Mother's Unconditional Love

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A Mother's unconditional love for her children is a beautiful blessing... but when you abuse your children, don't think It doesn't have consequences of losing your children...
A Mother's unconditional love should be gentle and pure and joyful with so much love...
Not abuse them or neglect them or even kick them out when they have nowhere to go for shelter...
A Mother's unconditional love should be pure joy and happiness and gentle...
Not the complete opposite...
A Mother's unconditional love shouldn't be abusive to her children...
She better be ashamed of herself for hurting her own children that are her flesh and blood...
Those children are of me and my younger brother who were abused by our birth mother...she wasn't a mother that gave unconditional love to us..
Mother's abuse to her children she should be ashamed of myself... karma is coming for her and it's catching up fast...
Maybe she'll one realize too late that she is too far gone to get help or even want there's no mother's unconditional love there...

My message for children who are abused by their parents, especially their birth mother...

I write poetry like a story about my life and
One of those abused children was also me...I cried every day and night for help... when suddenly I was the abused child that just wishes to have a home with a good family... My birth mother was never in the picture in the beginning...
But over time growing up, it only got worse from there...soon enough I was in a homeless shelter for six months by myself...
I was abused by my birth mother and neglected and kicked out by her...
So in my poetry, I write poetry about my life and relationships...
So if you're reading this, please understand that I been through a lot in my life...
But if you have any questions, please feel free to comment...

The New Romantic's Poetry By Kaylyne Hayford (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now