Chapter 15- Storm Brown Eyes.

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The air hung heavy with the scent of cardboard and unspoken fear. Faith meticulously taped the last box shut, her movements slow and robotic. The silence in the sparsely furnished apartment screamed at her, each tick of the clock a hammer blow against her already frayed nerves. Kabir sat perched on the edge of the unmade bed, the worry etched on his face a stark contrast to Faith's blank expression. He watched her every move, his brow furrowed in a way that spoke volumes about his concern.

Faith seemed to exist in a numb haze. Weeks of living under the suffocating threat of her stalker had leeched the color from her world, leaving her a pale reflection of her former self. Even the relief of being safe in this new haven felt distant, muted by the constant knot of fear in her stomach.Kabir cleared his throat, the sound harsh in the oppressive silence. "So," he started, his voice gruff, "lots of boxes." It was an attempt at small talk, anything to break the ice, to see a spark of life flicker in her eyes again. But Faith barely reacted. "Yeah," she mumbled, the word devoid of any inflection. Her gaze flicked around the room, landing anywhere but on him. The silence returned, thicker and heavier this time, pressing down on them like a physical weight. Kabir felt a surge of frustration. He wanted to shake her, to yell at her to snap out of it. But he knew that wouldn't help. He needed to be patient, to be the calm in her storm. He rose, hoping a change of scenery might jolt her out of her daze. "This way," he said, gesturing towards a small hallway. He led her through the compact bathroom with surprisingly good water pressure and the surprisingly large closet with sturdy shelves. As he explained the workings of each lock, his voice earnest and concerned, Faith followed like a ghost.

Finally, they reached the balcony. It wasn't much - a small concrete slab overlooking a bustling side street - but to Faith, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Kabir pulled out two metal chairs and busied himself making chai on the burner.

Kabir watched Faith lean against the railing, the cool night air brushing against her face.He placed a steaming cup of chai in her hand, the warmth a stark contrast to the chill emanating from her. "Sugar?" he asked, his voice rough with unspoken concern.Faith shook her head, her eyes fixed on some unseen point in the distance. They sat in companionable silence for a moment, the only sound the clinking of her spoon against the mug. He understood the weight of unspoken fear, the way it could steal your voice and leave you adrift in a sea of anxieties. He yearned to offer words of comfort, but the right ones remained elusive.

"This place," he started, his voice low and gentle, " it's yours now. Every door has a deadbolt, every window a latch. Take your time, settle in. When you're ready, there's a bakery two streets down with the most incredible pastries."A faint flicker of recognition sparked in Faith's eyes. The bakery. A detail he'd mentioned earlier, a detail that seemed to pierce through the fog of her fear. It was a small thing, but it was a connection, a bridge back to the world before.

He knew they needed more than just pastries right now. With a determined sigh, he shifted in his seat and reached for her mug, placing it on the table. "Now," he began, his voice firm but kind, "let's talk about the locks."Kabir led her around the apartment once more, but this time with a different purpose. He pointed out each lock, explaining the mechanisms, the deadbolts, the security chains. He showed her how to check the peephole before opening the door, how to wedge a doorstop for extra security. His instructions were clear, concise, delivered with a quiet intensity that spoke volumes of his concern.

"No matter what," he said, his gaze locked on hers, "don't open the door to anyone you don't know. If someone says they have a package, tell them to leave it with the building manager. If it's an emergency, they'll announce it through the intercom."

Faith listened intently, her mind slowly absorbing the information.She nodded slowly, a silent promise forming between them in the quiet hum of the city below. Kabir let the weight of his instructions settle before speaking again. His voice, usually gruff, was laced with a concern that mirrored the storm of his eyes. "There's my number on the fridge, Faith," he said, his tone firm but gentle. "Don't hesitate to call, any hour, alright?"Faith finally met his gaze, a sliver of gratitude peeking through the fog of her fear. She nodded slowly, her voice barely a whisper, "Thank you."

He gave a curt nod, his jaw clenched tight. It wasn't a solution, far from it, but it was a necessity. "Stay put, Faith." His voice softened a fraction, the tension in the room crackling like static electricity."Actually," he started, his voice a low murmur, "I'm still at the dorm on campus, I will come by after classes to check on you, make sure everything's alright."

Faith's eyes followed him as he spoke, her mind a swirling vortex of fear.They stood in a tense silence for a moment, the air thick with unspoken words. Faith finally managed a small nod, a single, slow movement. "Alright," she whispered, her voice barely audible."I registered myself as your local guardian with the college administration. Just some paperwork to ensure your safety. Don't read anything else into it."

Faith's breath hitched. It was a move that spoke volumes of his concern, a way to offer support without revealing any unnecessary emotion. She looked at him, her eyes searching, then offered a faint nod.

"Temporary, of course," he said, his tone firm but not unkind. "Until you're feeling more settled."Faith swallowed the lump in her throat. This quiet, stoic man, with his gentle concern and a heart that seemed to beat beneath a rough exterior, had become her only option in a storm. She closed her eyes for a moment, the weight of his actions sinking in. "Okay," she whispered, the single word holding a quiet acceptance of his help.

He gave a curt nod, a gesture devoid of warmth but filled with unspoken support. "See you tomorrow, Faith." His voice was steady as he turned and walked towards the door. The click of the lock echoed in the small apartment, a punctuation mark in the tense silence.

Faith stood there for a moment, the silence no longer oppressive but pensive. She walked to the fridge, her fingers brushing against the small piece of paper with Kabir's number scrawled on it. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

Their world exploded. Everything they thought they knew, gone. Kabir, once ready to make Faith pay, now couldn't just walk away. The anger simmered, hot and dark, but something else flickered in his eyes when he looked at her. Forbidden feelings. He shouldn't care. She was his enemy. But the truth was a tangled mess, and Kabir was trapped. Duty clawed at him, but a dark desire for Faith burned hotter. This twisted situation, this enemy he couldn't seem to let go of, threatened to drag him under. The darkness he craved might just swallow him whole, all because of the woman he swore to destroy.

The world shattered around Faith. Fear choked her like a fist, a stalker playing a terrifying game with her life. Who was it? Why? It was a dark mystery that wouldn't let go. Then there was Kabir. He should have been her enemy, pure hate simmering in his eyes for something she didn't understand. But when he looked at her, something else flickered beneath the anger. His jaw clenched tight whenever another guy dared to look her way, almost possessive.

Logic screamed he wanted revenge for something she did, some big secret. But everything he did said otherwise. The kisses were all messed up: one filled with hate, the next like he owned her. Then came the kindness, the way he seemed to care even if he didn't want to admit it. Faith was lost in a maze of mixed signals, the only clear thing being the storm brewing inside her, a storm that mirrored the turmoil in Kabir's eyes.

So!! How was it? 😀

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