The calls

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Everyone was in the living room, talking about what to do that night all together.
Everyone except angel who was in the bathroom and had left his phone on the sofa near Husk.
The phone started buzzing.
Cherri looked at Husk:
"Who is it?"
"I don't know"
"Check who is calling!"
"I'm not doing that! You do it"
"Fuck you, you grumpy cat, you are near the phone, you flip it and check who is calling"
"Why don't you do it?! Stop bothering me and just check"
"Fuck you" Cherri grabbed the phone and finally checked who was calling.
"Can you please call angel?" She said still looking at the phone buzzing with a worried look.

Angel was holding his phone while Cherri was explaining what happened:
"An unknown number was calling"
The spider looked in fear the cyclops.
"Do you think it is...?"
"It can't be, I'm sure it's just one of my other costumers"
In the exact same moment both Angel's and Husk's phone rang.
They looked at each other.
"We should answer"
"Yes, we should"
Yes they should, but they didn't want to separate from each other. Husk wanted Angel by his side while he would answer his ex co-worker from when he worked at the casino. Angel wanted to have Husk near him while he would answer the call from the unknown number.
Both of them just wanted the comfort of the other one, they were truly scared of the idea to answer the call.
Angel decided to answer the call in the kitchen while Husk decided to go out the hotel, It was a warm and not too noisy afternoon.
Husk finally answered the call.
"Hi Husker! My old friend, how are you doing?"
"I'm fine"
"Always so dry, you never change!"
"Why did you call me?"
"The casino has been completely rented and He wants the staff to be present tonight"
"Did you sold the casino?!"
"We didn't sold it, He just rented it for this night"
"But why did you let that happened?"
Husk was trying to contain himself, but he was really having the urge to break his phone.
"Because the boss of one of the biggest mafia families rented it"
Husk's jaw dropped.
"And what does all this have to do with me?"
"He wants the staff to be present, included the ex owner of the casino"
"But why?"
"I don't really know Husker..."
Husk just decided to end the call, for his own good and for the good of the ex co-worker, he really wasn't felling like punching people that afternoon.
He had some trouble with the mafia when he owned the casino, but it was nothing compared to this.
The cat was determined, he was going to the casino that night, he wanted to protect all the people that still worked there and he was curious about all this.

Angel answered the phone and put it near his ear.
"Am I talking to Anthony?"
Angel's jaw dropped.
He hadn't tell his real name to anyone, he was planning to reveal it to Husk, they were becoming really close in that period but he just wasn't feeling ready.
So who was this unknown person who knew his name?
"Yes you are, who are you?"
"I'm a colleague of your father, please be at the casino this night"
Angel started shaking and had to put down the phone.
It couldn't be, why would his father want to meet him?
His eyes started watering.
"Yes, sorry, I'm here"
Angel tried to put his best mask on, he was an actor after all, and continued the call.
"But why?"
"Your father wants to see you, and I think it's an important thing, he rented an entire casino for meeting you and your brother"
"What if I don't go?"
"We thought about that possibility, we will come to your crappy hotel and take you to the casino"
"Always so kind"
The spider didn't know how he could joke in a situation like that, but he was an actor... oh fuck, he was an actor.
"I need to ask my boss if I can go"
"Try to convince him or we will ruin your amazing film"
The call ended.
Angel really needed to convince Valentino, maybe if he offered some extra shifts he would agree.

The living room was now empty when Husk and Angel simultaneously entered in the room.
"Hey legs"
"Hi grumpy cat"
They assumed that both their call had been a completely mess just by looking at each other.
"The usual?"
"Yes please"

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