Chapter 16: Flame Burns

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"So here we see Alma and other fifteen year olds with powers fighting off a giant squid after evacuating a beach, the military is on the way, but fatalities seem to be likely, as these are still kids, and the squid seems to be regenerating." a helicopter news crew said as they flew above us, the beach is empty thanks to Tylar and Moon, Reika, Blake, and Em are in the hotel, safe, and Derik is on the hotel's roof, shooting arrows at the squid, though it's not doing much. I'm on the left side with the brothers, Star and Tylar, the right has the others. A tentacle came towards me, and it got impaled by an icicle as I used my fire to push myself away from it. Then Phaze speaks to us.

"I have two ideas.  for starters, Alma, Skylar, Flora, Kyle, and Aaron, you charge up the strongest attacks you can do right now, everyone else, defend them." he said, so I started forming a fireball, a big one, only focusing on that, closing my eyes and imagining an empty room, then a spark, a spark that combusts into flame, the flame grows and, when I opened my eyes, the flame was about 20 feet in diameter. I try to continue growing it but I get distracted when a tentacle comes towards me, but charcoal controls the sand making a platform to stand on, and grabs the tentacle, lifting it and throwing it back at the squid, which is about 1250 feet tall, so, with proportions accurate to the size of a normal squid, the tentacle is really heavy.

"Oh! You're strong!"

"A bit, yeah. Focus on the fireball."

"Oh! Right!" I say as I close my eyes again, and when I open it, it's about twice the size of before, I look over and see an icicle a bit larger, a water ball a bit smaller, and a large wooden spear about the same size as my fireball, Phaze tells us to throw, so we do. The squid has four holes and a large bruise through him, then an asteroid hits him too, thanks to star, he falls over, we won.

AS IF! He regenerated almost immediately. Tylar tells all of us to run from the water as he uses it as a conductor of electricity to burn the squid. Buying time.

"I didn't want to do this." Phaze muttered to himself as he landed next to me.

"Do what?"

"GET OUT HERE EM!" Phaze yelled, and then Em walked out of the building, his eyes are always covered with his green glasses, and his eyes are usually closed, he still hasn't opened them, even though there's a giant squid attacking his classmates.

"You sure?" he asks Phaze.


"On it." he said as he started to float he floats up to the helicopter, pushes it away, then floats up to the squid and punches it, hitting it into the sand, then grabbing the top of it, threw it all above him and released green energy in a cone shape, completely engulfing the squid, cremating it before it died, the ashes then evaporated, nothing was left of it.




The news crew started flying away, and Kyle was dealing with a bunch of water rushing back to where the squid was, but I was stunned, unable to move, did I just see that right?

"You did." Em said as he appeared behind me.

"Oh, my goodness! you are just like Phaze."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."


"I bet you do, but the people want to thank you first." Em said as the beachgoers come out from the hotel, approaching me, and everyone else.

Barrages of 'thank you' and 'you saved us' hit us. But one compliment stuck out to me, people were generally avoiding me, but a little boy ran up to me.

"You're Alma, right?"


"Aren't you evil?"

"I try not to be."

"Well, I think you looked really cool, like a superhero!"


"Do you have a superhero name?"

"Just Alma is fine.

"Alright. Thanks!" The boy said he had a smile on his face, his mother came and picked him up, looking at me with disgust, but at least one person doesn't consider me evil.

"Let's talk later, with Flora and Moon." Em said to me as he walked past me and into a crowd of people.

Sure, let's.

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