Castle's Crumbling

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The Kingdom; Dark knights in shining armor, I can see the villagers in the ships, they're coming for me, castle's crumbling... There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide...
Someone save me from this nightmare of a lucid dream...
The Castle's Crumbling, all of the bridges burned as I watched everything I loved disappear... castle's crumbling, everyone trusted me and I couldn't save them because I'm no hero or savior... before my last breath, I always tried my best to protect my family and Kingdom.. but now they see me as a monster... Now they see me as a failure to the Kingdom I couldn't save...
I'm not perfect, no one is perfect... I was never the Queen they thought I was... I'm no savior or hero...
Castle's Crumbling now they're screaming they hate me...
Now everything I worked so hard for is gone...
As all the things I loved fell apart, I fell apart along with it all... I'm not a bad person, I'm just a damaged soul looking for relief of my pain and sorrow...
My sins are what stops me from fighting back, knowing I'll never win the battle...
As the castle's crumbling came crashing down and my bridges burnt to ash, I realized I wasn't strong enough to fight to survive the pain and sorrows, my guilt, it took every ounce of strength to get back up, but by the time I stood up to stand my ground... everything was gone... So the bravest thing I've ever done was run...
And so I ran... that was the bravest thing I've ever done...
Even if my castle's crumbling, I always get back up... I just keep going... Because someday, it gets better and things will start to look up...
You never know what could be around the corner in life...
So I say to myself, "Life is what you make of it. If you put your mind to it, anything is possible..."....

The New Romantic's Poetry By Kaylyne Hayford (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now