10 - When she's walking by -

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"Lola! You know how bad he is for you! Why are you still fucking forgiving him!?" Eliza fully screamed at me. "You know he isn't good for you, Lola!"

I lifted my legs up onto my settee and stared at her. "But you don't understand, I love him and he loves me." I said back.

"Yes! that might be the case but don't you see how poorly he treats you?" She rolled her eyes back me. Did she really think he was bad for me?

"Eliza, can we not? He's good to me, okay?" I sighed.

She rolled her eyes once more and took a sip out of a cup filled with coffee. "Didn't you know that Vanessa was literally with him the other day?" Eliza said after a moment.

What is she on about? "Huh? Are you sure it was her?" I asked.

She nodded and took another sip out of the mug.

"Perhaps they were just hanging out? i'm not suspecting anything about them, i don't have a reason for that. Right?"

"Whatever you think, darling." She said.


What she had said was stuck in my head for the rest of the day, I couldn't put my mind on anything else, while I was cooking, cleaning, reading anything. I couldn't focus. Maybe I was just overthinking but I didn't know, I was just confused. Sam ended up coming to my place later on in the day, let's just say I wasn't pleased to see him but I was pleased. Again, I wasn't sure what to think.

"Hey beautiful" He greeted me while coming into my flat, kissing my rouged lips.

He asked me if it was okay to come to mine and me being me I said yes, I was thinking he would maybe tell me what he was doing with Vanessa but he didn't, was I overthinking again? Perhaps they weren't even doing anything bad together.. just friends?

"Smells nice in here, what you cooking up?" He questioned, walking into my kitchen. I was making food for myself but considering he was coming around short notice, I had to make more portions.

"Oh thank you, just spaghetti bolognaise.. that's all" I replied with a short smile.

"Smells good." He said.

"Mhm, how was work?" I asked.

"Alright" He replied with a short smile. Alright? just alright? Was that it?

"Oh good."

I finished up plating up our food and set everything up for us to sit down and eat, drink, knifes and forks, and everything else. We both seated at my table and began to eat. Sam began a conversation about me seeing Alex again, and asked how I was feeling about it. I gave my honest answer and replied "Yeah i'm glad to see him again, it's like I needed that close bond with someone again, and he's really been there for me." Knowing Sam he wouldn't like that answer and now I definitely knew. He looked quite agitated when I replied with that, I was only giving my honest answer but okay?

"You do realise he made you feel like shit because he didn't contact you, right?" He replied.

I rolled my eyes and looked up from my food. "He apologised and I forgave him, I do think he's trying to make things right again between us."

"You're not getting it are you? He will leave again Lola! He will and when he does, you'll go and sulk like you did when he first left! like you told me!" He said.

I looked at him in disbelief, why was he saying all of this? "Where is all of this coming from? You asked a question and I answered it, then you proceeded to get annoyed!"

He stands up and begins to walk away. "You know, I was only trying to tell you what would happen if you got closer, I was only trying to help!" He said.

"Sam! Where are you going?" I demanded him to tell me.

"Just.. I don't know, Anywhere!"

"Don't be like that, I didn't do anything wrong!" I defended myself.


"Alex? Can.. can we go somewhere? Like anywhere.. for a drive or something, anything, please." I phoned Alex up to see if we could to something to take my mind off that argument me and Sam had, what Sam had said hurt me and I don't even know why he even said it.

"Lola? Are you okay? Yeah sure, course I will, I'll be less then five minutes. Okay?" He said. which to my surprise he was just under five minutes, Did he like speed or something? Anyways, I was grateful he was here.

"I'm sorry to drag you out at this time.. you must've been doing something or something important, I dunno" I apologise, I got into his car and fastened my seatbelt, I looked up at him to see him smiling and shaking his head.

"It's no bother, honestly. I was just writing, that's all" He said.

"See, you were busy, I am sorry.. It's just that, me and Sam had a fight and he had nowhere else to go as his roommate took his key.. as they only have one at the moment." I looked down at my lap and fiddled with my rings on my fingers.

He rubbed my arm and looked at me, "Honestly, it's not bother. Stop apologising, okay?" He smiled, his smile was truly enchanting. He seemed like the best person to go and get away for a bit, even if it's just silent and him just driving. It still felt like company and I was grateful for it.

"What happened?" He asked after a long time of silence.

I didn't want to tell him that it was all about me being back friends with him so I just lied. "Oh, nothing.. just a petty argument." I said.

"Oh right, You're okay though? He didn't try to hurt you or anything?" He questioned, not looking away from the road ahead of him.

"Yeah i'm okay, He didn't try to hurt me or anything.. don't worry." I said.

He nodded and proceeded to drive, I wasn't sure where he was driving to but I wasn't complaining. The silence was nice and calming. Very few moments he would look over at me to make sure I was okay, or at least that's what I was assuming.

"How many songs have you done yet? Like completed writing." I asked curiously.

"Halfway, just six done currently, I was working on the seventh or what I think would be, before you rang." Alex said.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry about that, Really I am" I replied, I felt bad I took away that one opportunity where he probably had motivation to keep writing. My bad.

"It's no bother, I hardly was working with it, It didn't feel good enough for the album. You know?"

"Can I hear it?" I asked.

"Can't remember it, look, if you want we can go back to mine and i'll show you some of it, just that song. Deal?" He said.

"Deal." I said, he nodded and turned back around to drive back to his. I was excited to listen and see what he had come up with. He looked over to me and smiled.

"Only one song, okay? No others." He demanded.

Love's a risk | Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now