Chapter 1 - Chasing a dream.

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The stale airplane air couldn't dampen Faith's excitement. Two years of chasing her dream, and finally, she was on her way to Kerala University. The thrill of new beginnings hummed beneath the constant drone of the engines. Stealing glances out the window at the cotton-ball clouds, a wide smile stretched across her face.

"Excited for your destination?" a friendly flight attendant inquired, her smile as warm as the jasmine garland Faith sported around her neck.

"Absolutely!" Faith practically vibrated in her seat. The flight attendant chuckled knowingly. "Ah, Kerala. Beautiful place. You'll love it."As the attendant moved on, another voice cut through the murmur of conversation. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Faith looked up to find a young Indian woman with bright eyes and a welcoming smile standing beside the empty seat next to her. "No, not at all! Please, have a seat.""Thanks! I'm Dipti," the woman said, sliding into the seat. "Heading to Kerala University?"

"That's me!" Faith beamed, her excitement bubbling over. "Faith. Nice to meet you! Can't wait to explore Kerala!" Dipti laughed. "Well, you might have to wait a bit for that. But I'm happy to answer any questions you have. Kerala's practically my second home." The next hour melted away as Faith and Dipti chatted like old friends. Dipti's descriptions painted a vivid picture of Kerala - lush landscapes bursting with vibrant greens, bustling markets overflowing with exotic spices, and a rich culture steeped in ancient traditions. Faith's heart ached with anticipation.

But beneath the excitement, a nagging worry surfaced. Stories of ragging, a brutal initiation practice prevalent in some Indian universities, flickered in her mind. "There's just one thing" Faith began hesitantly, "I've heard stories about ragging at universities in India. Should I be worried?"Dipti waved a dismissive hand. "It happens more in the medical colleges, not so much in the computer science department like ours. You'll be fine. New places always bring challenges, but hey, you seem like you can handle them."Faith offered a hesitant nod, the weight of the unknown settling on her shoulders. The thrill of the new adventure battled with the apprehension of what awaited her at Kerala University.

The airplane finally touched down in Kerala, the humid air wrapping around Faith like a warm embrace. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting the terminal in a golden glow. A wave of new faces washed over them – students with excited chatter in a language Faith couldn't understand, families laden with overflowing suitcases, airport staff navigating the controlled chaos with practiced ease. It was a vibrant tapestry of Indian life, a stark contrast to the familiar sights and sounds of home.

"New faces everywhere!" Faith exclaimed, her earlier apprehension forgotten in the face of this exciting new world.Dipti pointed across the terminal. "Look, fellow students!" A group of Americans stood clustered together, their bewildered expressions mirroring Faith's own experience just minutes ago. Despite the distance, a sense of camaraderie sparked between them.

A loud rumble announced the arrival of the university bus, its yellow paint gleaming in the sun. Students surged forward, eager to claim their spots. The air crackled with nervous energy and anticipation.

"Let's hop on that bus," Faith declared, a determined glint in her eye. "The next chapter awaits!"The bus ride was a blur of unfamiliar scenery. Lush green paddy fields stretched out on either side, dotted with occasional palm trees swaying gently in the breeze. Hindu temples with their colorful facades peeked through the dense foliage, hinting at the rich cultural heritage of the land. Faith pressed her nose against the window, soaking it all in, a sense of wonder blooming in her chest.The bus finally pulled up to a sprawling campus. Buildings in a traditional Kerala style, painted in warm hues and adorned with intricate carvings, greeted them. Students bustled about, their backpacks slung over their shoulders, faces alight with the same nervous excitement Faith felt.A group of seniors, easily identifiable by their worn-out textbooks and a more relaxed demeanor, stood welcoming them. Faith and Dipti joined a throng of students, unsure where to go but carried along by the flow of the crowd.

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