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The next day was family day, and as Alex and Ben sang a song for the guests, the five of us watched their performance. During the performance, I noticed a plate of strawberries, and I couldn't resist.

"Mal," I gestured towards the strawberries, and we both smiled at each other before sneaking over to grab some.

Mal, Evie, and I enjoyed the strawberries, while Carlos and Jay indulged in chocolate. We chatted as everyone interacted with their families and took photos.

"Y/n," I heard my name being called.


We both turned to see Alex and Ben beckoning us over. Mal and I exchanged nervous glances before joining the Beast family.

"Come on," the boys smiled, guiding us over as Ben hugged Mal, and Alex hugged me. "We want to introduce you to our parents as our girlfriends."

Mal and I exchanged another nervous look as the concept of a romantic relationship was still new to us. The four of us walked over to meet the Beast family.

"This is Mal from the Isle, my girlfriend," Ben smiled.

"This is Y/n from the Isle, my girlfriend," Alex added.

"Hi," Belle greeted us with a surprised expression, while Adam waved, momentarily speechless.

"Hi," we greeted back.

"I was thinking maybe they can join us for lunch?" Ben suggested to his parents.

"Of course," Adam nodded. "Any friend of Ben or Alex's—"

"We actually came here with our friends," I politely interjected.

"Well, you should... invite them," Belle suggested.

"The more, the merrier!" she added.

"Okay," we agreed.

"We'll go grab them," Mal smiled.

"How about a game of croquet before lunch?" Adam suggested.

"Of course!" Alex and Ben responded enthusiastically, high-fiving their father.

* * * 

I stared at the ground blankly as the Core Five played with Beast. Suddenly, arms circled around my waist, making me jump. I turned to see Alex.

"Why the long face?" he asked as I pulled away from him.

"Nothing," I said, giving a smile as his smile faded.

"Something's bothering you, isn't it?" he asked me. I stared at him; how could he understand so well?

Before I could say anything, we heard, "You!" We turned towards the voice to see some old lady talking to Mal.

"How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Alex and I quickly went over. I stood next to Mal as Alex stood next to me.

"Maleficent is still on the island," Alex assured her. I grabbed Mal's hand for comfort.

"This is her daughter, Mal," Ben put a hand on Mal's shoulder. "Don't you remember our proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben smiled.

"A chance to what, boys? Destroy us? You remember, don't you?" Queen Leah turned to the others as Fairy Godmother tried to calm her down.

"The poison apples. And the spells! The spells..." Queen Leah turned back to Mal. "My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. Her first words, her first step. I missed it all!" Queen Leah sobbed as Fairy Godmother tried to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry-" Mal tried to apologize.

"Go away! Step away from her!" Chad shoved Mal back as I quickly caught Mal.

"Don't do this, Chad." Ben and Alex warned him.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Ben, Alex. What do you think villains teach their children? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay?" Chad shook his head.

"You stole another girl's boyfriend." He pointed to Mal.

"Hey, hey!" Ben yelled at him as Chad turned to me.

"You seduce boys to get what you want," he said to me.

"Hey, shut up, Chad!" Alex was about to go at Chad, but I gripped his arm and pulled him back.

"You enjoy hurting people." Chad turned to Jay.

"And you!" Chad turned to Evie. "You're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater!" He smiled proudly.

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie asked as it appeared Chad showing him. "What? Come on!" Chad rolled his eyes, slapping her arm away.

"Hey! Watch it!" Jay exclaimed, grabbing Chad's shirt.

Evie grabbed the perfume bottle I gave her last night and hit two sprays on Chad, causing him to faint. Some of the Auradon kids went to Chad while some just stared at the scene.

We ignored everyone and walked away faster, trying to leave as far as we could.

* * * 

As lunchtime arrived, we sat outside at a picnic table in silence. The Twin Kings found us and walked over, noticing the uneasy looks from some of the Auradon kids.

"Hey, guys!" Alex smiled.

"How is everyone?" Ben asked.

We didn't answer; we didn't even look up at the boys.

"Hey, listen, forget about today. It was nothing." Ben put his hands on Mal's shoulders. "Let it go."

"Tomorrow after the coronation, we promise everything will be okay." Alex softly put his hand on my shoulder.

"We have to go," Ben and Alex said.

"We'll talk to you guys later." Ben kissed Mal's head.

"Don't worry, please." Alex kissed my cheeks, and they walked away.

"Hey, listen, Evie," Doug walked up to the table. "I want to talk-"

"Doug!" Chad called the boy from where they were sitting.

"It's my fault. I'm so sorry-" Evie tried to apologize.

"Doug!" Chad shouted.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Doug told her before going to the table with Chad, Anna, Lonnie, and the other Auradon kids.

Evie pushed her tray away with a hurt expression. Audrey and Jane strolled past them.

"How long do they think this'll last?" Audrey smirked loud enough for everyone to hear. "They're just the bad-girl infatuation."

"Yeah." Jane nodded, getting up close to the sisters. "I mean, they're never going to make villains into queens."

Jane and Audrey walked off as most of the Auradon girls, besides Lonnie and Anna, laughed.

I had enough as I quickly took Mal's magic book and found the spell.

"Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair," I repeated as I waved my hand, snapping her fingers as Jane screamed.

"There's a lot more where that came from," Mal told the girls as she and I stood up.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey questioned.

"Does it look like we're kidding?" I gave Mal her magic book as she opened it.

The girls and the others ran off, terrified of what we might do.

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow," I told my best friends.

"Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand," Mal said as the other three looked at each other, then we five walked away.

♫ I'm rotten to the core ♫

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