27 - When she's not around -

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"Hey! Lola! Serve that table over there will you?" One of my coworkers shouted over to me from behind the bar.

I looked over at the boys. "Right, gotta go do my job now. I'll see you shortly." I said and waved goodbye. I walked over to the table who needed serving and took their order of drinks they wanted. "I'll be back with you drinks." I smiled and went behind the bar to make their drinks.

After my shift had ended, I joined myself back with everyone else, including Katie too. Alex went and got me a drink. "Thank you, love." I whispered in his ear once he came back with my drink and sat down. He looked at me and smiled.

"Al were just telling us about your painting thingy." Jamie said, slurping his drink. I looked over to Alex then back at Jamie.

"Oh, yeah. I was just thinking about it, I haven't decided yet." I lied. At that time I don't know why I lied. I knew what I was going to do, I just didn't know when.

"You should go for it!" Katie said, smiling at me. "Alex showed us some of the ones you've painted, I think they're gorgeous." She admitted.

I smiled. "Thank you."

As the night went on, it lasted with chatter and laughter, arguments with Jamie and Alex about which song on the new album they preferred. Quite silly if you ask me.

"Right all. I think this has been a lovely night but I think it's time to get some sleep." Matt said. "Remember," He looked at the three boys in front of him. "don't be late for studio." He warned, pointing his finger at them all, his laughter getting in between it. "Oi you, make sure Al's up and is not late tomorrow." Matt said to me,
before waving bye. I nodded and me and Alex parted ways with the other group.

As we were heading to my place, I decided I wanted to stay at my apartment as, again, I hadn't stayed there in ages because of me staying at Alex's.

"Look, I know i've told you this about seventy thousand times. But I think you should go for the painting job. I see the way your coworkers treat you." Alex said, walking hand in hand with me back to my apartment.

He was right. They had been treating me like shit, I admit. But I didn't mind working there, I was just afraid that if I left my job to do painting, I wouldn't earn enough income to pay bills and that.

"I know." I said, still walking. "And i've told you multiple times why I don't think I should." I admitted, I knew he was going to disagree.

Alex shook his head. "And i've told you you're wrong, Lola. You only live once. You've dreamed to do this for ages, why not make it become a reality?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Can we stop talking about this now?" I questioned. Alex nodded and kept walking with me. Once we got back to my apartment, I went straight for my room and fell right onto my bed.

"Tired already?" Alex asked, taking a seat at the end of the bed. I got under the covers and nodded.

"Yeah, early night for me I think." I said. Alex nodded his head.

"Budge up then, love." Alex said, moving onto the side next to me. He flipped the quilt over and got into the bed, then flipped it back over. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my chest. I played with the brown locks of his hair, curling them around my finger then to unwrap them.

"What if I braided your hair?" I quietly asked, giggling.

Alex looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "You're joking, right?" He asked. "You're not doing that." He confirmed.

I shook my head. "Rude." I laughed, following with his laugh.

Later on, Alex was the first to fall asleep with his legs sprawled out on the bed. I was making sure not to fall out of MY own bed because of it, but it was funny.

"Get your most cutest dress on, I'm taking you out." Alex walked into my apartment after being with the boys all day. I lifted my head from the book I was reading and raised a slightly confused look.

"What?" I said, still confused.

"I'm taking you out, like soon." Alex repeated. "So get your prettiest dress on." He smiled, placing his keys with the bunch of key rings that were on it onto the side table near my front door.

"Okay, okay. I will." I laughed, getting up from my seat to go over to him to place a kiss onto his cheek. "I'll go now, shall I?" I asked, still laughing.

I made my way over to my room and grabbed a dress out of my wardrobe. I heard the TV from the other room playing which meant Alex was watching something on there whilst waiting for me. I tried my best to hurry the best I could, and also make myself look at least half decent. But knowing Alex, even if I had looked like I had been dragged through a bush, he'd still say I look pretty.

Alex got up from the couch making his way over to where I was, he leant on the door frame whilst he watched me do my hair.

I turned to him and saw he was there, watching me. I smiled at him. "Do I look okay?" I asked, nervously. "Is this too much? Or is it too less?" I continued, seeming very anxious.

"Stop stressing, you look jaw dropping." Alex said, walking over to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "You're gorgeous, my darling." Alex smiled, placing his head onto my shoulder.

I smiled at him. "Thank you." I said, softly. "Where are we even going?" I asked.

"Secrets." Alex said. "It's nothing extreme because I know you don't like those kind of things, but I know it's somewhere we both love." Alex said, that was the only clue he said until we actually got there.

I smiled. "Again, thank you." I said, turning so I now faced him and leaned in for a few kisses on his lips, teasing him for more as I pulled away.

"Enough of the teasing, I'll get you back later."

(hahah sorry for the short chapter, i've been stuck with writing atm but i think i'll do a alex pov next cos why not lol)

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