Chapter 5: the Spark Flies.

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"Seems like your ride is here." Moon said.

I immediately go into a panic, I don't show it, but I'm very panicked. 'Why?' you ask? Because I forgot we had something to do. Specifically, we needed to rob a high security bank, and Blaise doesn't tolerate any mistakes, let alone being over an hour late.

"You seem off, want to talk?" Moon asked.

"Can't. bye." I said as I hurriedly walked to my 'dad's' bike.

I got yelled at there as we drove off, but I looked back to Phaze, and he looked, not stressed, but deep in thought, hand on chin, calculating. I look at Moon, and she seems worried, and when I look back at Phaze, he's disappeared. I finally tune back into reality on the bike.

"Are you even listening to me you worthless wreck of a science experiment!?"

"I told you I'm not a-"

"Did I ask you to talk back!?" he said angrily; this is the first time he's been this mad in a while, I audibly whimper.

"WEAK!" he said as he pulled over and opened a suitcase. There was a pistol in there, but not one of dad's.

"Pick it up. Now!"

I hesitated but lifted it up. Guns are by no means legal to own in Capan, especially by a criminal; and here I was, holding up a gun, fully loaded. I knew how it worked; Blaise trained me in shooting this type of gun. I've never really liked guns.

"We're going to the highest security bank in the city, you've got no leeway to avoid killing anyone, and bullets are faster than burning." He said.

No. no, please, no. I just this morning saw the repercussions of doing something like that, I can't, it's not possible.. but I can't go against him; I've tried before, it's never ended well, and why am I getting so stuck up over this anyways, I knew this time would come, and it's not like I'm killing Phaze, and even if I was, I've only known him for two days.

"Alright." I said quietly, as I put the gun in my pocket, and we hit the road again to the bank. No way out of this, I wish there was. If only I was as smart as Phaze, or as physically strong as him, or mentally strong, maybe I should've opened up to him, he knew I was struggling, it's just my stubbornness that got me here. Maybe I am weak.

"What!?" Blaise yelled as he got of the bike, I jumped off of it in time before it slid to a crash, he must be really distracted, but at what?

I look over and.. oh. That is surprising. Guards all on the ground, bank entrance busted open, and a familiar face sitting on the edge of the roof.


"You know this kid?"


"Yes, quite well." Phaze said as he launched himself off the edge with his hands, and landed feet first, standing straight up and cracking his neck. "I've gotten rid of any obstacles here, so you can enter and take the money, but I want to talk first."

"I like you." Blaise said. "Care to join us? We make good money."

"Hmm, let's see." Phaze Started. If he opens his mouth and jumps on his nerves, he will die, but he has that signature grin, the one that shows when a plan is being put into action, Moon mentioned it as we were walking in between club rooms. I can't stop him, I can only hope.

"Well, I would if I was interested in arson, murder, grand larceny, abuse of minors, mental torment and manipulation over a teenager, using people like tools, maybe into going against the law, or just general terrorism, then maybe, but I'm afraid that's just not the case."

"Well then why are you here?!"

"Certainly not for you." He responded to my dad.

"Alma, shoot him!"

"What!? He's not hurting us, and he practically just let us walk in and out without any struggle!"

"You need to shoot him in order to grow, it was integral for you to be able to do this, kill someone, and then we'd grow our game out to further places, like the capital and their banks, you need to grow to do that! Don't go against me." He said.

I pulled my gun out of my pocket and aimed at him, no way I could miss; even with my hands trembling, I softly apologized as I cocked the gun back.

"No need to say sorry, this is exactly what I planned." Phaze said with a large grin.

"What?" my dad said, I couldn't help but feel the same way, confused, that is.

"You played right into my hand, and now, a real-life moral dilemma for the ages! You can choose to hold onto your last thread of moral justice, or kill, right here, right now! Someone you care for no less, yes I was annoying, but you appreciated all I did, and how you felt when you thought you killed me, how you saw how other people felt, it's hard to go back after the first kill, it becomes addicting, isn't that right, Blaise?"

"I- yes."

"Exactly! So now you have a choice. You could shoot me, end things here, at least with me; then go on to live the rest of your life in a grey mindset never experiencing even a bit of happiness, like the happiness you felt when quipping back at me and my wit, or anyone else that you've met. Then there's the other option, go against the man whose been abusing you for over a decade and stop living your life in fear, in a state of social seclusion, you liked when I treated you like a person and not a criminal; it's up to you."

I fall to my knees. What Phaze said is all true I drop my gun, I just look at Phaze, my eyes tearing up

"I.. I can't shoot you. You know that!" I said, my throat sore.

"You're a failure." Blaise said as he pulled out his pistol and shot at Phaze.

"No!" I said, he was my first ever friend, kind of a mentor, and now there go three bullets straight through him.

"I'm happy you care for me so much." He said, Phaze said, to me, alive.

"How!?" Blaise said as he shot him again. With tears out of my eyes enough to see clearly, it just went through him, no bullet hole, no blood. Just phased right through him.

"How? It's in the name." he replied to my dad, as he ran at him, jumped up, phased through him, pulled handcuffs out of what seemed like his arm, cuffed Blaise, and knocked him on the ground. I sit on my knees only able to move my eyes and head, I can't talk, my head is going through too much.

"So." Phaze Started as he walked towards me. "Ready to open up yet?"

I could only nod in response. Shocked, but grateful.

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