Don't Tell Me You Love Me

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Telling me you love me isn't enough to heal or mend the hole you punched through my chest...
You ripped my heart out and I couldn't breathe because of the pain...
Don't tell me you love me, when you're the one who made me fall... you lead me on and when you twisted the dagger you stabbed me in the back with, everything I felt left me numb with pain and heartache...
So don't tell me you love me when you clearly never did...
Don't tell me you love me when it was all lies...
I loved you, but you didn't love me...
How's that fair to me?..
How would you like it if I did that to you??...
Like you wouldn't care about it...
So don't tell me you love me when all you did was lie to me the entire time we were together...
Don't tell me you love me anymore...
Because if you did love me, you wouldn't have hurt me like wouldn't be with the other girl if you loved me...
So don't tell me you love me when it was all lies for four years...
Never thought it'd end this way...
If you loved me, you should have thought about it before you went to the other girls house...
You lied to me about everything....
Yet, you didn't seem to care if I was hurting because of what you did...
You thought I'd come back to you after you slept with the other woman who happened to be your Ex girlfriend...
Now I know why you never answer my texts or calls... because you're screwing around with her behind my back...
In my opinion, that's cheating...and when you know it was wrong, you made an excuse for it saying, "It wasn't planned."... Well I knew you would say something like that...
It shouldn't have happened if you loved me...
So don't tell me you love me.... because I was done with you a while ago, darling...
So don't tell me what I want to hear, don't tell me you love me anymore...
Because I don't love you anymore...
If you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated and in fact, once a cheater, always a cheater...
What we had is over and I'm never coming back to you...not this time....
So don't tell me you love me when it's over between us..
Don't tell me you love me anymore...

The New Romantic's Poetry By Kaylyne Hayford (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now