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"Children, excuse me," Fairy Godmother interrupted our lesson for the day. "Um, as you know, this Sunday is family day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat."

She turned on the TV that was in front of the chalkboard, and Maleficent's giant head filled the screen.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear," Maleficent said, her huge head still blocking the view.

"Kids!" Fairy Godmother called us all over to the TV.

"Press enter," Jafar suggested.

Maleficent finally backed away from the camera so we could see all of our parents now.

"Can I please see a remote?" Maleficent asked no one in particular. "Is this thing on? Ugh, it's broken. Ugh! I hate electronic equip-"

"Oh!" They all gasped as the screen on their side finally turned on.

"Evie, it's mommy!" The Evil Queen waved excitedly from behind Maleficent. "Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent mocked the two.

"Ooh! Who's the old bat?" Cruella asked, referring to Fairy Godmother.

"This is Fairy Godmother," Mal introduced.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent teased.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage," Fairy Godmother said, quite upset.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till one a.m.? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" my mom bullied Fairy Godmother, making me sigh.

"They were mice! They were not...they were mice! They were not-" Fairy Godmother protested, upset by my mom's bullying.

"Thank you so much. Thank you," I said, getting Fairy Godmother to calm down just a bit.

"They were mice," Fairy Godmother whisper-yelled at the camera before finally backing off.

"Hi, mom," Mal put on a fake smile.

"Mal! I m-m-miss you," Maleficent stuttered over her words. The Evil Queen practically had to hit her before the word 'miss' even came out.

"You children are never far from our thoughts," Jafar said with a little wave.

"How long must mommy wait to see you?" my mom asked, obviously referring to the wand.

"Um, there's a big coronation coming up. I think sometime probably after that," I said, trying not to give too much away.

"When?" my mom demanded.

"Friday, 10 A.M.," I explained, gritting my teeth, not liking this call.

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magic wa-" Maleficent started, almost letting her plans slip. The Evil Queen had to hit her again just to get her to shut up.

"You! You little nugget that I love so much," she covered for herself, not very well though.

"Yes, I completely understand, mother," Mal just nodded along.

"Carlos, is that a dog?" Cruella asked, shoving her face in front of the camera. "Oh, yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs."

"He's the perfect size for a pet!" Carlos sassed, getting up closer to the camera. Cruella backed off from the camera while we all watched the exchange between the two.

"This dog loves me, and I love him. And fyi, your dog is stuffed!" Carlos went on, "So give it a rest!"

"Oh-ho! Burn!" Jafar laughed in Cruella's face.

"Oh! Why don't you go sell a toaster, you two-bit salesman!" Cruella snapped.

"People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones," Jafar sassed.

"Oh, well, people who sell toasters shouldn't use mixed metaphors!" Cruella barked back.

And with that, Jay turned off the TV, saving us from any more humiliation.

"I'm so sorry," Fairy Godmother apologized.

"Thanks for the special treat," Jay thanked her for the five of us.

"Of course," Fairy Godmother said, going back to her desk. We all turned around and grabbed our stuff before leaving the classroom.

"M, Y/n? What do you think our parents are gonna do to us if we don't pull this off?" Evie asked us.

"I think they will be quietly disappointed in us, but ultimately... Proud of us for doing our best," Mal said.

"Really?" Carlos asked, obviously missing the point.

"No, I think we are definitely goners," I said.

-* * *

Later that night, we gathered in Jay and Carlos's dorm room, huddled over Mal and my diagrams of the cathedral where the boys' coronation would take place.

"Y/n and I will be in the very front," Mal explained. "The rest of you will be up in the balcony. Carlos?"

"Okay, so I'll find our limo so we can break the barrier and get back to the island with the wand," Carlos outlined his part of the plan.

"Perfect," Mal nodded in approval.

"Evie, you'll use this to take the driver out." I handed her a perfume bottle. "Two sprays, and he will be out like a light."

Evie nodded, tucking the bottle into her bag. The five of us exchanged glances, understanding the unspoken thoughts lingering in the air.

The boys settled onto their beds, and Mal and I delved into Mal's spell book, preparing to break the love curse.

"M, Y/n, you guys want to break Ben and Alex's love spell?" Evie asked when she saw the page.

"Yeah, you know, for after..." I nodded.

"We've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally invade Auradon and start looting, kicking everyone out of their castles, imprisoning their leaders, and destroying all that is good and beautiful... the boys still being in love with us just seems a little extra cruel."

Evie looked at us sadly, while the boys cast their eyes downward, lost in thought.

I stood up and walked out of the dorm, wanting to be alone. As I walked in the garden, I grabbed the heart pendant my mom gave me, thinking about how disappointed she would be at me for what I'm going to do tomorrow.

"Yeah, this heart pendant can control anyone's heart," my mom's voice echoed in my head.

She gave me this to control Mal, to snatch the wand from her. But did she really think I could do that to my friend?

Going back to Wonderland is enough for her; she doesn't need that wand. I sighed at all the thoughts and how, after villains take Auradon down, I may be separated from my friends. They still don't know, but this is for the best because my mom is trying to control everyone, including my friend. I won't let that happen.

I really enjoyed the time spent in Auradon, and Alex... All the moments with him from the first day we met till now came to my mind. I stared at the stars.

♫ A million thoughts in my head ♫
♫ Should I let my heart keep listening? ♫
♫ I can't decide what's wrong, what's right ♫
♫ But I know It's time to say good-bye ♫
♫ So hard to let go ♫

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I continued to stare at the stars.

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