Chapter 2 - The Mystery Guy.

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As time marched on, I found myself entwined in various clubs at college. A literature club for my love of writing and a tennis club just to dive into the realm of sports. Dipti and I formed a unique bond, transcending the typical club scene. Our interests gravitated towards bookstores, libraries, and amusement parks rather than the usual club and bar scene.

Dipti: "Bookstore or library today?"

Faith: "Let's switch it up. Amusement

Our visit to the amusement park was a whirlwind of joy and laughter. We reveled in the bright lights, thrilling rides, and the carefree atmosphere. From the dizzying heights of the roller coaster to the whimsical charm of the carousel, each moment etched memories of shared joy.


Dipti: "Tennis practice today. Ready?"

Faith: "Absolutely. Let's bring our A-game."

On the tennis court, our synergy in doubles was unmatched. With each serve and volley, our connection translated into a seamless dance across the court. Our skills complemented each other, making us a formidable team. Off the court, our friendship deepened, a shared laughter echoing through our conversations.

Our tennis team was an all-girls squad, while the boys had their separate team. Although not in direct competition, our paths crossed as we practiced at the same venue. Among the guys, one stood out.

Dipti: "Anyone catch your eye?"

Faith: "Yeah, there's this guy. Intense, serious about the sport, like a black panther."

This mysterious guy wasn't your average player. His predatory gaze sliced through the court, his powerful limbs propelling him with a grace that hinted at feline instincts. He wasn't there for laughter or casual enjoyment. Every move, every stroke, spoke of his singular focus on the game. He played like he is releasing his anger through the game.

Dipti: "He's intriguing. What do you think?"

Faith:"I don't know. He's got this unbothered presence, like he's made of quiet confidence."

Faith (to herself) : So deep in thoughts! Aww! Poor tennis ball, caught in the heat of the match. I wonder, what's going on in his mind? Why does he seem lost in contemplation?

Despite the details that set him apart, he maintained a low profile, like a silent force of nature.


The competitions brought new dimensions to our college life. The thrill of victories and the lessons learned from defeats became threads weaving the fabric of our journey. Observing the mysterious guy in action, his intensity on display, added a layer of intrigue.

Dipti: "Oh, our mysterious guy isn't in the tournament. I wonder why. What could have happened? What do you think of him now?"

Faith:"Still a mystery. But on the court, he's like a force of nature."

As the tournaments progressed, our encounters with the mysterious guy continued.

As the days unfolded, the tennis court became a stage for silent battles, each of us immersed in our own pursuits.


Dipti:"Hey, Look who's back! Our mystry guy!!You think you'll talk to him?"

Faith: "Nope, not meddling. Keeping it simple, you know? Best way to avoid unnecessary drama. Why the sudden fascination, though? Listen, Dipu , my love, stay away from trouble. We don't even know his name, his year, or department-nothing. Better safe than sorry."

Dipti: "Oh, come on! He's not a criminal! Just a student like us. It's just that he's so mysterious, handsome. I can't help but be intrigued. Darling, it's not that serious! And I know what's triggering this-those leaked pictures, right? Anonymous love proposals and all! Come on, chill, babe!"

Faith: "Ever heard the saying 'Precaution is better than cure'? Oh, wait! So, someone's basically hinting that this guy is their type?" (Teasing smile).

Dipti: "Oh, yes, yes, 'precaution,' 'cure,' whatever! First of all, I'm not interested in him romantically. It's just his vibe, you know? Creepy or mysterious, I can't decide. And no, don't expect me to strike up a conversation with him. Please, I love my life." (Laughing)

Faith: (Laughing) "Aww! Baby is afraid!!?" (Laughing).

And so, the story of the mysterious guy on the tennis court continued, an intriguing presence I observed from a distance, respecting the promise to navigate my own journey without meddling in his.

A vote and comment would definitely appreciate me to write further chapters. Thank you♥️♥️💋

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