5 - Here is your host -

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It had been a few days since I got invited by Matt to go and hang out with them at a few bars, I was kinda nervous to be going as I hadn't properly hung out with them in years, I just hoped that I could try and avoid Alex the whole night. That was my main goal for the night.

And there I was stood in my bedroom struggling to pick out an outfit to go in, let's just say I wasn't the best for timing. I'd usually be late to absolutely EVERYTHING, so I was trying my best to get my outfit sorted fast and then everything else. Picking my outfit always was the hardest part and honestly I wish I had just thrown some jeans and a shirt on because I was running LATE.

I managed to find this mini dress which was black and that was very simple, Then thrown a jacket over it. Put my shoes on and sorted my face and hair out. I looked decent enough to leave and head over to the pub. Matt messaged me on which pub they were going to which made it easier unless I wouldn't know where I was going.

We had all agreed on meeting around 8PM and knowing my luck with timing, I was around 15 minutes late. Of course I was. I walked into the pub and tried my best to spot them, then I noticed Matt waving at me from a table in the far end. I walked over and took a place in between Jamie and Nick, they both greeted me with smiles and offered to buy a drink to which I gratefully agreed to.

"So, how have you all been?" I asked looking up from my drink at all of them, apart from Alex which seemed to be engrossed in his own conversation with some girl who I didn't have a clue about.

"We've all be good, busy as fuck but good, how about you? I'm intrigued to know what's happening in your life." Matt asked from across the table from me, sipping on his drink he had bought a couple of moments ago.

"Me? Well everything's been great actually, just been myself to be honest." I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Got a job, isn't much but helps pay the bills and that, you know"

He nodded and we carried on a conversation about their tours and everything, everything was well and surprisingly Alex didn't get drunk or anything.

"So, Lola, any love interests since the last time we saw you?" Jamie asked nudging my arm with his elbow and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, Actually," I said and watched their faces turn into surprises, I had even noticed Alex look away from his conversation with the girl and his brows raised. "What? I have!"

"Never thought i'd hear that one, Lo." Matt said chuckling. Back when we were teenagers the three of them all thought i'd have no luck getting into relationships, the ones I had in high school and college never really lasted longer than a month. So they all thought i'd never be with someone for more than a month, which was funny looking back now as Sam and I have been together for 2 years.

"So who's the lucky fella?" The three of them asked coincidentally at the same time. "His name is Sam" I told them smiling, taking another sip from my glass.

"Good for you, Lo" Jamie said patting my shoulder. "How long?"

"Two years" The four of them lifted their heads once again.

"Did you all hear that?" I laughed and played with the coaster my drink was on. "Did I just hear that the Lola Anderson has had a boyfriend longer than a month??" Matt joked with me.

"I most definitely heard it, mate" Jamie said.

"Right, pack it in, will you both" I laughs and lightly punched Jamie's arm as a joke. "You're all so unfunny." I joked putting a serious face on.

I placed the coaster back on the table and started another conversation. They had told me all about the time when Alex wouldn't wake up from his nap before a interview and they had to pour ice cold water over him to wake up, and apparently he was in a mood with them the whole day. That was quite funny.

After visiting another pub, we then decided it was time to go our separate ways. "It was good to see you, Lola." Nick said. "Nice to properly meet you." I said to him and gave him a hug.

"You walking?" Jamie asked, I nodded and placed my jacket around myself. "Well, you be careful then, won't you love?"

"Course I will" I smiled and hugged him.

Matt came up to me and hugged me goodbye. "Thank you for coming out with us, I hope you actually enjoyed yourself" He chuckled and took a step back. "I did, thank you" I replied back.

"You coming, Al?" Matt said to Alex. "You guys go on, I'll walk Lo home" Alex replied back to Matt. There's no way i'm walking with him. Fuck sake.

The three of them started to walk away and then there was just me stood there with Alex in front of me. "I'm perfectly capable to walk home by myself, you know." I said walking away with him by my side. I was dreading this.

"I know"

Silence. Until. "Why did you walk away from me, the other day, Lola?" Shit. Uh? Because I didn't want to be near you, Maybe?

"I didn't want to see you."

"You know, I couldn't help leaving. it was my career, Lola. I wanted to do it, but I never wanted to abandon you. Never." He sighed, still walking by my side.

"Why did you stop calling?" I looked up from the floor to his face. He wasn't looking at me, just looking straight ahead.

"I don't know"

"Whenever I thought of you, Alex, It hurts to remember how close we were back then. It really does." I looked back ahead to notice him looking at me, I heard him sigh.

"I'm sorry.." He mumbled quietly but clear enough for me to hear. "That doesn't mean anything to me anymore." I replied grabbing my keys from my bag.

"My stop is here, thanks for taking me home." I replied and walked away from him into my flat, watching him stand there the way i was standing when he left all those years ago.

Except I wasn't leaving him, This was just the start of something new between us.

Love's a risk | Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now