Chapter 18: How the Fire Started II

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After calming down a bit, Moon continued. "I broke up with him a few days later, I used what I've learned of my powers to temporarily hold back whatever was making him act like this, and I ran. I met up with Star and the twins a while later, reading their minds and learning I wasn't the only one with powers, so I stayed, eventually you (pointing at Flora) joined, Tylar joined, and then Phaze did."

"That's- a lot to take in, I feel bad for you, but I don't know what to say." Flora said.

"It's fine, I know it's hard to react, and I can tell you all feel sorry for me, that's all I need."

"Alright." Flora replied. "Then I guess it's my turn."

"I grew up with an older brother and two parents, but my mom died in an accident and that made my dad drink, he'd hit us when he drank, but he'd forget it the next day. I got some scars from it, and so did my brother, Oliver, who recorded a night of my father drinking and showed it to him the next morning. My dad tried to stop drinking once he found out that he was hurting us, but alcohol is addictive, he eventually decided to never have alcohol in his house again, but every time he was drunk, he'd call my mom's name, once I realized I had the power to heal people, I used it to help my brother with his cuts that dad gave him and were still open. I then went on a field trip and got lost, stumbling into a cave next to a deep ravine. That's when the witch found me. I was too young and dumb to hide my power, she had a cut, so I healed it for her, she then realized that I had powers, she asked for my birthday, she then realized my eyes were green and connected the dots that I was the life elementor, and she hated the last life elementor, so she was going to get her revenge on me. She took me to a hidden area deeper in the cave, putting me directly below the main area of the cave; and she sealed rocks behind us, and locked me to chains that held me up like an X. Every day she would come and torture me. Killing me once a year passed, but on the 365th day, when the witch was turned around, a man in a blindfold appeared before me, he released me from my chains without making a noise, and broke through rocks, the witch heard this, and blocked all paths out of the cave except the ravine, the man in a blindfold picked me up on his back, and despite me calling him a kid, he was about my age as far as I could tell. He picked me up and jumped over the ravine, at least tried, he fell, but he planned this, he told me to jump off of his back to get to the other side, I did, and he fell to his death I grew vines for the first time to try and grab him as he was falling, but it was too slow, I was too slow. What I did next wasn't pretty, I uprooted all of the rocks holding the cave up, collapsing it in on the witch. I knew she lived because I could hear her yell as I ran. I ran back home, and my dad, while he didn't break his drinking rule, but he hid in his room, doing work online, and my brother had to clean and get the groceries, despite him also feeling awful. I rang the doorbell when I got back home, which took a while, as I was previously on a field trip, but as I rang the doorbell, my brother dropped the groceries as he stood behind me. "Is that you, flora?" he asked, to which I nodded, he ran over and hugged me. We went to dad's room, and I called for him, he opened the door teary eyed, he hugged me, and I knew I was home. Later that day, as I was changing, I saw something on my clothes, on my back where the man with a blindfold was, it had a gravestone on it, and inside the note it read: 'find your mom and use your power.' So I went to her grave, alone, and started using my power on the casket I felt below the earth. That's when he appeared again, the man with a blindfold, though I thought he had died. I wasn't wrong. He explained that he was dead, but my power let me interact with ghosts when I was using them on a body. He had leftover power, from his amalgamation, and used the last of it to help me raise my mom. When I heard knocking on the casket, I lifted it up with vines and opened it, to see my mom alive and well. I brought her home and my family was back together, my dad felt apologetic to the point of apologizing every day to the three of us. He has anxiety so I saw why he did it, despite him not being in his best mind. I'm still not sure if my brother forgives him, but the household is making itself work; but I never saw the man in the blindfold again. When I brought this up to Phaze, he thought that he used the last of his power as a ghost to save my mom." Flora explained, and then turned to Moon. "Then I met Moon and the others, and I felt like I had a place, not that my home was bad, but I couldn't really have anyone to relate to in terms of powers."

"That's a lot to take in, and I don't know how to reply, I'm happy your family is full again." I say.

"Well, now you know why I never wear skirts or short sleeves." She replied jokingly as she rolled up a sleeve, showing scars from the witch. "Don't want to show anyone these." She laughed.

"I can relate." Em said, "Please let me tell you my story before Alma and Phaze's, I promise it will be short." He asked, we agreed, and he started by taking his shirt off.

Aside from the fact that I know how well built he is (God tier), I saw thousands of scars including three huge ones on his front and back, or six in total, and thousands of small ones.

"That's- more than me!" Flora said in shock.

"Yeah, I wish I knew where they came from." He replied.

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