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On the Isle, Y/N, daughter of Queen of hearts, and her half sister Mal, daughter of Maleficent finished spray-painting a wall with their signature. They shared a smirk before turning around. Mal, taking the lead, began the song:

♫ They say I'm trouble ♫
♫ They say I'm bad ♫
♫ They say I'm evil ♫
♫ And that makes me glad ♫

Y/N tossed the spray can away, kicked it, and with a sly look at the screen, she sang:

♫ I like being mean, ♫
♫ In shadows unseen, ♫
♫ Evil's in my vein, ♫
♫ Where hurt becomes my gain. ♫

Suddenly, Jay, Jafar's son, leaped onto the roof, then down to the ground. He swung open a red door and burst into song:

♫ A dirty no good ♫
♫ Down to the bone ♫
♫ Your worst nightmare ♫
♫ Can't take me home ♫

Evie, the Evil Queen's daughter, suddenly appeared, crashing the "party" and started singing:

♫ So I got some mischief ♫
♫ In my blood ♫
♫ Can you blame me? ♫
♫ I never got no love ♫

Next, Carlos emerged from a window, catching the apple a girl tossed into the air:

♫ They think I'm callous ♫
♫ A lowlife hood ♫
♫ I feel so useless ♫

In unison they all sang well yelled out:

♫ Misunderstood ♫

The three girls then met up walking through the alley together singing:

♫ Mirror, mirror on the wall ♫
♫ Who's the baddest of them all? ♫
♫ Welcome to my wicked world ♫
♫ Wicked world ♫

All of them then met up kicking on people's laundry making sure to leave a mess. They also began to bang sticks on buckets and pipes as they ran through the pipe lines.

♫ I'm rotten to the core ♫
♫ Rotten to the core ♫
♫ I'm rotten to the core ♫
♫ Who could ask for more? ♫
♫ I'm nothing like a kid next ♫
♫ Like the kid next door ♫

♫ I'm rotten to the... ♫
♫ I'm rotten to the... ♫
♫ I'm rotten to the core ♫

Mal then sang assuring to leave her mark on a white cloth with purple spray paint and opened the curtain showing a guy taking a shower in a tub:

♫ Call me a schemer ♫
♫ Call me a freak ♫
♫ How can you say that? ♫
♫ I'm just unique ♫

Y/N boldly stepped into the midst of a huddled group, their eyes fixated on Y/N, engaged in hushed conversations blending admiration and judgment:

♫ Am I not perfect? ♫
♫ Your silent whispers ♫
♫ Can't break my spirit ♫
♫ I defy your judgment ♫

Jay sang as he grabbed a coffee pot from a couple on a 'date.:

♫ What, me a traitor? ♫
♫ Ain't got your back ♫
♫ Are we not friends? ♫
♫ What's up with that? ♫

Evie took charge, singing as she flirted with a guy:

♫ So I'm a misfit ♫
♫ So I'm a flirt ♫
♫ I broke your heart ♫
♫ I made you hurt ♫

Carlos went around, singing and dropping people's items.

♫ The past is past ♫
♫ Forgive, forget ♫
♫ The truth is ♫

They all sang in unison:

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