I Wish You Were Here

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I wish you were here when I needed you most...
But when I saw you kissing that other woman, I disappeared...
I just ran...
I wish you were here, but now I knew why you would hurt me like that....
Left me Wondering why and what I did wrong to you...
When I saw you with that other woman, I didn't know how to respond...
All I can do is cry...
I cried for what I thought could've been and how I dreamt of a future together...
Now everything is gone....
I wish you were here, but now...I don't wish you were here...
I wish I left a long time ago...
But never did I see this coming...
Now I have nightmares and pain and heartache...
After all the pain I severed, this is what you do to me?....
Well, at least I now have my freedom...
Because everyone comes and goes... sometimes I feel like love isn't worth it...
Never worth the pain...
But this love...
It'll never come back...
After that last kiss goodbye...
I knew I did the right thing...
By letting me go....

The New Romantic's Poetry By Kaylyne Hayford (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now