23 - I'm not the kind of fool -

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"Look, you shouldn't be worrying, my parents love you. I promise." Alex reassured me, placing one of his hands into my leg whilst his other was on the steering wheel.

I smiled at him and nodded. I knew I shouldn't be worrying but what if his parents thought differently about me now then before? I snapped out of these thoughts and just carried on watching ahead of me.

Me and Alex were travelling down to see his parents for a few days, I hadn't seen them in a while, even before me and Alex became exclusive. Alex kept reassuring me saying that they weren't going to think otherwise of me and that when Alex had phoned them a few times, they said they were excited to meet me. Which did make me feel at ease.

"Are you sure they won't thin-" I said before I was cut off by Alex tutting.

"I've told you, they are excited to see you. I promise, love." Alex said, his thumb caressing my leg, still. "I don't know why you're so worried, they love you."

"I know, I know." I sighed, hanging my head low. As the car ride went on, we got in conversation about the painting I had been doing at Alex's house for the few weeks i'd been there, or whenever I was there. The one I had made the other week about the planets, he had hung that on the wall I suggested and he seemed happy with it. So I then began making more little ones for his study and other places in his house. My bad, although he loved seeing me at my creative point. I had thought that perhaps me surrounding his house with tons of paintings was annoying for him, so I had stopped for a while.

"Olivia had been saying she wants some paintings from me for her house." I said, making Alex's head turn to me with raised eyebrows before turning it back forward to watch the road.

"Oh really? You should make a business out of this, I think it'd do you well." Alex said.

"Wouldn't iodnt give much , working at the bar is fun too." I said, making Alex laugh and shake his head. "Okay well it's fun sometimes."

"Working late hours is fun? Come on now, Lo, whenever you work late hours you're always complaining whenever you get back on the phone to me." Alex said, this was true. I'd always be on the phone to Alex complaining about how annoying the drunks are, hitting on me, begging for more drinks after I tell them multiple times that I think they've had enough. "Just take my answer as a consideration. I think you'd do well."

Once we arrived at Alex's parents, Alex got out of the car and began to grab the bags needed for the few days we were staying here.

"This one's lighter than this bag, take this one for me, love." Alex said, handing me the lighter bag which I think was his bag.

Alex knocked on his parents door and we were greeted with Penny. She smiled when she recognised us. "Oh my god! Come on in! Quick, it's nice and warm inside." She said, hurrying us in.

"Hello, mum." Alex said, hugging her then hanging his coat onto the coat rack, making me to take my coat off so he can also hang it up too.

Penny turned to me and her face lit up. "Lola! It's so lovely to see you again. My son been treating you good?" She asked, welcoming me into a hug.

"Lovely to see you too, Penny. Yes of course he has. Such a gentlemen he is." I said sarcastically, making Alex roll his eyes jokingly.

"I'll just go and take the bags to my room, i'll be back." Alex said, grabbing the bag held in my hand and taking them upstairs to where his room was.

Penny guided me into the living room to where Alex's dad was. "David, look who's here!" Penny said, which made David snap out of his thoughts to look up at us.

"You alright, Lo?" Alex's dad said, smiling and began to stand up. Making his way over to me to hug me, welcoming him into a hug.

"I'm good thank you, David. You?" I asked.

"All good."

I nodded and parted from the hug. He pointed to the sofa to say 'you can sit down' kinda thing. I sat down on the soft settee and David began a conversation with me about my painting. Whilst that conversation was ongoing, Alex walked back in.

"What you both talking about?" He asked, taking a seat next to me, wrapping an arm around me.

"About Lo's paintings." David said, smiling.

"Oh yeah, there lovely aren't they? I'm proud of her." Alex said, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "She made me one a couple weeks ago, I shown you that one over the phone, dad." Alex said, speaking to his father.

David paused, then replied back. "Ah yes, I remember. That one was very beautiful. The stars really brought the painting together."

I smiled at his comment. "Thank you, Al wants me to create a business out of it, i'm just unsure yet." I said, turning my head to look at Alex, him just randomly smiling. "What?" I asked, the corners of my mouth turning upwards. Alex shook his head.

"You should! You're talented, i'd love to buy a painting off you. I'm sure Penny would too." David said, making me smile even more. Again, I was still unsure of this.

After a while of talking with David, me and Alex thought that we'd head for bed, considering the journey here made us tired. We wanted an early night.

"Don't think it's changed since I was little. Probably looks a little childish." He laughs talking about his room, whilst walking into his room. "Yeah, most definitely childish." He laughed again, looking around the room.

"So grown up." I said, punching his arm.

"Oh shut up, i'd like to see what your room looks like back at home." He teased.

"Better than this." I said, laughing at him.

"Not funny." He said, walking up front of me and wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, his body pressed up against mine. It felt secure and warm. "Come on, i'm tired." ushering me to bed.

We quickly got changed into our sleepwear and snuck into the duvet, cuddling together.

(sorry for this being a short chapter xoxo)

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