Playing and tricking

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Husk didn't quite understand Henroin's obsession over table and cards games.
But it was fine by him. He was the best at playing cards and nobody could beat him.
"Can't we just talk in a normal way?"
Aracknisse got everyone attention and all the room became quiet.
Angel didn't say anything but just looked with wide eyes.
"No, we can't"
Henroin answered layabout and gestured a sinner to get a deck of cards.
"You can't decide without our opinion!"
Aracknisse was now standing up screaming against his father.
Angel tried his best to make him sit down.
"I don't want to hear anything else from you two unless I tell you to speak"
A sinner placed a deck of cards on the table.
Henroin called his son and Angel jumped in fear.
Husk wasn't having it, whatever his father did to his son had to be fucking disgusting. Just the thought of that made the cat want to hit him.
"You will supervise the game, mix the cards and make sure no one cheats"
Angel got up and made with the hand a strange gesture to Taylor and Aracknisse that Husk didn't quite understand.
The spider had everyone's eyes on him and with the four hands started mixing the cards.
He was doing plenty of trick to distract the player from the cards, a silly way to mix, Husk had seen plenty of them and he was never tricked by any of that.
He just had to focus on the cards and take note of the other pair of hands.
The cat slowly looked up and noticed that Angel was looking at him.
When they made eye contact the spider winked at him showing with a hand an ace of hearts.
Husk completely lost himself and started turning red all over his face.
"Everything all right?"
His co-worker looked at him in a worried way.
"Shit... I got distracted"
The co-worker smiled and made with the hand a strange gesture to Angel that Husk didn't quite understand.
The mixed deck of cards was put on the table by the spider who started dividing it into small groups.
"We are going to play a simple game: the goal is to create a royal flush, everyone will put down in the same moment the cards covered and you will discuss about who has a royal flush and who hasn't.
If you don't have it and you get caught, you are out of the game, if you doubt about someone who has it, you are out, every time someone is wrong or get caught he is disqualified.
Everything's clear?"
Strange game, Husk never heard about it, but it was fine, he had won plenty of games without even knowing the rules.
The cat grabbed his cards and looked at it.
They were all aces.
With how many cards were they playing? He had six aces.
Six fucking aces.
What the fuck was Angel doing?
"No talking when you are not allowed to, no alliances between the players and no cheating"
No cheating? He had some fucking terrible cards in his hands that were impossible to be casual.
Something was going on and he didn't know what.
"Everyone may know change a maximum of four cards"
Everyone started changing some cards and Husk decided to change only one card.
Now the only thing to do was put on his best gambling face and win that round.
Angel was walking around the table, observing the game.
"Now you can start accusing the other to find who doesn't have a royal flush"
Some sinners started accusing each other, two actually had a royal flush and eliminated who accused them.
Taylor looked directly at Husk who no one dared to accuse.
"Husk, you don't have a royal flush"
He reveled his cards, all aces except for a three of diamonds.
Did Husk, the ex gambler overlord, just lost a fucking stupid game?
Henroin was just as shocked as Husk.
Meanwhile Angel walked behind Taylor and gave him an high-five.
"No need to worry, we can still play another game.
Now we play a real one: poker"
The smile on Angel's face faded away, and so did Aracknisse's and Taylor's.
"Husk, maybe you shouldn't play..."
The co-worker looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"You are really distract..."
"I'm fine, I can still play"
"Are you sure? We can just leave if you want"
"No, it's fine"
The co-worker made with the hand a strange gesture to Angel that Husk didn't-
"What the fuck are you two doing with the hand?"
Husk was tired of that bullshit, what were they doing? Playing games like a three years old?
"I'm saying hi to Angel, I talked to him and he was really nice"
"Yes, I truly believe you now"
Husk sighed and waited for the cards.
He then decided to turn and face his co-worker, he didn't actually want to offend him.
"Listen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
When the cat raised his head he found a beautiful white sinner looking at his cards with a confused look.
"Shhhhh, it's Anthony here"
The spider winked smiling.
"I thought you were supervising the game..."
"I should, but I don't know how to play poker, so your friend is doing it"
"I can help you during the game if you want"
With a foot Angel touched Husk's leg, it was Morse code: T-H-A-N-K-S
"Since when do you know Morse code, legs?"
"Since I was young, I used it when I was a child to play"
"How many other secrets are you hiding from me?"
"Not enough if you keep finding them"

Angel wanted to bury himself under that casino.
That plan was fucking terrible thanks to Taylor.
They already made Husk loose a game: Angel distracted him and gave him impossible cards, Taylor made him loose.
The plan was to make Henroin, his own father, believe that Husk wasn't the best gambler in town, not anymore.
Now Angel couldn't supervise anymore the game because it was poker and he didn't know how to play, but he still needed to distract Husk.
And there wasn't a thing more painful than flirting with the person you love for tricking him.
Would Husk still trust him? Would Angel still have a chance to have a relationship with him?
Husk was the best person the spider had seen in all his life in Hell and he started having some feelings with him, love feelings, he wanted to love him and to have a serious relationship with him, not just fuck him.
The game started and Angel was completely lost.
"Anthony, it's your turn"
"Yeah, sorry"
What did he need to do?
He was too distracted thinking about the cat that he didn't even look at what the other player were doing.
"Change the two of hearts and the four of spades"
It was a raspy whispering coming from his left.
While Angel changed the cards he looked at Husk who was smirking at him.
Everyone finished doing that and started betting money or leaving the game.
The spider decided to leave, it sure wasn't the best idea to bet when you don't know how to play.
"You could have betted something, you had good cards"
Husk was looking at his cards, he still had to decide to stay or not.
"I didn't know, I hate cards game, only thanks to you I knew what to do"
Angel placed a hand on the cat's leg and the contact made the two have tingles.
The cat looked at the hand and the spider had to do it: with the other hand he quickly changed one of Husk's card with one of his deck.

Husk was trying his best to keep a poker face on him, trying to look impassive, but Angel was really tempting him.
The hand on his leg was driving him crazy, it has been years since he ever felted something like that.
"Husk, do you want to bet?"
Husk betted all his fish, he had a royal flush and he could beat everyone.
"Time to reveal the cards"
Everyone revealed their cards and Husk did too.
The room was silent and everyone was looking at him.
The cat looked at his cards.
On the table there was a royal flush but it wasn't complete, there was an extra ace of hearts and the queen of diamonds was missing.
"I can't believe it! Husk, the lord of gambling, the one who gambled plenty of souls just lost a simple game!"
Husk couldn't believe it too, did Angel really did it? Did he flirted with him just to trick him?
The cat felt so stupid, anger, shame and delusion started filling up his body.
He looked at Angel who picked the ace of hearts and started destroying it in many pieces.
Henroin sure wasn't having a better moment, he looked furious.
"How could you do a thing like that to me"
Husk was whispering to actually no one, maybe he was talking alone or maybe he hoped Angel could hear him.
Something started touching his leg, it was Angel's foot repeatedly touching Husk.
It was again Morse code: I-M-S-O-R-R-Y.
The spider took a tissue and wrote on it with a pen, then he passed it to the cat.
"I swear I had a good reason to do that.
I will explain everything to you if we exit from here safe.
Love you, be safe.

𝒩𝑜 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓊𝓈 | ʜᴜsᴋᴇʀᴅᴜsᴛ Where stories live. Discover now