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Alex stared at me, I stared at him back. This awkward silence was unsettling.

"This is killing me, Lola. Fuck." Alex breathed out. I looked at him confused, tilting my head. "Lola, I liked you for the longest time, haven't you realised it? I keep noticing these small things about you, It's never been like this with anyone else." He sighed.

I stood there frozen, watching him speak more. "The way you tuck your hair behind your ears when you're nervous, the way you chew your nails when you're lying about something, the way you laugh is stuck in my mind, the way you talk about new paintings you've created. Don't you realise how much I like you, Lola?"

I shook my head, "I don't know what to say, Alex." I said, I watched his face fall slowly.

"Please. Be mine, Lola." He said, grabbing my hands by the side of my body. "Are you mine?"

I thought for a second. I nodded my head, "Fuck, I'll be yours, Alex. I'll be yours and only yours."

He smiled and came closer to hug me, the warmth surrounded us while we deepened into this hug. "Happy birthday, Alex." I said whispering in his ear while we still hugged.

A cheering of someone's voice echoed in the background, I slipped out of the hug and turned to see who it was cheering. To no surprise it was Olivia, cheering me and Alex on because she must've heard the conversation between us. Typical.

"Woo!!!! Woo!!!! I fucking knew it! Jamie!! You owe me money now!!" She said running off to find Jamie, clinging onto the drink held in her hand.

"They made a bet about us?" Alex said, my head turned back to him. I laughed.

"Are we surprised?" I asked, smiling.



It had been exactly two weeks since Alex asked me to be his and I don't regret it a single bit. He'd been treating me like an angel, taking me out to dinner, walks, studio, even when he wasn't supposed to, sleeping at each other's apartments, having takeaways together, movies. And all of it. I was truly lucky.

I woke up to the strong smell of cigarette smoke filling my nostrils, also waking up to Alex opening the blinds to his apartment. "Fuck." I squinted, quickly closing my eyes and dropping my head back down onto the pillow. "Did you have to open the blinds? It's so bright!" I laughed, rubbing my eyes.

"I've been waiting hours for you to get up, lazy shit." He joked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Come on." He whined. "I'm so bored, love, come on." He said, pulling the covers towards him to take away my comfiness.

"Alex! I'm cold!" I said, trying to use all my strength to pull the duvet back to me. Turning this into a tug of war game. I finally surrendered and let him win, making me get out of bed. His apartment was fairly clean, smelt fresh and just felt homely. I was grateful to be here with him.

"What's your plans for today?" I asked Alex, stepping into the ensuite of his room, looking at myself in the mirror. He turned to me from the same place he was tugging the cover from, lying back down turning his face to look at the ceiling.

"Not sure, think I need to head to the studio to finish up a few things, then I'm yours for the rest of the day." Alex smiled, turning over to lay on his side, staring at me whilst I brushed my teeth. "Sound okay to you?" He asked.

Making my head turn I nodded. "Course it is." I smiled, making his face light up. Turning back to the mirror to finish brushing my teeth before leaving the ensuite to sit on the bed, next to him. He shifted up to meet up with me, with his back against the head board, wrapping his arm around me and keeping a hand on my thigh.

"We could watch movies, order a take out, do anything you want, once I get back." He said, looking down at me, our eyes meeting.

I smiled, placing a hand in his hair, playing with the messy bunch of locks he had. "I'd love that." I said, continuing to play with the long hair. "Would you ever cut this? Your hair?" I asked.

"Maybe, i'm not sure. I like it this way, like the way you play with it too. Soothing." Alex said, receiving a giggle from me. "What?" He asked, smirking at me.

"Nothing, nothing" I said, smiling.

"I'll see you later, okay love?" Alex said, "I'll make sure to grab that pizza from your favourite place on my way back for us." He opened his front door and kissed me goodbye. Once he left I found myself admiring the paintings on his walls. Thinking that perhaps if I made him one, he would hang it on his wall. So, I went back home, grabbed the easel he had gotten me for Christmas and grabbed some paints, other supplies needed. Came back to his and started on the painting I was drawing.

After hours of sketching and finally got the perfect sketch, I got to painting it. It was a bunch of planets all together, with little dots of stars surrounding it. I thought it was really pretty, but as I was on to finishing, a certain someone had to ruin the peace by barging in and screaming 'PIZZAS HERE!!'

I turned around and starred at him. "Sorry, did I disturb you..?" He asked subtly. I shook my head. "What you painting, darlin'?" He asked, leaning against the door frame to the living room to where I was standing, with the easel in front of me, painting.

"Planets." I said, concentrating on the painting in front of me.

"And where will you put that? I know there's not much room in your apartme-" Alex said before I cut him off.

"On that wall there." I pointed over to the blank wall in his living room. Alex raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really?" He asked. I nodded and continued to paint. "When did you decide all this, love?"

"Straight after you left."

"I see." He said, watching every move of the brush stroke against the canvas. "It's very pretty, I must admit. Pretty like you, my love." He said, walking over to me and moving strands of my hair out of my face and onto the other side of my face. His lips connected to my neck.

"Alex.. I'm trying to concentrate here. You're not helping." I huffed. He groaned in annoyance.

"Fine, Let's go eat pizza then. I'm hungry." He said, pulling away from my neck and opening the pizza box, taking a slice out for me and another for himself.

We both began to eat, I took a seat next to him. Taking a break from the painting. "Did you finish up what you were supposed to do today?" I asked, making conversation.

He nodded and waited until he chewed his food to talk. "Yeah I did, albums nearly done now. Just gotta do the cover then it should be ready." He said, smiling at me, proudly.

"That's good, do I get to see a snippet of the cover before it's released?" I asked, nudging his arm with my elbow, hoping for a yes.

"You'll see." Was all he said, teasing me, of course. I frowned, sarcastically. That earned a giggle from him, making me laugh.

We ended the night, cuddling in bed whilst watching a movie he thought i'd like, Blade Runner. Which made me end up falling asleep within the first 20 minutes of watching.

Love's a risk | Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now