I love you

228 7 5

Warning: this contain a little bit of explicit content, I hope it doesn't bother anyone

It all happened so fast.
The two demons sneaked out of the room leaving the others behind.
They got up on the roof and started planning everything.
Husk had a little notebook and with a pen was writing everything.
"You should absolutely repaint the wall of the casino, do it yellow"
"Why yellow?"
"It's your color, it fits you"
The cat noted it down.
Angel's heart was melting seeing how much Husk actually cared about what he was saying.
He couldn't believe that the cat thought that he still loved Valentino.
But how to say that he was the actual one who he truly loved?
He was scared to reveal his feelings, scared to have a delusion.
"Do you think people will still come to the casino now that I am the new owner again?"
"Is that even a question? People will run to your casino.
Now that you have beaten Valentino everyone will want to know your strategies"
"Maybe I should add more tables..."
"Write it"
"About the money for the casino...I will give them back whenever the things start again, I-"
Angel looked at the cat and smiled.
"You don't have to, it's a way of thanking you and I used some mafia's money, so it's not a problem"
"About the thing I said earlier-"
Husk's phone buzzed.
"Sorry, it's for the casino, coming back soon"
He got up and started walking on the roof while listening to what his ex-coworker was saying.
"Heyyyy, Husk my old friend, long time no see"
"We saw each other last week at the casino, I'm surprised you're still alive"
"I heard you are the new owner of the casino.
I was thinking that maybe you could, you know, hire me as your assistant, again"
Husk made a happy puff and grinned.
"I guess I'll have to do it.
Tomorrow morning at seven you have to be there"
"Haha ok.
Welcome back boss"
He hung up and came back to Angel, ready to write new ideas for the casino.
But the spider feel asleep leaning against the wall.
He picked him up and brought him to his room.
Husk put him on the bed and sat next to him.
He was surprised to discover how much Angel's bed was soft.
The spider moved a little leaving a little space for the cat, he couldn't help but lay down on the warm and soft and pink bed.
"Just until I'm sure Angel is okay..."
Small purrs came out of him as he fell asleep next to Angel.

Angel woke up 'cause of the sun, he must have forgotten to close the curtains last night.
When he tried to reach the phone to see what time it was something blocked him.
On his chest there was a resting cat, his ears were lowered and his hand was next to his face, gently caressing Angel's fur.
As the spider face started to become red he wondered what happened.
It was strange.
Angel didn't notice but he slept really well that night, and it was unusual because he had always suffered from insomnia.
His phone buzzed loudly and woke up Husk.
He still had his eyes closed but he started to purr.
"Oh my god"
Angel cupped with the hand Husk's face until the cat opened his eyes and realized what was happening.
He jumped off the bed and stood up watching the spider.
"You purr!"
"That's so cute"
Angel was sure Husk was embarrassed in that moment, he could tell from the fact he was really similar to a tomato, a cat tomato, a catomato.
"Why are you ashamed of that?"
Someone knocked at the door and without waiting for an answer entered the room.
"Gooood morning sleepy head!
The sun is high and we have a lot to do, have you seen Husk? Because he isn't in his-"
Well that was funny, Angel was about to laugh at the situation.
He was in his bed, still with sheets on him, Husk was looking at him with wide eyes open, his fur was messy and Charlie was standing, looking at them.
"Did I interrupt something...?"
"It's not as it seems!"
Angel was laughing now.
"Oh really? I thought you wanted to do something fun~"
Husk stormed out of the room while Charlie followed him.
When Angel picked his phone he saw a message from last night that he didn't see.

Tomorrow at 10 pm come to the casino.
Here the notes I took yesterday:

Angel smiled and got out of bed.
He needed to get ready to go to the casino.
And he needed to talk to Husk.

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