Chapter 22: Flame Grows

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Wait. 'Sure?', alright.

"I was told by the guy with green glasses who acts very similarly to Phaze that you would ask me and that Phaze agreed for you three to know, so I'll tell you because you all seem thirsty for gossip and the other two are busy." Reika said.

"Thanks, we are." Moon said.

"Should we find a place to sit?" I ask. "No chairs by the ice machine."

So we decided to move to the roof, where all gossip goes on, and the only other person on the roof was Star, who had gotten over her Em-sistential crisis (existential and Em, I think it's funny.)

"Wasn't too funny." Moon said as we sat down on the mats that we used last time to cry about our pasts.

"Alright, so, you guys are the elementors, correct?" Reika asks.

"Yes, you know of the prophecy?" Moon replied.

"Yes, I used to just know the basics, evil witch destroys medieval superheroes, but now I understand it in more detail after talking to Phaze. You guys want to know about our relationship, right?"

"YES." Flora said

"Alright, so, the first time we met was at middle school, Phaze has seen his first love died in the first month of him entering school, so I'm not surprised that he's not fond of school. He was a prodigy, the teachers would give the information and he'd know everything permanently, even studying by himself because, well, he had nothing better to do. He was always in his own head, mumbling regrets about those he couldn't save. Eventually he moved into the dorms, and because of an issue during the room giving process, we ended up sharing a room despite being opposite genders, but since we were both top students, and I was very pure, and Phaze never talked to anyone, they just kept it like that, assuming we'd not even interact, but if Phaze had one thing, it was his sense of justice, so when a scene was made because some girls didn't like me being the teacher's pet, so they framed me by putting their stuff in my bag and then pretending that the things were lost/stolen, then the teacher was convinced into doing a bag search, and upon checking my bag, they found nothing, they looked back in theirs and it was there, then one of the girls said "What? It should've been in Reika's bag!" then they were appropriately punished, three things were off about the incident, one was that despite them putting the things in my bag, they weren't in there, and I didn't move them, secondly, when the girl said that it should've been in my bag, her mouth didn't even open, and lastly, Phaze smiled, he smirked, he's never done that during all the times I've seen him, and we cross paths often, this was after a month of being in the same dorm. I confronted Phaze after school, and after promising not to freak out, he put his hand through a structural column in our room, phasing through it. Then he showed me the rest of his powers, including forced thought sharing, where he connects brains into making them hear each other's thoughts, which is why the girl didn't move her mouth, and the combination of invisibility, phasing, and telepathy, is what moved the bag's contents."

"Hold on, I have a few questions, why did he tell you about his powers?" I asked

"He read my mind and knew I wouldn't shut up about it until I found a satisfying answer, and he knew I wouldn't tell others; but after that, he started to open up to me, well, it was more like I forced him open slowly, but that's basically the same thing. Eventually, because I wouldn't shut up about his eyepatch, he told me where it came from and how it's cursed. He told me about the immoral experiments, the colosseum, his parents, his lost love, and how he's saved a few people, his- well... hidden kunai, even going to the mountains for a year to practice martial arts. He also told me about his interest in music. While I don't know why he fell for me, I knew why I fell for him. Despite going through awful things that would drive anyone to insanity, he still had a sense of justice, a strong moral compass. Because of this, when I was asked out half a year after meeting him, I accepted immediately. I had a lovely few months with him, until a misunderstanding made him leave, he thought I was cheating, and since when we started dating, he promised never to read my mind, he left. I had gotten him out of his shell, we laughed, sang, kissed, we lived together, and they were the best days of my life. He was making music in his free time to make money for a college I wanted to enter. He left the money for me and a few songs he wrote for me, he took his instruments, kunai, his clothes, and his blueprints, he left to where he is now; but I couldn't get over him, I looked for months to find him, he left his phone, so I asked his friend online and she didn't know, but I mean, she didn't even know his name so I shouldn't have expected much. Apparently, he joined the military for a while. At the end of the day, from his perspective, I was the only person on earth he could rely on, and I broke his trust. Having no supports is bad, but losing them all is even worse. When I found him again, he was with all of you, following a path of vengeance, bringing together all the people who were wronged by this 'witch' and trying to save the world. I thought that he was kind of going crazy until I saw you fight the squid. That's when I was certain everything he said to me was true, the torture, the death, the possible end of the world, it was all real, and so I wept for him, for though his soul knows a lot, it does not know peace, not anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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