' It's Over. ' | Finale

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Still Alive:

When Eren blinked his eyes open, he felt they stung. He reached up and touched his face, realizing that his eyes were puffy. The memory rushed back to him; he'd ended up crying so hard for so long that he'd fallen asleep.

Letting out a sigh, Eren stood up and wiped the dry tears off his face. Steadying himself, he left the room and found his way back to what had become the common room.

"Eren!" Historia was the first to rush to his side. "Are you okay?"

Eren shrugged. "I guess," he muttered. Historia blinked. That was when Ymir walked over and put her hand on Historia's shoulder. "Were you crying?" Ymir asked, fixing her gaze on Eren.

Eren nodded slightly. "I guess I was," he replied dully. "They look a lot like... them, those newcomers do," Ymir remarked.

"I don't think I can stay long around them, especially Ray and Krysta," Eren admitted. "They look too much like Armin and Mikasa."

"Lynnette's so sweet, but she... she reminds me of Sasha with her hair," Historia added sadly.

"Alex isn't a bad guy," Ymir said with a sigh. "But he reminds me too much of Reiner, and I... ooh..." She hissed under her breath. "I hated him so much."

Historia took Ymir's hand gently. Eren looked a little confused. "Reiner used to try and flirt with me," Historia explained. "He was trying to get at me."

Eren blinked. "I never got good vibes from him, but I didn't think he was that bad..." he trailed off. Historia shrugged.

"Anyway." Eren cleared his throat. "Where are Captain and Commander?"

"They made plans to rid the world of the infection," Ymir replied. Eren blinked. "Already? I haven't even gotten to identify side effects."

"Apparently, they don't need you to." Ymir shrugged.

Eren let out a sigh. "They say that whenever you're ready, we can go out and shoot zombies with the stuff," Ymir explained, her eyes glowing.

"Well, I'm ready as I can be," Eren answered. Ymir grinned. Historia's blue eyes glittered.

Eren let out a sigh. "As soon as they're back, I guess we'll get our things and... get to saving the world."

"I can't wait for this all to be over," Historia said softly. Ymir nodded. "Tell me about it."

(timeskip brought to you by the crab i stole from the beach)—

The group set out, Eren beside Erwin and Levi in the lead. They all had guns now, each bullet filled with a dose of the cure.

"I can't believe it's happening," Ymir whispered from the middle of the group. "It's... pretty unbelievable," Historia agreed.

Eren seemed both excited and nervous. He held his head high and his shoulders squared, but every breath he took was shaky.

"How do you feel about this?" Ymir asked, leaning closer to Eren. Eren shuddered. "It was unexpected," he admitted. "But I'm... I'm ready to end this damned apocalypse."

Ymir nodded understandingly. "I am too. I hate it. I can't stand not being able to go outside and just be... safe."

Eren let out a small sigh. "Well, after this, we won't have to worry anymore."

"Oh, I can't wait," Historia murmured. "I can't wait to be able to take walks for fun, without having to worry about zombies."

"God, stop all that talk about zombies. I'm tired of hearing it," Levi snapped. "Sorry," Historia said quietly. Levi sighed. Eren felt increasingly anxious; he had no idea just how this would all go down. But he wasn't given much time to wonder.

"It's about to begin," Erwin declared. "Everyone get ready."

The group raised their guns, taking steadying breaths. They aimed, waiting for Erwin to give the call.

Moments later, Erwin gave the call. "Fire!" he shouted. The group began firing, watching as several zombies dropped to the ground. The serum was working. But some of them simply dropped dead; those ones, Eren figured, were too far gone to be saved.

The group kept moving forward, firing as they went. Hours passed; everyone was drenched in sweat, frightened, exhausted, or all of the above.

Now they were climbing a hill; the very hill, Erwin realized, that the apocalypse had originated from. A scientist has gone mad and injected a victim with the infection that had begun the entire apocalypse.

"It's almost over," Levi breathed as they reached the top of the hill. Erwin nodded. Then, he heard a sniffle and turned. Eren was crying.

A final gunshot went off, and then it was over. The group breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Historia broke down; her knees buckled. Ymir caught her, holding her tight. Eren dropped to the ground, sobbing. Levi knelt beside him and rubbed his back.

It wasn't until too late that the group realized several people were missing. Gabi, Colt, Krysta, Lynnette, Ray, and Alex would never see another dawn.

But none of them were all too sad about that. Maybe, they figured, their friends had found peace.

The apocalypse was over. That was all that mattered now. All that was left was to be glad the world was safe.



L gabi tbh.

anyway!! i have a special something planned for you that will likely be out tomorrow :)

•《 '' This Doesn't End Here. '' 》• || AOT Zombie Apocalypse AU.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon