' Toughest Losses. '

23 1 16


Implied Levihan

Implied Aruani
Implied Eremika
Implied *PLATONIC* Springles.
3rd Person POV;

The group milled about in the abandoned hospital as dawn broke. Some were still asleep. Falco was helping his brother make food in the hospital kitchen. Annie had taken her turn on guard, but she was talking with Armin.

Eren sat in the hospital waiting room that had become a lounge. Zeke sat across from him, talking quietly with Reiner. Eren glared at the two, before focusing on Mikasa.

Sasha and Connie were outside in the fenced-off area where Jean had been buried. Levi, Hange, Pieck, and Gabi scoured the hospital for extra bandages and sanitary wipes or towels.

There was a sudden shriek from outside. Connie busted though the back door. " Guys! Help! Sasha got attacked! "

Eren jumped up from his seat and rushed over, followed closely by Mikasa. As they followed Connie outside, they saw Sasha lying on the ground, writhing in pain.

" Help her! Please! " Connie pleaded. Eren knelt beside Sasha and dug through his pockets until he found a freshly packaged cleaning wipe and some fresh bandages.

" Get ready. This'll help you, but it'll hurt a lot. " He warned Sasha. Then he opened the wipe and began cleaning the wound. He dug into the claw mark to clean it out as he had with Jean's wound.

Fresh guilt pierced his heart as Sasha wailed in pain. Connie gripped his best friend's hand and looked desperately into her eyes. Eren swallowed back his emotions and finished cleaning Sasha's wound, wrapping it tight in a bandage.

Sasha breathed a sigh of relief. Remembering the heat he'd felt when he'd been attacked by a zombified Jean, Eren felt Sasha's head. She's okay. No fever. he thought with relief.

He nodded to Connie, who's tense body sagged with relief at the news. " So I.. won't lose her like I lost Jean?.. " He asked. Eren shook his head and stood up.

As he went inside, he saw Levi, Hange, and Armin on their feet, waiting for news. Eren gave them a nod, and they all sagged with relief just as Connie had. Letting out a sigh, he returned to his seat in the now-lounge.

Connie brought a weak, red-faced Sasha inside and laid her in their sleeping bag. He stepped back, biting his nails as an anxious look appeared on his face. " Are you sure she's okay..? " Annie asked from the corner.

Eren nodded. " She should be. " Annie gave an unsure shrug and kept a concerned eye on Sasha. Armin went over to comfort Annie, and Eren turned away with a harsh snort. Mikasa placed her hand on Eren's shoulder and led him away. Hange and Levi knelt beside Sasha, murmuring prayers.

Gabi clung to Reiner, seemingly asleep. Reiner wrapped his arms protectively around his younger cousin. Falco and Colt came out of the kitchen, holding multiple trays and plates.

" It's not much, " Colt said, " But it'll get us through. "

Gabi sat up sleepily as Falco handed a tray with two plates on it to Reiner. Colt handed another tray to Porco, Pieck, and Zeke, and Falco gave one to Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and Annie, who'd grouped up. Levi and Hange received a tray from Falco as well, and Colt gave the second-to-last tray to Connie. Then Colt and Falco settled beside each other and began to eat.

Suddenly, Sasha writhed in her sleeping bag and let out a groan. She shot up, quicker than she should've for an injured girl. There was a sickly touch to her; her skin was pale and slightly translucent, and black veins ran up her arms and neck. Gabi shrieked. " She turned!! "

All eyes snapped toward the newly-zombified Sasha. She had been alerted by Gabi's shriek and began stumbling towards her. Stricken with terror, Gabi grabbed her gun and aimed at Sasha. But she hesitated. Though the new zombie was meant to be a devil, she'd been a nice person.

" Take the shot, or we'll all get killed! " Reiner whispered anxiously to her. But instead, Sasha turned away, seemingly distracted by something else. With a jolt of terror, Mikasa realized Sasha was coming straight for her -- and Annie, who stood beside her.

Both women tensed as Sasha approached, each taking out their weapon of choice. Mikasa a dagger, and Annie a pocket knife. Sasha lunged at Mikasa first. Mikasa tried to shove her away, but Sasha's new form had come with fresh, overwhelming strength. Before Mikasa could escape, Sasha bit down on her neck.

Mikasa let out a cry of pain, tears flooding her eyes. Annie gasped in horror and tore Sasha away from Mikasa. But Sasha, in turn, pinned Annie down. The blonde struggled, her arms about to give way under Sasha's weight. But suddenly , that weight was lifted. Armin had dragged Sasha away and was wrestling with her now.

Annie leaped up, but before she could react, Sasha brutally ripped Armin's throat out. Annie shrieked in horror, backing up against the wall. Before anything could go further, Gabi grabbed her gun and shot Sasha through the chest; the new zombie fell dead to the ground with a sickening thud.

Eren knelt beside Mikasa and Armin, desperately hoping his friends would be okay. But, to his dismay, both of them paled. Mikasa had turned, but Armin was fully dead. Tears pricked Eren's eyes as he realized what he had to do now. He stood up, grabbed his gun, and regretfully faced Mikasa. She stumbled toward him, her gray eyes emotionless.

Tears blurring Eren's vision, he took the shot, and managed to headshot Mikasa. She fell to the ground with the same sickening thud Sasha had. Eren teared up and turned away from the group, letting tears run down his face.

He wrinkled his nose as he heard Zeke's voice. " We can't stay here. The infection will spread, and we'll all die . "

" I'm not leaving my fallen comrades. " Connie's voice was resolute. " But Zeke's right. We have to leave, or we'll get killed, " Porco answered. Levi snorted. " Maybe it's easier for you all to say that; you haven't lost any of your comrades, " he snapped.

Reiner fidgeted with his fingers. Annie spoke for both of them. " I agree with both sides, but I do think it's a better idea to move.. "

" Nobody asked for your opinion! " Eren snapped, whipping around to face her. " You don't get to have a say here! "

Annie flinched, and Reiner jumped to his feet. " Calm down, Eren-- " he began. " You shut up, too, Reiner. " Eren spat. " Eren, settle yourself. That's an order. You're letting your emotions take over. " Hange spoke to break the tension.

Clenching his fists, Eren turned toward his Commander, narrowing his eyes. Then he took a deep breath. " Fine, fine. But still... "

" As much as I hate to say it, " Hange continued, " Zeke might be right. It's not safe for us here. I know how you feel about leaving your comrades behind, " she added as Eren and Connie opened their mouths to protest. " And I understand. I don't want to leave, either. But we have to save ourselves at this point. "

Levi nodded slowly. " It'll be difficult to leave, but we have to. "

Eren dug his nails into his palms, drawing a few beads of blood. Connie stood up. " Sasha and Jean will be okay.. right?.. " He asked quietly. " I'm sure they'll be perfectly fine, " Pieck joined the conversation with a quiet, understanding voice. " After all, they're in a painless place now. "

" I guess.. " Connie mumbled. Eren glanced regretfully at Armin and Mikasa's dead bodies. Tears rolled down his cheeks and a sob caught in his throat. He covered his mouth, staring at the bloody carcasses.

Zeke walked over to his half-brother and placed his hand on his shoulder. The group had already packed everything up, and Connie was standing beside Hange as she comforted him. " Come on, " Zeke whispered. " It's time to go. "



here's chapter 3! hope you guys liked it-

its getting difficult to keep these guys in character, but im trying TvT

Anygays, word count for personal convenience; 1370.

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