zombie.

At first, he was glad he didn't have to worry about himself anymore. Then he frowned. That meant Reiner's sacrifice was all in vain. That made him feel like shit. Someone had to die because of him, all because he had some stupid ability he didn't even want.

Thinking about that, a few more tears dripped from Eren's eyes.

Levi took Eren in his arms, embracing him loosely. Eren started sobbing again. He was tired of people dying because of him. He was tired of being linked to the deaths of everyone he cared for.

Levi sat there, calmly allowing Eren to cry into his shoulder. It really showed just how calm and sympathetic Levi could be. When the two of them were sitting here, Levi's true colors showed, and Eren once more felt like a child, clinging to his elder brother for dear life.

Eventually, another soft knock sounded. By then, Eren had calmed down and was talking quietly with Levi. When Eren gave a small nod, Levi stood up and opened the door. There Erwin stood, his blue eyes a little darker than usual.

"We're saying goodbye," the Commander said quietly. Levi nodded, gesturing for Eren to stand up. Upon noticing Eren's confused look, Levi sighed. "We lost Hange on our mission."

A look of horror crossed Eren's face. "What...?"

Levi nodded slightly. "But they fulfilled their duty. We have all the test subjects you could possibly need, all thanks to them."

Eren couldn't help but tear up. Yet another person was dead, all because of him. Eren couldn't help but want to die, just to 'atone' for the deaths he'd caused.

But there wasn't time to think about that. Levi led him out to where the others were gathered around a freshly-dug grave. Hange's body was slowly, gently lowered in, then covered in dirt.

Eren's heart twisted. Hange, always so clearly optimistic and full of energy, a bright-eyed idol, now looked dull. Their widened eyes only showed traces of the pain they'd felt before their life was ripped away.

It was clear how it'd happened, too. There was a huge gash that covered the left side of her neck, spreading to her collarbone.

The sight made them both sick, Eren and Levi. They couldn't stand the sight of the brightest person they knew looking so dull and dead. I'm so sorry, Hange-san, Eren thought miserably. I never should've asked for volunteers. I should've gone out myself.

But he knew these thoughts were hopeless. He couldn't afford to think about his regrets right now.

Pull yourself together, Eren. You can't lose it, he told himself. We're too close to saving the world to think about grief.

In the back of his mind, Eren could've sworn he heard Armin's voice ringing. Don't get depressed now, he heard him say. You're too close to unlocking your freedom. Just a little more and you'll be free.

Eren knew, deep in his soul, that they were right; he was too close to freedom to let his depression take over.


im sorry this took so long to get out T^T

i hope yall can forgive me for killing hange :(

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