' How Many More..?! '

20 1 3


still alive;
Implied(?) Eruri ;)
3rd Person POV;

The group lined up at the door in the same formation they'd been in when they'd abandoned the old building they'd stayed in. Only the group was smaller now. Eren and Connie were shaking.

" On your count, Hange-San.. " Eren murmured. Hange took a deep, steadying breath. " 3.. 2.. " As the Scout Commander began their count, the soldiers and warriors shifted their weight and steadied themselves.

" 1!! "

At Hange's yell, Eren bursted the door down and shoved a zombie out of his way. Behind him, Eren heard a shriek. I recognize that voice, he thought. His guess was confirmed when Connie gasped, " Historia! "

" Guys! Wait up! " Historia yelped. Levi rushed toward her, grabbed her, and pulled her toward the group. The queen let out a screech as a zombie grabbed her arm. The group all whipped around, and jaws dropped as they watched the zombie let Historia go when another came to attack.

Historia gasped as she watched the first zombie snarl and violently murder the second. " Ymir! "

Afterv checking the mindless creature was dead, the victorious zombie turned. There was familiarity, Eren realized, in its face, hair, eyes, and even stance. Everything perfectly aligned with the lost Scout.

The zombified Ymir opened her mouth, seemingly to speak, but she could only let out a gurgling noise at first. Then, the incoherent gurgling formed into coherent speech.

" Historia.. " Ymir choked. " I'm so glad.. I found you.. "

Historia didn't hesitate for a second. She launched herself into her lost friend's arms and hugged her tight, letting out choked sobs. Ymir hugged her back, whispering things only Historia could hear. Breaking the wholesome moment, Connie let out a yelp. " Floch! "

Before Connie could defend himself, their lost comrade pinned him to the ground. Pain seared Connie's body as he let out a violent shriek. Eren quickly shot Floch a couple time, ensuring that he was dead. But he was too late. Connie had been bitten and was already turning, black veins turning up beneath paling skin.

Biting his tongue, Eren shot the turned Scout, tears pricking his eyes. As Connie fell dead, Eren dropped to his knees.

" We've gotta go. We'll get killed if we stick around here, " Levi said. Hange nodded in agreement and waved their hand. " Let's get moving. "

Levi help Eren to his feet, steadying the grieving soldier as they quickly followed behind Hange. Zeke took up a position beside the Scout Commander, leading the warriors. But as they pushed through a hoard of zombies, Zeke got grabbed and dragged away. Levi snorted, then froze as he recognized a zombie among the crowd.

Taller than the rest, muscular, blonde, and blue-eyed, Erwin Smith's existence was unmistakeable. Hange tried to move Levi along, but froze as they followed his gaze.

Levi's heart soared as he realized with heavy relief that Erwin's eyes weren't foggy like a mindless zombie's, but were clear and focused. The former commander stepped toward the group, all frozen with shock as they realized who it was.

" Commander Erwin! " Chorused Hange, Levi, Eren, Historia, and Ymir, in voices that told of pure joy. The blonde zombie shoved is way past the rest, barrelling aside and killing any that got in his way.

•《 '' This Doesn't End Here. '' 》• || AOT Zombie Apocalypse AU.Where stories live. Discover now