28 - Suck It And See -

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Alex covered my eyes with his hands, making sure I wasn't able to peek through to see what he was up too. As he guided me, my shoes felt full of sand, maybe he took me to a beach?

"You can open your eyes now, love." He said, taking his hands off my face. I looked around and saw the beautiful setting he had made. A picnic blanket over the sand, and some delicious food set out. He must've spent his time on this.

"You're so cute, thank you, baby." I thanked him receiving a loving smile onto his face. I sat down onto the blanket and so did he.

"Remember this beach?" Alex asked. I looked around and then nodded.

"Of course." I said. This was the beach we always went when we were both feel down, needed alone time but with each other. My favourite place to be.

I leaned over to him and gave him a slow loving kiss. "How come you did all this?" I asked, still looking around.

He smiled. "Just wanted to treat you to something special." He said. "You like it?"

I nodded. "I love it, thank you." I said, once again. He grabbed the bottle of wine and showed me it, basically asking me if I wanted it poured. I nodded and he grabbed my glass filling it with the bottled wine.

"You hungry? Plenty of food, love." Alex said, spreading his hands to show the food placed onto the blanket. I smiled and nodded.

"Don't mind if I do." I said and grabbing a paper plate to place the food onto.

Later on, I begged Alex to come into the water with me. Taking my shoes off and lifting my dress slightly up so it wouldn't get wet in the water.

"Come on Al! It's not even that cold!" I shouted over to him, giggling. "Look! the suns setting!" I said.

"I'll get all wet, love." He shouted over.

I shrugged. "And?" Spinning around in the water. "Not like I haven't seen- Okay, never mind! But just come in the water!" I once again, shouted over.

He smiled and shook his head. making his way over to me. He took his shoes off and came into the water with me. "I knew i'd be able to convince you." I giggled.

After we had fun spinning around, splashing each other in the water, we went back to the car and just spoke to each other about things, how the album was getting on, how my painting was going. I told him it was going okay, nothing major was happening but it was doing fine.

"I had a dream last night." Alex said. "It was us, just running down the beach and watching the sun setting, just like today. We both fell into the water and you got really annoyed." He laughed. "But you must think it was a boring dream, but I really liked it." He said, smiling.

6th June 2011

I made my way into a bar, trying to find the table. I looked around and found Breana waving right at me. I smiled and made my way over there. I looked at the table and saw Alex wasn't there.

"Congratulations on the album." I smiled. The other band members thanked me. I looked around the bar noticing that hardly anyone was here. It was filled with people the band knew. I suppose they were just having a small celebration for the album.

"You know where Al is?" I asked them. They all nodded and pointed to the bar. "He's there, love." Jamie said. I smiled and made my way over to him. Wrapping my hand around his waist, standing next to him.

"Gonna buy us a drink?" I joked.

Alex looked up to me and smiled. Kissing my lips and ordering the barman to come over. "Martini for her please, man." Alex said. "Didn't think you'd come." Alex looked at me.

"You really think i'd miss a day like this? Celebrating the album?" I said. "Course i'd come." I gently poked his arm, teasing him.

Alex handed the money to the barman and thanked him. "Thanks, man." Alex pulled a barstool over to us for me to sit on. "Have you listened to it yet?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Was waiting to listen to it with you. Just us." I said. "I like those moments." I admitted.

Alex smiled and hugged me. "Perfect. Got some songs for you to really listen to." He said. "Been wanting to let you listen to them for ages." I kissed his lips, tugging on his bottom lip whilst pulling away, teasing him.

"Oi, lovebirds!" Matt shouted over. "Get your arses over here!"

I stood up and grabbed my drink, the both of us walking back over to the booth. Alex sat next to me, keeping his hand onto my thigh.

"Have you listened to the album yet, Lo?" Nick asked me, I shook my head.

"Not yet, I'm waiting." I said.

"I'm sure you'll love it." He admitted. I raised my eyebrow, confused. Why had everyone been saying that? 'Oh you'll enjoy it, definitely.' 'You'll end up playing it everyday.' 'You'll love it so much.'

"Yeah, I will." I agreed. I excused myself to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, the door opened. Katie behind Breana walking in.

"Hey girl, you okay?" Breana questioned. I nodded.

"Yeah? Why?" I asked.

"No reason." Katie butted in. "Heard that you hadn't listened to the album yet."

"Yeah I haven't, I'm waiting to listen to it with Al tonight." I said, grabbing my bag and opening it to fix my makeup. "Everyone keeps saying i'll love it like of course I will but they say it like.. I don't know." I muddle my words up. "Do you understand what i'm trying to say? It's hard to explain." I said

Breana giggled. "I know what you mean, but they're right. Just prepare yourself for it. That's all i'll say."

And after that. We all leave and they head back to the table whilst I sat on one of the barstools at the bar. Sipping on a new drink I had just bought. Alex comes over and sits next to me.

"Everyone's getting ready to leave. Yours or mine?" He asks.

"Yours. More space." I said. "Plus, your record player is better." I giggled. Placing my drink back down onto the bar counter and leaving the bar hand in hand with Alex.

Love's a risk | Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now