Chapter 13 - Hand behind the Lock.

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Faith woke up to the clean smell of disinfectant and the steady drip of an IV. The morning sunlight, which is usually nice, felt too bright. Someone softly touched her arm, waking her up.

"Miss Ahuja" a nurse's voice soothed, "time to go home. Everything's been checked at the dorm, lock code's changed. You're safe to pack your things."

Safe. The word sounded funny in her head. Home, once a place of dreams, now had scary whispers of her worst fear. But she had to deal with it. She nodded, took out the IV, and the needle's sting was nothing compared to the strange feelings on her skin.

The walk to the dorm was a blur, each footstep thudding against the fear building in her chest. Standing at her door, the usual place felt strangely unfriendly. She struggled with the new code, the click a brave sound against the hidden shadows.

The air inside felt thick, and the comfy furniture looked strange, like creepy dolls instead. When she touched familiar things, memories popped up - laughing with friends, studying quietly, sharing late-night secrets. But now, those secrets seemed to turn into teasing echoes, with unseen eyes in every corner.

She packed automatically, clothes blending into a jumble of lost dreams. The sudden darkness shocked her, and the once white ceiling disappeared into a black hole. Panic tightened her throat as silence echoed with fear.

After that, a sound came. The door lock made a low, mechanical whine. It clicked, clattered, clicked again, persistently attacking the fragile barrier that separated her from the unknown. The doorknob rattled, twisting violently as if moved by an unseen hand.

Faith stood against the cold wall, scared. Scary thoughts raced through her mind - masked figures, glinting knives, and creepy laughter. The doorknob rattled again, then everything went silent, making the darkness feel even scarier.
Her eyes, adjusted, she began to see shapes - a coat on a chair, a book on the floor. No one was there.

Faith's scream died a whimper in the sterile white tiles of the bathroom. She crumpled to the floor, knees pulled to her chest, eyes squeezed shut against the echo of unseen eyes. Her trembling hand clutched the cold steel of a dinner knife, a desperate shield against the shadows she swore she saw lurking just beyond the bathroom door.

Silence swallowed the room, thick and suffocating. Each second stretched into an eternity, the tick of the clock mocking her racing heart. Then, finally, the doorknob stilled. It hadn't turned. No click, no creak, nothing but the unsettling quiet.

Slowly, painstakingly, Faith lifted her head. Her eyes, wide and glazed, scanned the small space, desperate for any sign of the threat that had driven her to this corner.

The knife felt heavy in her hand, a foreign weight against her skin. With a shaky breath, she tucked it back into the waistband of her pajama pants, its chill a reminder of the terror that still clawed at her throat.

Fear had become a constant companion, gnawing at the edges of her sanity. The dorm seemed creepy, every floorboard creak and window whisper making her more paranoid.

Driven by a primal need for safety, Faith scrambled to her feet. Her movements were jerky, fueled by adrenaline and the lingering tremor of fear. She started stuffing clothes into her duffel bag, hands working feverishly, packing without thought or logic.

When the bag was overflowing, she paused, chest heaving, eyes darting to the still-silent door. Then, with a resolute breath, she moved and opened the door cautiously.

The hallway was empty. Her steps echoed in the silence, making her heart thump loudly. The stairs twisted down like a nightmare, each turn taking her away from her room's imagined terrors.

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