My Heart

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My love, my heart beats for you....
My heart...
My heart is young and wild and free, but loving you is cool and hot and sweet...
My heart beats for you...
Why'd you have to go?...
My heart misses you and I just wished you would come back home to me....
My heart bleeds for you...
Just wishing I was in your embrace and feeling your heart beating as I lay my head on your chest...
Baby, I'd love until the end of the world and yet you gracefully walked away from me without a word...
My heart aches for you...but I know you'll never be coming back....
Beautiful I moved on...
My heart is taken and you can't get it back now...
I'll forever be haunted by the ghost of you...
My heartache isn't going I'm stuck in the same old room where we had our first kiss... My heart desires your love and your kiss... but now I will only love the ghost of you....
My heart....
It hurts with the ache for you...
But I realized that you're gone...

The New Romantic's Poetry By Kaylyne Hayford (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now